The Little Mermaid Creative

Film Crew
Steven Allen
Steven is a sophomore who is a part of the film crew. He enjoys photography and plays several musical instruments in the high school band. Steven’s keen sense of detail and love for photography won him second place in the Bridgewater fair. Steven also enjoys building Legos which initially began his love for photography. Steven would personally like to thank his friend Andreu for introducing him to theater. Without him, Steven wouldn’t be here in the film crew today.
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Costume Dresser
Alyssa Amorando
Alyssa, a junior at NMHS, is excited to take part as a crew member in her third show, The Little Mermaid. Outside of theater, she enjoys crocheting, reading, and spending time with her cats. She has been in Mamma Mia! (2023) as run crew and costume dresser and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023) as run crew. She would like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for being with the crew at almost every meeting and guiding us through creating the amazing set. She would also like to thank her wonderful crewmates who make her feel welcome and the amazing cast who is always so sweet and cooperative! A special thank you to her family who supported her!
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Assistant Propmaster
Leah Andreasen
Leah is very excited for her fifth and final show with NMHS Theatre! Her past crew experiences include run crew for Chicago (2022) as well as propmaster for Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023). In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her friends and drawing. She would love to thank everyone in the cast and pit and all her incredible friends she made in crew, as well as Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for making every show a memorable and fun one. She hopes you enjoy the show!
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Assistant Stage Manager / Artistic Designer
Cole Bartmon
Cole is ecstatic to be able to work on The Little Mermaid. He is a junior and is so thrilled to be an assistant stage manager for this production! This is Cole's third year being a part of crew at the high school and second time being an assistant stage manager. It is beyond his wildest dreams. He also says that you would be a poor unfortunate soul to miss out on this incredible production. He would like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for being excellent directors and Shayleigh and Finlay for being fantastic stage managers. He would also like to thank his parents for supporting the commitment, and his friends for being there and making it all the best experience possible. Special thanks to the entire crew for putting in so much effort and time working with him on the set, it could not happen without you. Extra special thanks to Dylan Heydet for helping out with the set and all the amazing things you do! And finally thank you to the incredible pit and cast for all their hard work and mind-blowing talent. Thank you for being part of our world and enjoy the show under the sea!
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Microphone Tech
Ace Bensema
Ace is a sophomore, and this is his second year doing stage crew after doing Mamma Mia! (2023). Outside of theater, Ace coaches ninja, crochets, does photography, and is a percussionist, specializing in marimba. Ace would like to thank Leo, Hannah, and Leah for encouraging him to pursue what makes him happy and continue learning music.
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Run Crew
Ceres Carpenter
Ceres is a freshman and enjoys video games, such as FNAF. He would like to thank all of his friends for making stage crew so much fun, and also thanks his mom for making this doable.
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Run Crew
London Charles
London is a freshman and is excited to be a part of NMHS Theatre! He has had no previous experiences working in theater; however, he contributed his talents to the set building and is excited to work backstage as a part of the run crew. London would like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for taking a chance on him. He would also like to thank the entire cast and crew for a great experience.
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Run Crew
Miles Diaz
Miles is a freshman at NMHS and is a part of run crew for this year’s musical, The Little Mermaid. This is his first involvement in theater, and he is happy the other members of crew are so great. Miles is in NMHS Bigs and enjoys drawing, singing, and exploring various kinds of music. Miles would like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for being great leaders and being kind to everyone in theater, as well as the stage managers for helping guide everyone. He hopes you enjoy the show!
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Fly Crew
Ava Dinho
Ava is a sophomore, and this is her second year on stage crew and fourth show on fly crew. She really enjoys theater and would like to do it again next year. Ava was on fly crew for Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night's Dream (2023). She enjoys talking with her friends and reading in her free time. Ava would like to thank her family for always driving her to crew and would like to thank the entirety of stage crew for making the experience extra fun.
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Film Crew
Nicoleh Donascimento
This is Nicoleh's first show that she has ever worked on, She never thought she would make it this far with her passion for art. She has always loved art and filming anything she sees, and she loves the amount of passion it brings her. She was beyond grateful that she could be a part of this amazing production. Nicoleh would like to thank her loving, supportive parents and her amazing twin sister who have always been there for her and supported her through everything she has ever done. She is beyond grateful for all the cast, crew, and pit for coming together and building this amazing production and always helping and giving Nicoleh an amazing, loving environment. She also would‌ ‌like‌ ‌to‌ ‌thank‌ ‌Mr.‌ Amenta and Mrs. Holm for their incredible patience and leadership, and her amazing stage managers for always being there to help and correct her. Nicoleh wouldn't be here without them. Nicoleh is super excited to continue her journey with this amazing community and a lot more productions.
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Film Crew
Hallie Durr
Hallie, a junior, is in her third year helping with the NMHS Theatre spring musical. She has helped with previous theater productions including Mamma Mia! (2023), Chicago (2022), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023). Last year, she helped with film crew and this year she is very excited to be part of the film crew again. Hallie loves going to Broadway shows and really enjoyed the NMHS Theatre trip to Wicked. Hallie likes Pokémon and her favorite character is Eevee. She also loves animals, especially cats, wolves, and foxes. Hallie would like to thank her dad, mom, and sister Charlotte for all the support they give her, especially her dad who helped build the set. Hallie really enjoyed working beside her dad to create this amazing set and learning how to use the tools. She would also like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for helping her on this journey. For each show, her confidence gets stronger with their support. She wishes all the cast, crew, and pit a SPLASHING good time. It is going to be FINtastic!!
