The Curious Savage Cast

Saige Schupbach (Mrs. Savage)
Saige is a senior majoring in Cinema and Digital Arts. This is her third production with TMU Theatre Arts, and she is so thankful for the opportunity to get to work with this incredible cast and crew and glorify the Lord together. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Georgia Gastelum (Florence)
Georgia is a freshman majoring in Teacher Education. She hopes to teach elementary and possibly, high school, theatre. Georgia feels blessed beyond measure to get the opportunity to be a part of such a Christ honoring and glorifying program. She hopes you enjoy the show as much as she has!
Jordan Alberto (Hannibal)
Jordan is a sophomore from Burbank, California majoring in Biblical Counseling and Kinesiology. When he’s not in theatre, he enjoys playing chess and watching football. This is his second show with TMU Theatre Arts and he’s grateful for the opportunity he has had to witness the program’s unwavering commitment to Christ day in and day out.
Eleanor Faris (Fairy May)
Eleanor is so excited to be in her first TMU Theatre Arts production! She is a freshman studying Piano Performance and is so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this program. She hopes that the audience will be impacted and blessed by this lovely story!
Mason Friesen (Jeffery)
Mason is a freshman majoring in Communication Studies. This is his first TMU Theatre Arts production and he is so grateful to be a part of such an amazing team. His hope is that through theatre he can grow as an individual and bring glory to the Lord!
Madeleine Burtner (Mrs. Paddy)
Madeleine is a senior majoring in Marketing Media. This is her third production with TMU Theatre Arts and she is so excited to be a part of this amazing show. Some of her favorite shows include Father of the Bride and Mary Poppins. She feels so blessed to work with this incredible cast and crew!
Max Martin (Titus )
Max is a freshman majoring in Cinema and Digital Arts. This is Max’s 8th year of theatre involvement. Some of Max’s past productions include Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, and Willy Wonka. He would like to thank the directing team and most importantly the Lord for this amazing opportunity. He hopes that you enjoy the show.
Mark Protsyuk (Samuel)
Mark is a sophomore majoring in Computer Science with an emphasis in Mathematics. He was raised in Sacramento, CA, and was always persuaded to pursue his creativity for the glory of The Lord. This is his first theatre production and he praises God for this great opportunity to work with other creative brothers and sisters.
Rylie Friesen (Lily Belle)
A senior studying Communication, Rylie has been blessed to be part of TMU Theatre Arts throughout her college education! The Curious Savage is her fifth show and she couldn’t be more excited to share this story with you. In addition to theatre, Rylie loves chai lattes, thrifting, and bossa nova. May the LORD be glorified by this production!
Daisy Roser (Miss Wilhelmina)
Daisy is a junior, majoring in Creative Writing and Publishing. This is her first production. She is excited about the creative aspects of TMU’s Theatre Arts program and the chance to dress up for an audience. Most exciting of all, however, is her parents’ promised visit from Southern Illinois to watch her on stage.
Isaac Moorhead (Dr. Emmett)
Isaac is a General Biblical Studies major in his junior year and is excited for the opportunity to put God's truth, goodness and beauty on display by means of theatre. Laugh along with him, for as Byron says, "And if I laugh at any mortal thing-- 'Tis that I may not weep."