About The Cagebirds and Us and Them

"In this extraordinary play [Cagebirds], a "room" and a "cage" and "people" and "captive birds" all become confused until a dramatic climax in which we suddenly see reality. Six women live in a locked room, each absorbed in her own petty interest and in placating the "Mistress" who takes care of them. Then a "Wild One" is thrust in among them. She talks of breaking out of the room to find freedom. She troubles the others who remain secure in their cage, and they all join against her in the shattering conclusion to this unforgettable play that offers eight actresses an unusual opportunity."

"A meaningful play [Us and Them] that begins with two groups of wanderers looking for a place to settle. They agree to share and mark the line between their territories, then build a small wall. The wall is built higher and then still higher. Suspicion and mistrust grow to the point where the groups must inevitably explode in conflict."

Things Unseen Theatre

The goal of Things Unseen Theatre is to use theatre as not only an entertainment vehicle, but also as a means to inform, educate our audiences, stimulate thought, support local artists, and inspire action in addressing issues. Our mission is threefold:

  • to integrate theatre as a common activity within the community of Central Pennsylvania
  • to support local playwrights and artists
  • to present theatrical productions that address social issues of particular importance in the Central Pennsylvania region in order to educate our community and hopefully inspire change.