The Cagebirds and Us and Them Cast

Kate Ickes (The (Long-Tongued) Gossip, Spokesman B)
Kate said that she enjoyed working with the cast and crew for this production, but it was said through gritted teeth, so that is still being fact checked. Kate’s favorite part of the show was making others engage in war on her behalf. Kate spends her free time discussing the best sports team in the whole universe and getting confused looks by the rest of the cast. Kate also discovered her passion for being attacked on stage and has plans to continue to be tackled  as often as possible. Kate would also like to thank her husband , family, and especially her dogs, except Bean, for their support and love. Go Irish!
Bonnie DeLozier (The (Mirror-Eyed) Gazer, Other A)
Bonnie’s theatre experience began with ACT in 1976 where she spent ten years both onstage and as a stage manager before moving to Pittsburgh. In her 35 years there, she worked as a public health educator and performed in local and regional theatre. Favorite roles included Truvy in Steel Magnolias and Smitty in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. This show marks her first appearance on any stage in 15 years and her first performance on an Altoona stage since 1985 (she was 15!) She is grateful for the support and love of family and friends, especially her niece who is the inspiration for her Cagebirds character! (You know who you are!)
David Wirick (The (Medicated) Gloom, Other B)
has been involved in local theater since 1997 and has played all sorts of characters including a drunken Santa, police officer, lothario, drug dealer and apple salesman, a lord and CEO of a hospital, a miser, a skinflint Scrooge, a drunk deputy, general, apostle, peasant, ghost story teller, leper, an angel, Rumpelstiltskin, Rip Van Winkle, Dogberry, and even a dog. “And I've been murdered several times over the years. It's been a truly incredible run for which I am eternally thankful. But this is the very first time to play a bird! It's been a joy to feather my nest with this role and this flock! I hope you can enjoy the parody of human behaviors tonight and take away something that helps you to make it a better world too. God knows we can use the improvements.”
Nadine Miller (The (Regular) Thump, Other A)
Nadine would like to make it known that, with the exception that she has, in fact, never seen a chicken read, she does not condone, enforce, or encourage any of the statements or actions performed by her characters on stage. Nadine attributes her values of love, kindness and acceptance to her parents, Rick and Janice Miller. They taught her to be open minded, caring, and accepting of all. Nadine has loved working with this wonderful cast and crew and is looking forward to being involved in many more shows with Things Unseen!
Christine Keppler (The (Constant) Twitting, Other B)
Christine is grateful for the opportunity to be involved in such a great show with such great people. You may recognize Christine from her recent role as Mrs. Peacock in ACT’s production of Clue. Scientists are currently conducting studies to see if Christine is indeed part bird. Christine’s hobbies include scratching the dirt with her feet and eating sunflower seeds. Christine’s greatest ambition is to be cast as Kate Sanders in Birds of Paradise. She would like to say CHEEP! CHEEP! to the cast and crew, and hopes this means “I love you guys!”
Lydia Berry (The (Great) Guzzler, Other A)
This is Lydia’s second show at Things Unseen, or so she thinks. The theater looks vaguely familiar to her, which leads her to believe that she has done a show here before. Lydia has thoroughly enjoyed being in this show. Mostly because she never went home hungry! Lydia will be accepting submissions for the Blair County Semi-Annual Suet Pudding Eating Contest. Lydia would like to thank the people who birthed her and the boy who tolerates her for all of their love and support. Lydia would like to dedicate this performance to all of the chickens, even though she knows that they can’t read this program.
Maddie Letsche (The Wild One, Referee)
Maddie is honoured to share the stage with such an incredible group of people who truly worship her amazing talent. This is not Maddie’s first production. For a list of complete works (and probably photos) please refer to her wonderful mother Laura. In her spare time, Maddie enjoys breaking up fights — or encouraging them. It’s difficult to tell sometimes. Maddie would like to thank the queen for giving her such a blessedly easy-to-learn role, which has left plenty of time for her newfound hobbies of lock picking and tennis. Maddie would like to thank her partner, friends, and family for their support and her fans for having such great taste in entertainment.
Stephanie Walls (The Mistress, Other A)
Stephanie is honored to be onstage for the first time and may even consider auditioning for another show if she gets enough applause tonight. Stephanie truly enjoyed her role as the Mistress and owning so many birds. Which made Christine increasingly nervous. Stephanie was grateful that the rest of the cast allowed her to speak onstage until she realized that she would have to learn her part! Stephanie’s hobbies include building walls, and then tearing them back down, and playing Follow-the-Leader. Stephanie would like to thank her family for all of their love and support. Stephanie would also like to thank the cast and crew for welcoming her with open arms, even though it was usually because they were trying to guide her to the correct spot to stand.
Donal Fagan (The Recorder)
Donal has been a Things Unseen and Church in the Middle of the Block fan for years, and is excited to act in his first show here. He'd like to thank Pink Floyd for Us and Them playing in his head for the last six weeks, and David Campton for naming his character after the much-maligned woodwind. Donal was most recently seen in ACT's Miracle on 34th Street, and built sets for The Addams Family, Oliver and Matilda at the Mishler Theatre.
Bethany Helsel (Spokesman A)
Bethany is beyond excited to be on stage leading her team of the 'best lemmings' in her first named character role as Spokesman A. Bethany has typically been found backstage and recently has been referred to by some of her friends as a "master of (on-stage) violence". If you had the opportunity to catch recent ACT productions of Angel Street, Clue On Stage, Oliver! or Things Unseen's production of She Kills Monsters in 2019, you've seen what they mean. She wishes to thank Director Michelle, SM Don and the rest of the cast for making this such an excellent experience! She sends a special thanks to her family and closest friends for their never-ending support and understanding on why they haven't seen much of her in months. She also wishes to thank Jessie, Patrick, Becky and Jordan for their acting advice as well as the rest of the Angel Street family for their love and encouragement to explore this new aspect of theatre. "Go Trojans!" 
David Korman (Other B)
This is David’s first show with Things Unseen. He appeared in ACT’s Productions of Oliver as Dr. Grimwig, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance as Jake Dewitt, and Young Frankenstein in the ensemble. He was also in the P&J productions of The Music Man, Oliver, and Willy Wonka. He is employed at Super 8 By Wyndham in Altoona as the General Manager. He has been married to his wife Amy for 27 years and has three children, Rachel, Erin, and Ryan. He dedicates his performance to his family which is always supportive. It's an honor to perform in this great venue.