Red Herring Cast

Mia Morgan (She/They) (Maggie Pelletier)
Mia is thrilled to be Maggie as their closing performance with The New School. Last year, she played Amanda Wingfield in "The Glass Menagerie" and previously have held roles in productions like "The Alibis" and "A Midsummer Night’s Dream." When not on stage, they can be found coaching and playing volleyball, writing furiously, reading into the wee hours of the morning, or chasing after their kittens. She would like to thank her parents for continuously supporting her, her kittens for being the chattiest rehearsal buddies, and Meg, for being Meg <3
Jonas Walker (He/Him) (Frank Keller / Priest)
Jonas is looking forward to playing one of the leads in this year’s production: "Red Herring." He’s a senior this year at The New School of Northern Virginia. Outside of school, he enjoys throwing pots and tie-dying. In school, you’ll find him playing goalie on the soccer team, or as an active member of the student wellness committee. He wants to thank his parents for being supportive in all his endeavors.
Courtney Weldon (She/Her) (Lynn McCarthy)
Courtney is currently a sophomore at The New School and this is her third production here. She’s been doing theater ever since she was seven years old and has been in countless productions since. A few of these shows include "The Lion King" and "Aladdin" at her summer theater camp, as well as "Madeline’s Christmas and The Christmas Angel" at Creative Cauldron. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, playing volleyball, reading, and listening to music. She would like to thank Jonathan for the enormous amount of time and dedication he has put into staging this show, as well as the whole cast and crew for putting in the work and doing their best to construct this hilarious show together and bring it to life. Enjoy the show!
Noah Freedman (He/Him) (James Appel)
Noah is playing James in "Red Herring," as he played Jim last year in "The Glass Menagerie." Prior to that, he performed as main triangle in a single concert, with little acting training that he can remember. He would like to thank the crew for being cool.
Arminé Heard (She/Her) (Mrs. Kravitz)
Arminé is excited to be a part of her first performance at The New School. In the past she has done many shows with Creative Cauldron and Outside The Box Theater, some of which include "Madeline’s Christmas," "Peter Pan," "The Lightning Thief," "How to Make a Musical," and more. She would like to thank her parents and friends for helping her learn her lines.
Drew Reynolds (He/Him) (Andrei Borchevsky)
Drew is excited to be part of this year’s play at The New School after running the light board in last year’s production of "The Glass Menagerie." He has performed in numerous Imagination Stage summer teen productions, including "Freaky Friday," "Guys and Dolls," "Matilda," and "Newsies." Drew is a percussionist in the DC Youth Orchestra Program and plays steel drums with the Vienna Jammers Percussion Ensemble. He is also a member of The Profoundlings improv and stand-up comedy ensemble at Round House Theatre. Drew would like to thank his grandparents for taking him to professional theater productions over the years. He would also like to thank his parents for providing him with opportunities to be immersed in the world of performing arts.
Ryelyn Nordeng (They/Them) (Petey / Major Hartwell)
Ryelyn is thrilled to be a part of "Red Herring." Ryelyn recently played Tom in last years production of "The Glass Menagerie." In their free time, Ryelyn enjoys creating original music, playing guitar, and writing creative fiction. He would like to thank his mother for helping him with his lines.
Rune Loizeaux (He/Him) (Mrs. McCarthy / Clerk)
This is Rune’s first ever school play at The New School. He has performed before, but never with an audience due to COVID. He’s done plays at theater camps when he was younger, one being Next Stop Theater. Rune has been at The New School since 6th grade and he enjoys The New School’s classes. His favorites include Language and Identity, German 2, and Fiction Inspired Art. His favorite activities are baking, reading, and writing. Enjoy the show!
Annabelle Yeh (She/Her) (Clerk / Mrs. McCarthy)
Annabelle is excited to be participating in The New School’s production of the "Red Herring." She has previously been in many plays and musicals including "Newsies" (Katherine Plumber), "Romeo & Juliet" (Nurse), "The Little Mermaid" (Ariel), and "Beauty & the Beast" (ensemble). Aside from acting, Annabelle also enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and playing volleyball. She wants to thank her parents for helping her rehearse lines. Hope you enjoy the show!
Lil Sayer (They/Them) (Harry / Woody)
Lil is incredibly excited to make their high school acting debut in "Red Herring." They have acted before in their former school, The Newton School, and have done several acting camps at GMU. They enjoy drawing and playing musical instruments in their free time, and like to write short stories when given the chance. They want to thank their mom and friends for encouraging them to perform in theater.
Sam Frankel (He/Him) (Dr. Kasden)
Sam is super excited to be a part of this performance of "Red Herring." He has been a part of a YMCA acting camps. While he is not onstage, he likes to bake and spend time with his friends.
Sophie G (She/Her) (Mrs. Van Nostrand)
Sophie Grzadzinski is extremely excited to be in the "Red Herring" cast this year. She has been at The New School for two years now. Being a sophomore, Sophie has experienced what it feels to be a part of a community that she connects with and friends who always make her feel like she belongs. This is Sophie’s second show, being in "The Glass Menagerie" (Amanda Wingfield) the year prior, where she was in the cast not participating in Cappies. In between Magic: The Gathering club and tennis practice she enjoys snuggling with her cat, Hugo, and hanging with her friends.
Nick Giuseppe (He/Him) (Corpse / Herbert / Bartender)
Nick is excited to be a part of "Red Herring" at The New School of Northern Virginia.
Charlie Pollack (He/Him) (Bartender)
Charlie is an artist and cosplayer who had a few leading roles in his grade school’s educational plays. He helped with the costume procurement and design. He currently has three cosplay rewards from various contests.
Voice of Joe McCarthy (Henry Edwards)
A special thank you to Henry for stepping in last minute to help out the show.