Irving Berlin's White Christmas Cast

Ben Adams (Ensemble)
Ben is making his debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my Mom." His favorite memory has been experiencing making a show for the first time!
Sarah Adams* (Ensemble)
Sarah has worked as a Stage Hand for Oklahoma been a member of the Ensemble in Our Town. "I would like to thank The P’s, my parents, the whole Mav/Grizzly company." Sarah would love anything Pokemon related for Christmas!
Sadie Bagley* (Ensemble)
Sadie has worked as the Lighting Apprentice for Oklahoma and appeared as Wally Webb in Our Town. "I would like to thank my friends that I've made through theater, their kindness and love has kept me going through the rough times." Sadie would love 3-4 ferrets for Christmas!
Hannah Banning (Featured Dancer)
Hannah is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my mom for taking me to rehearsals and always making sure I'm prepared." Hannah has loved how dedicated this cast and crew have been to making this an incredible show!
Mora Boyd* (Mrs. Snoring Man/Sextet)
Mora has appeared as a member of the Vocal Ensemble for Mamma Mia and Oklahoma, worked as the Sound Engineer for A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Mrs. Soames in Our Town. "I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. P, for creating a safe space that I can express myself in freely without judgement, all of my fellow cast and our amazing crew for all their hard work, and my family, most especially my mother, for tolerating me in the mornings after late night rehearsals." Mora's favorite part of the show has been seeing the blossom of growth that occurs over the course of the show!
Destani Boyett (Featured Dancer)
Destani is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to think my parents and everyone who helped me get to where I am now!!" Destani would love some college dorm stuff for Christmas!
Cordon Boylan (Ensemble)
Cordon has appeared as a member of the Ensemble in Oklahoma, the Philostrate in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Joe Crowell, Jr. in Our Town. "I would like to thank my brother for always taking me to rehearsals." Cordon has really enjoyed working on the music for this show, he thinks the music is the best part of any musical!
Emily Calhoun (Featured Dancer)
Emily is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my Parents and my best friend for convincing me to do this show!" Emily would honestly love some snow for Christmas!
Bridget Caruthers (Susie Waverly)
Bridget has been involved with community and youth theatre for years, but is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my family and my friends for being supportive, and Mr. and Mrs. P for giving me this opportunity." All Bridget wants for Christmas is peace.
Eleanor Caruthers* (Judy Haynes)
Ellie has appeared as Sophie in Mamma Mia, Laurey in Oklahoma, and Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream. "I would like to thank my parents for always being there for me and always supporting me through everything. I’d also like to thank the directors and the stage team for making this beautiful show happen!" Ellie's favorite part of the show has been learning all the dances and lifts!
Josephine Clamser* (Betty Haynes)
Josie has appeared as Ali in Mamma Mia, Antigone in Antigone, Ado Annie in Oklahoma, Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and worked as an Assistant Stage Manager for Our Town. "I would like to thank my parents for always going along with my crazy schedule and being there to support me and encourage my dreams, m sister for being my biggest inspiration in life, and my cats." Her favorite part of working on this show has been being involved in almost everything. She's gotten to know the show inside out, and she truly loves that.
Milo Cockrum (Ensemble)
Milo is making his debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my family, teachers, cousins, grandparents, and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement to make me who I am today." Milo is still thinking about what he wants for Christmas!
Lily Entrekin (Ensemble)
Lily is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my family for always supporting me." Lily would love a nice Christmas with her family this holiday!
Daisey Fisher (Ensemble)
Daisey is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank Mr. Pumphrey." Daisey has really enjoyed rehearsals and putting everything together for this production!
Gracie Franklin (Featured Dancer)
Gracie is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank Josie for getting me to try out!" Gracie has really enjoyed making new friends during this production process!
Kierstin Gallagher (Featured Dancer)
Kierstin is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my mom and dad." Kierstin would love some Taylor Swift tickets for Christmas!
Rain Garrett* (Mike Nulty)
Rain has appeared as a member of the Ensemble in Mamma Mia, Antigone, and Oklahoma, Snug the Joiner in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and a member of the Ensemble for Our Town. "I would like to thank my mom and grandmother for always being so supportive of everything I do." Rain's favorite part of this production has been working at Set Saturdays!
Georgia Gilbert* (Tessie)
Georgia has appeared as a member of the Vocal Ensemble for Mamma Mia, worked as the Runner for Oklahoma, and appeared as Samantha Craig in Our Town. "I would like to thank my family and amazing friends." Georgia would like a jelly cat stuffed animal for Christmas!
Conner Glasscock* (Ralph Sheldrake/Sextet/Featured Dancer)
Conner has appeared as a member of the Ensemble for Oklahoma, Francis Flute in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Mr. Webb in Our Town. "I would like to thank my parents for supporting me through every show I’ve done, my vocal coach for helping me learn to sing, Mr. And Mrs. P for allowing me the opportunities I have in this company. Missy Gibson for giving me so many opportunities outside of Mav Theatre." Conner would love to perform in Newsies for Christmas!
Valeria Gonzalez (Featured Dancer)
Valeria is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my family, since they have been there since day one, God, and my sister, who has helped me through everything." Valeria's favorite part of the show has been Making friends and meeting new people. it has been such an amazing experience and having so many new friends was so exciting!!
