Matilda Jr. Cast

Sofia Sky Montenegro Annis (Matilda)
Sky has been in VPA for 4 years. She sang a solo for the Bayshore Winter Concert in 2022. This is her first musical theater experience. She is excited to be in Matilda Jr. and play the lead character. Sky would like to thank her Mom and Dad for pushing her to do the show.
Andreea Bajada (Agatha Trunchbull)
Andreea has participated in VPA for 6 years and has been in a musical in the last previous year in Moana Jr. She is excited to be one of the lead roles in this musical. Andreea would like to thank her mother and father for letting her be open to new experiences and to thank her sister for pushing her to do her very best and helping her realize her potential.
Alex De Vera (Miss Jennifer Honey)
Alex has been in VPA since Kindergarten. This is her second musical with BMT the first being Moana Jr. in 2022. She is ready and anxious to be in this play and would like to thank her family and teachers for supporting her.
Roland Amort (Mr. Wormwood)
Roland is an 8th grader at The Bayshore School. Roland has never been in a musical. He is excited to perform and participate in this show. He would like to thank his family for encouraging him and Mr. Dyson for accepting him.
Hana Garcia (Mrs. Wormwood)
Hana has participated in Bayshore’s theater program for three years and has been a part of the Bayshore community for the past six years. Hana has participated in Bayshore’s Winter Show, Seussical Jr., and Moana. Hana would like to thank her family, friends, and Mr. Dyson, for providing support.
Takeo Atangan (Bruce Bogtrotter)
Takeo has been performing dance with Hui Tarava since he was a toddler. It will be his first BMT experience and first time in a broadway musical. He is excited to be in Matilda Jr. Takeo would like to thank his family for support and encouragement.
Chloe Bishop (Lavendar)
Chloe has been in VPA for four years. This is her third musical with BMT, her first being Seussical Jr. and second being Moana Jr. She is excited to have a lead role. She is happy to be in another play and would like to thank her parents and teachers for supporting her.
Logan Pangilinan (Michael Wormood)
Logan has been participating in VPA for 7 years. He performed in Seussical Jr. 2 years ago for his first BMT and broadway musical experience. He is excited to take on another role in Matilda Jr. He wishes to thank his family for support.
Chloe Collantes (Mrs. Phelps)
Chloe has been in VPA for 8 years and BMT for three years being a part of Suessical Jr. as Mayzie, Moana Jr. as the ancestor, and now this show, Matilda Jr. She has also been in a Tahitian dance group and competed when she was seven. She has been in the Bayshore community for eight years. Chloe would like to thank her family for encouraging her in doing what she loves.
Baylee Herrera (The Acrobat)
Baylee has been at Bayshore for three years. Baylee is in the 4th Grade. She loves to sing and dance on her free time. She had her debut performing a lead role in Seussical Jr. in 2021. She is excited to perform in Matilda Jr. She wishes to thank her family for always being there for her.
Meleyah Harris (Amanda Thripp)
Meleyah has never been in a musical but she has been singing dancing since she was a toddler. She has participated in VPA for 3 years. She got a chance to perform at the 2022 Bayshore Block Party and the crowd loved her. She is excited to be in Matilda Jr. and can't wait for the show. She wants to thank her family for being so supportive.
Dylan Banaag (Nigel)
Dylan has been in VPA for three years. This will be his first Musical Theater experience. He is excited and ready for Matilda Jr. Dylan would like to thank his family for supporting him.
Alexa Ha (Alice)
Alexa has been a part of VPA since Kindergarten for the past 3 years. She was featured in Bayshore's Virtual Talent Show in 2021. This will be her first Musical Theater performance. She wishes to thank her family specifically her sisters Ava and Tammy for bringing her to Bayshore.
Kyleigh Basconcillo (Hortensia)
Kyleigh has been in VPA for 3 years. Matilda Jr. will be her first show in Musical Theater. Kyleigh would like to thank her family for taking care of her since she was little..
Jaxon Sylvester (Tommy/Escapologist)
Jaxon has been in VPA for three years. He has also been a part of Bayshore Family Circle on Bayshore TV for a few years. He is excited for his first Musical Theater experience. Jaxon would like to thank his family for finding the movie and convincing him to watch it.
Giancarlo Ferrusca (Eric)
Giselle Sanchez (Sergei/Ensemble/Parent/Big Kid)
Giselle has been in VPA for 8 years. She has performed throughout those years in Bayshore's Winter and Spring Concerts. She is also one of the original Bayshore Family Circle announcers on Bayshore TV. She has been a part of the crew for different BMT shows. This will be her first time being a part of the cast. She would like to thank her family and friends for their support.
Dana Moon (Ensemble/Big Kid)
Dana has been in BMT and the Bayshore School for two years. She has beeen in Moana as Te Ka and the ensemble. Dana wants to thank family and friends for supporting her.
Shante Okry (Ensemble/Big Kid/Cook)
Shante has been in VPA for five years. This is her second musical with BMT. She was excited to perform in Moana Jr. in 2022. She would like to thank her mom, family and teachers for supporting her.
Toni Masoli (Ensemble/Big Kid)
Toni has been in VPA for 2 years. This is her second musical with BMT starting last year with Moana Jr. She would like to thank her other school for teaching her siva and Hannah for helping her.
Shanice Okry (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Mia Garcia (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Mia has been in VPA for 3 years. This is her first musical theater experience and first time in BMT. She is excited to be in Matilda Jr. because she gets to perform with her friends.
Renell Faataui (Rudolpho/Ensemble/Big Kid)
Renell has been involved in VPA for three years participating in Bayshore Spring and Winter Concerts since 2020. This is her second year in BMT starting in 2022 with Moana Jr. Renell would like to thank her cousins and her mom for supporting her.
Milena Cheung (Ensemble/Little Kid/US Acrobat)
Milena has been in VPA for 4 years. This is her first musical theater experience. She is excited to be in Matilda Jr. Milena would like to thank her friends and family for encouraging her to be in the show.
Abigail Hernandez (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Kianna Montilliano (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Zoar Nah (Ensemble/Big Kid)
Britany Escamilla (Ensemble/Big Kid)
Britany has been a part of VPA for three years. In 2021, she was a Who in Seussical Jr. and in 2022 she performed in Moana Jr. She would like to thank Mr. Dyson for supporting her.
Madoralynn Faalavelave (Ensemble/Big Kid)
Milett Pacheco (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Estefany Jeronimo (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Dominic Dizon (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Hannah Palomar (Ensemble/Big Kid)
Jacey Sylvester (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Jacey is in 1st Grade at Bayshore. She has participated in VPA for 1 year. She is excited to get a chance to perform in her first Musical Theater show. She loves Matilda the Musical and is excited to be a part of it. She wishes to thank her family, friends for support.
Cielo Bayona (Ensemble/Little Kid)
Cielo is in 2nd Grade. This is her first year at Bayshore. She loves VPA and singing. She has never been in a Musical before and this will be her first. She wishes to thank her mom, family, and friends for support.
Agnes Seuseu (Ensemble/Big Kid)