The Importance of Being Earnest Cast

Patrick Moyer (Jack Worthing)
The play's protagonist. Jack Worthing is a seemingly responsible and respectable young man who leads a double life.
David Lewis (Algernon Moncrieff)
A young eligible bachelor from London, the nephew of Lady Bracknell and friend to Jack.
Vanessa Stipkovits (Gwendolen Fairfax)
Lady Bracknell's daughter, loved by Jack Worthing.
Karima Rose (Lady Augusta Bracknell)
A society lady, Gwendolen's mother and Algernon's aunt.
Aria Grace Kratz (Lane)
Algernon's valet.
Taylor Tedesco (Cecily Cardew)
A young lady of eighteen, the ward of Jack Worthing. Enamored with "Earnest"
Patricia Crowe (Miss Laetitia Prism)
Cecily's governess.
Samuel Granieri (Dr. Chasuble)
The priest at Jack's country parish.
Robert Janusz (Merriman)
The butler of Jack's country house.