Ella Grannon* (Sextet)
Ella has appeared as a member of the Ensemble for Antigone and Oklahoma, Cobweb in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Mrs. Webb in Our Town. "I would like to thank my family for always supporting me and allowing me the opportunity to do theatre, the P’s for always being so kind, understanding, and fun, and my friend Hannah Hunter for keeping me sane this year." Ella would really love a good scholarship for Christmas!
A'Journi Hamilton* (Seamstress)
A'Journi has appeared as a member of the Ensemble in Oklahoma and Bumble in A Midsummer Night's Dream. "I would like to the thank the P’s for giving me these amazing opportunities and all the welcoming veterans I have met along the way." A'Journi has really enjoyed watching all the characters come to life throughout this process!
Scarlett Hansen (Featured Dancer)
Scarlett is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank all of the awesome crew members who work behind the scenes! We wouldn’t be able to have a show without them, and I thank them for their hard work!" Scarlett would love a pet turkey for Christmas!
Mariah Harrison (Featured Dancer)
Mariah has appeared as a Featured Dancer in Oklahoma! "I would like to thank my mom, Mr. and Mrs. P and my friends." Mariah has really loved learning new and challenging dances!
Hannah Hunter* (Martha Watson)
Hannah has appeared as a member of the Ensemble in Antigone, Aunt Eller in Oklahoma, Marigold in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Mrs. Gibbs in Our Town. "I would like to thank my parents, my directors, and my therapist, I’ve been through so much to be where I am today and I have these people in my life to help me through it they don’t get enough credit for all they do." Hannah has really enjoyed Getting to see what she sounds like solo. Making Martha her own is a huge job on its own but working solo is just as hard!
Janiah Johnson (Featured Dancer)
Janiah is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank Mrs. P and Valeria." Janiah has loved being around such good energy during this production!
Tyler Kursh* (Sextet/Featured Dancer)
Tyler has appeared as Egeus in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Simon Stimson in Our Town. "I would like to thank the P’s for letting me have a chance in theatre and loving it even more the more time I spend with the cast, crew, and them, of course." Tyler would love car parts for Christmas!
Evan Law (Mr. Snoring Man/Sextet)
Evan has appeared as Harry Bright in Mamma Mia. "I would like to thank my Mom, Dad, Siblings, Grandparents, and girlfriend Georgia." Evan has really enjoyed learning all the fun music in rehearsal and spending time with people he doesn't go to school with!
Karen Leite (Featured Dancer)
Karen is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank all the people that is making this show possible." Karen would love some puzzles for Christmas!
Kensley Mankins (Rita/Featured Dancer)
Kensley is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my parents, family, friends, and I really want to thank my church family for supporting me." Kensley has loved getting to see all the elements come together in this production!
Ryan McCord (Ensemble)
Ryan is making his debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my (basically sisters) Gracie & Josie for pushing me to do this." Ryan has really enjoyed getting to work outside of his element & have fun with a lot of people he had never met up until this show.
Mackenzie McShan (Assistant Seamstress)
Mackenzie is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank Mr. P." Mackenzie would love a computer for Christmas!
Marley Myska* (Featured Dancer)
Marley has appeared as a member of the Ensemble in Oklahoma, Peaseblossom in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and worked as a Stage Hand for Our Town. "I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. P for giving me the opportunity to be in theatre." Marley has really loved trying on costumes and learning dances for this production!
Kendall Nobles* (Rhoda)
Kendall has appeared as a member of the Ensemble for Oklahoma, Moth in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Rebecca Gibbs in Our Town. "I would like to thank our amazing stage directors! They always come with a positive attitude and are always working their hardest to make the show the best it can be!" Kendall would like to be with her family in Florida for Christmas!
Camila Orozco* (Featured Dancer)
Camila has appeared as a member of the Ensemble for Oklahoma and Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream. "I would like to thank the production team and everyone that has helped me with the dances, songs, blocking, etc." Camila thinks the dances have been really fun to learn and perform for this production!
Macy Poole* (Featured Dancer)
Macy has appeared as a member of the Ensemble for Oklahoma, Flutter in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and a member of the Ensemble for Our Town. "I would like to thank Mr. P and Mrs. P." Macy would love a White Christmas this year!
Aden Schell* (General Waverly)
Aden has appeared as Demetrius in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Professor Willard in Our Town. "I would like to thank The P's for making me feel like I could do it." Aden would love a globe for Christmas!
Laila Smith (Sextet)
Laila has appeared as a member of the Ensemble for Oklahoma. "I would like to thank Josie because she has always been my inspiration for going into theatre and I find great support from her throughout this process." Laila thinks learning the music for this production has been so fun!
Xander Smith* (Bob Wallace)
Xander has appeared as Will Parker in Oklahoma, Theseus in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and George Gibbs in Our Town. "I would like to thank my parents and my friends and the stage team." Xander has really enjoyed getting out of his comfort zone and trying to lead this company during this production!
Asa Stevens* (Phil Davis)
Asa is making his debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank all the alumni who’ve helped me improve from show to show." Asa has really enjoyed getting to learn some of the hardest dances he's ever worked on for this production!
Crosby Turnage (Ensemble)
Crosby is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank Mr. Pumphrey." Crosby has really enjoyed watching the entire show come together!
Kaylin Underwood (Featured Dancer)
Kaylin is making her debut with Maverick/Grizzly Theatre! "I would like to thank my grandparents because they are the most supportive people I know and believe in everything I do." Kaylin would love some Taylor Swift stuff for Christmas!