About The Last to Know: A Juneteenth Story

Picture a lifetime spent in bondage. Then, a proclamation echoes, declaring, "all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward shall be free." Yet, the revelation dawns two years late, leaving you in disbelief. The AngelWing Project, through poignant performance, will unveil the narrative of Juneteenth, capturing the essence of that historic day for those who experienced it firsthand. Witness the show and listen to the voices of "the last to know."

The AngelWing Project, Inc.

The AngelWing Project, Inc. (AWP) is an innovative 501(C)3 non-profit performing arts organization dedicated to using the performing arts to uplift the community both surrounding and at large.  We educate and empower by telling stories through powerful performances about culture and our humanity. We are dedicated to building bridges, delivering quality performances,  and creating lasting relationships.  

Our artists have been committed, creative individuals who give unselfishly of themselves as they dedicate themselves to numerous rehearsals, learning scripts, teaching, and performing with their hearts.

Our desire is to reach beyond our neighborhood, our county, and our region and become known for our excellent work, our exceptional artistry and our commitment to helping others. We will create artful experiences that are lasting, impactful, aspirational, and soul stirring while becoming an irresistible attraction in our community.