The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) Cast

Shaun Miranda (Shaun)
Shaun is a sophomore in the Horticulture shop. Shaun has already made a huge mark on UCT Drama, playing Charlie Brown, Seymour Krelborn, Detective Harris, and now his toughest role to date: himself? Come join Shaun and the gang as they regale you with tales of the past with the comedy of today.
Emily Mello (Emily)
Just when she thought she was out, we pulled her back in! Emily Mello is a senior in Vet Tech, who just came off a red-hot performance as Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors. But we couldn't let a talent like this walk out without giving her one last chance to thrill audiences with her comedic talents. "Though she be but little, she is fierce."
Lola Minahan (Lola)
Rising star Lola Minahan is a freshman in the Culinary shop. Lola played the lead in Cafe Murder as well as Crystal in Little Shop of Horrors. Now she brings her energy and humor back to the stage as she joins this kooky cast in their retelling of William Shakespeare's beloved plays