Coming Home-8 Short Plays of Journey and Discovery Cast

Sherry Bonder (Miriam)
Maternal Instincts by Sherry Bonder
Alysa Southall (Alex)
Maternal Instincts by Sherry Bonder
Emily Colwell (Maya)
Maternal Instincts by Sherry Bonder
Bruce Deveau (Angelo)
My New Assignment by Bruce Deveau
Mike Pingree (Dad)
My New Assignment by Bruce Deveau
Nicole Brooks (Emily)
My New Assignment by Bruce Deveau
Ian Owens (Terry)
The Ways of the World by Nick Adams
Susan Van Drie (Valerie)
The Ways of the World by Nick Adams
Alysa Southall (Ella)
Road Trip by Nicole Brooks
Michelle Mombrinie (Mom)
Road Trip by Nicole Brooks
Allan Haley (Norm)
Long Time by Nick Hennessey
Pat Tosches-Beckwith (Eileen)
Long Time by Nick Hennessey
Adair Rowland (Her)
One Night Stand-In by Adair Rowland
Ian Ownes (Him)
One Night Stand-In
Nicole Brooks (Taylor)
State of the Nation by Judith Strang-Waldau
Sherry Bonder (Homeless Woman)
State of the Nation by Judith Strang-Waldau
Bruce Deveau (Jonathan)
Sex in the Park by Jack Rushton
Michelle Mombrinie (Diane)
Sex in the Park by Jack Rushton