Women's Wit & Wisdom Part 1 Creative
Adriana MarmoAdriana has enjoyed acting in many local theater productions, from Actor's Theatre (MAMA WON'T FLY, THE BEST MAN, TWELVE ANGRY JURORS), to Resurrection Theatre (BALM IN GILEAD, COMIC POTENTIAL), to Happy Hour Theatre (TRIFLES). She is also a board member at Artist's Collective with EMH Theatre, and has enjoyed acting in several productions there, including STRANGE IS LOVE and WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
Haruka BowmanHaruka Bowman is proud to be an intern at The Ooley Theatre. They are very excited to show their work from their first time professionally directing. They are learning all about what it takes to run a theater and the shows done when at the community level. They hope to one day own their own space too!
Joanna JohnsonDirector
Elise Hodge