The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) Creative

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Bobby Genereau
Mr. Genereau revived the Drama Club 10 years ago. Since that time, The Canalside Players have grown an audience, performed various types of shows including musicals and dinner theater, participated in the METG Festival, and provided arts education for hundreds of Upper Cape Tech students. He would like to thank his wife and daughter who have provided him countless support over the years.
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Katie Beatty-Goers
Katie is a community theatre actor all around Cape Cod. This is her second year with the Canalside Players. Katie is thrilled with all the progress she has seen the drama students make, and she is excited about the future of the club.
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Artistic Director
Galen McDonald
Mr. McDonald, who runs the Art Club at UCT, graciously lent his talents to the set design for Little Shop of Horrors. Mr. McDonald is a graduate of Clark University with a Bachelors of Arts in Studio Art.
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Jean of All Trades
Autumn Sicina (Bob #1)
Autumn is a senior who has really grown in her time in Drama Club. From her humble beginnings in Tech Crew, Autumn has risen to the stage in such roles as Marcie, Bernstein, and Bob.
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Stage Manager
Aliyanna Malgeri (And Bob)
Aliyanna is overjoyed to be a part of this amazing production by the UCT Drama Club made by these amazing people that have welcomed me into their club. In this show I do not play a role that you see on stage but instead I work on lights and the set(s) that you will see. Though I have not worked with Drama or anything like this before I will bring my best foot forward with my jobs that I have been trusted with. I also hope that I can spend my next three years with these amazing people, if or when you want to join this club I will welcome you with open arms like these people did with me. I also hope that I can spend my next years with the IT shop that has already taught me so much in such little time.
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Lena Ellis
Lena is very excited to help out with this show. She has never had an acting role but is helping out with set designs and lights. Lena has been helping out with drama since freshman year of high school. Lena is a junior in the Environmental Technology shop. She wants to thank Molly for telling/showing her all about drama.
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Tech Crew
Corey McElroy
Corey is a part of the tech crew. He is a senior in auto collision repair. He worked on You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown and Little Shop of Horrors. Last year he worked on Lights with Lena Ellis. This year Corey will be doing set design. Corey would like to thank Mr.Genereau, his friends: the burning lord (Matt)and ozone(Owen) and himself.
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Tech Crew
Abby Morrison
Abby is taking a break from the stage to learn new theatre skills on Tech Crew. She looks forward to being a part of this production.

Original Creative Team

The Authors:

Adam Long

 Daniel Singer

 Jess Winfield