The Sound of Music Creative

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Kavin Ley
This is Kavin's 12th production with OFMS and his 8th with OFMTC. He has been the theatre teacher at OFMS since the 2021-2022 school year. He is very excited to work with such a talented group of students to bring this beautiful show to life. When not teaching or directing a play, he likes to spend time with his family, cook, listen to audiobooks, play video games, and cross-stitch. Kavin lives in Auburn with his wife (Betsy), their two children (Bryn and Eliza), and dog (Louie).
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Music Director
Betsy Ley
Betsy Ley is Oak Farm Montessori's resident music teacher and director. She also performs locally and has stage experience in both musical theater and opera. Her performance resume includes work with Heartland Sings, Fort Wayne Civic Theater, and the Fort Wayne Philharmonic. The Sound of Music is Betsy's second Oak Farm Montessori Theater Company production and she is thrilled to be working with students on this big and wonderful endeavor. In her personal time, Betsy enjoys being outside, spending time and making music with friends and family, and creating just about anything. She lives in Auburn with her husband and best friend of 10 years, along with her two awesome kiddos and pup Louie.
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Lilly Moser
Lilly Moser is choreographing her second musical here at Oak Farm Montessori School. Last spring, she choreographed and starred in "Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella." Lilly has always loved the arts and performing. This is her 9th year being a competitive dancer at TC Dance Academy for the Performing Arts and this winter she had the privilege to dance in the upcoming movie, Carol, directed by George A. Johnson. When she is not dancing her heart out, you can find her reading or watching a medical drama.
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Tech Crew
Sam Heineman
Sam has been the mastermind behind the lights and sound at Oak Farm Montessori Theatre Company for the past two years, bringing each production to life with his technical expertise. Beyond the theatre, he collaborates on various projects with the Community Learning Center in Kendallville, enhancing local productions with his skill set. When he's not orchestrating the technical aspects of a show, Sam plays bass with his band, Wizards in Texas, where he channels his passion for music into electrifying performances.
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Stage Manager
Adeline Fitzharris
Adeline has assisted as the stage manager for 6 years in Cinderella, The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Sound of Music, and many other plays. When she is not lending a hand, she enjoys reading, writing fiction stories, and snuggling with her sweet puppy, Piper. She loves hanging out with her friends and family.
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Stage Crew
Büşra Çetinkaya
Büşra is an exchange student from Türkiye, spending her year as a senior at Oak Farm Montessori High School. She hasn't done anything related to theatre, but has always been interested in film & TV production! She is part of the stage crew. As it's her first time, she enjoys it! She likes to spend time with her loved ones, and exploring new things to do.