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Fly Crew
Thomas Esposito
Tom is a senior at NMHS and decided to participate in stage crew for the fun of it and to gain more experience working in social environments. This is his second year doing crew for NMHS and he’s most likely going to miss it. He’d like to thank his parents, teachers, family, friends, and Mr. Amenta for the support they have given him and for being a part of his life in general.
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Run Crew
Sophia Gartland
Sophia is a senior helping put on her final show with NMHS Theatre. While this is her second year as part of the stage crew, this is her third year with the group. She was part of the film crew for Chicago (2022) and in the ensemble for Mamma Mia! (2023). In the past, she has been part of productions with TheatreWorks, and she hopes to be part of one again in the future. When not in the auditorium, she is usually working hard to reach her dream of becoming an animator or writing a variety of styles of fiction and non-fiction. This year, she also has the pleasure of helping co-lead the New Milford High School GSA. Sophia would like to say thank you to the cast, pit, staff, and especially the crew for letting her be a part of their world. Finally, she also extends her thanks to her best friend who has been with her through thick and thin. Sophia hopes that everyone enjoys the show!
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Sound Mixer
Matthew Giancaspro
Matthew is a freshman and is excited for his first musical, The Little Mermaid. He has previously been a part of A Midsummer Night's Dream (2023) as sound board operator. Matthew enjoys being the treasurer of the Freshman Executive Club and a member of the NMHS Boys Swim Team. He would like to thank his family for their support as well as Mr. Amenta, Mrs. Holm, Ms. Rosen, Ms. Anderson, Mrs. McNulty, and Mr. Polhemus for all their time and hard work. He would also like to thank Finlay, Cole, and Shayleigh for being the best stage managers, and putting in countless hours and so much hard work to make this show as good as it is. Finally, he would like to thank the cast, crew, and pit for working so hard to make this show so enjoyable and so much fun!
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Costume Dresser
Alyssa Gonch
Alyssa is a junior at NMHS and is very excited to be a part of another musical. She has been doing theater all of her life at Fineline Theatre Arts and TheatreWorks where she has been taking music and acting lessons. Alyssa's favorite past shows include Annie where she played the role of Annie and Beauty and the Beast as Belle. She enjoys sitting down and relaxing with a book in her hand. Another thing that she loves is being part of the Student Council and Wingman program at NMHS. Alyssa also loves to relax at home and play with her cat or just sing whenever and wherever she can. She would love to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Rosen for all of the hard work that they are putting in to make this show look so amazing and all of the time and effort that this show took to put together. Alyssa would also like to thank Mrs. McNulty for all of the amazing costumes and the hours she spent making them perfect for all of the cast members. An amazing shout out to the cast for all of the hard work that they've put into making the onstage experience and show amazing once again! Lastly, thank you to all of the cast and crew for making this whole experience yet again so inviting and comforting but most of all fun.
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Run Crew
Seth Hoyt
Seth, a sophomore at NMHS, is excited to be part of the run crew for The Little Mermaid. Seth helped out with set build last year for Mamma Mia! (2023) as well as this year’s musical. He got into theater while at SMS when he did the lighting for The Claw. Seth is also a part of the NMHS Marching Band and Lacrosse Team. He would like to thank Mr. Amenta for his support and leadership during set build. He would also like to thank Aine and the stage managers as they have been a big help in figuring everything out along with what needs to be done. Seth would also like to thank his brother CJ for suggesting getting involved in stage crew as he had in Chicago (2022) and told him how much fun it would be. Finally, he would like to thank his family for their support.
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Run Crew
Brieonna Jemison
Brieonna, a junior at New Milford High School, is looking forward to joining her first NMHS Theater production. She has been a part of many other activities at the high school including Student Council and Wingman along with frequent volunteering with the Youth Agency. In her free time, she likes to read, travel, and go to concerts. Brieonna would like to thank everyone who’s been a part of making this show possible.
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Costume Dresser
Taylor Lachance
Taylor is one of the NMHS Theatre's diligent stage crew members, and for this year's musical of The Little Mermaid, she is a costume dresser. This show is her third production at NMHS, her second musical after Mamma Mia! (2023) and the second production in her junior year after A Midsummer Night's Dream (2023). With every show, she loves theater more and more and looks forward to everything from the cast list, to set builds, to the crew list, and to tech week rehearsals. Junior year is a hard year for most high schoolers, but this production has really brought good times and memories to look back on and she will always remember this cast, crew, and pit. She wants to recognize the amazing theater directors Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm because without them, the theater's reputation would be lost. Taylor knows that this under-the-sea-show will be a blast and hopes the audience will enjoy it just as much as the production members will!
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Hair & Wig Assistant
Kate Maclaren
Kate is a freshman, and this is her first show with NMHS Theatre! Kate is a varsity swim athlete and swims for the NMHS Swim and Dive Team as well as being a rower at GMS Rowing Center. Kate would like to thank Mr. Amenta, Ms. Rosen, and Mrs. Holm for their impeccable leadership and support throughout the entire production of the show and helping make this entire production possible.
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Graphic Design / Fly Crew / Microphone Tech
Aine McInerney
Aine, a senior at NMHS, has had fun working on The Little Mermaid, her final high school show. She has also enjoyed being a part of stage crew over the past four years for the NMHS Theatre productions of Almost Maine (2021), She Kills Monsters (2022), Chicago (2022), Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023) where she has served in various roles including assistant stage manager, assistant stage carpenter, principal designer, creative team, fly crew, and graphic design. She is part of the National Honor Society and Math Honor Society and is a student leader in the Wingman program. This fall, Aine will be attending the University of New Haven, in the Honors Program, majoring in Cybersecurity (Woman In Stem). She would like to thank her mom, Tammy, for all of the work she has done for NMHS Theatre, and her dad, Todd, for always cracking jokes and making her laugh. She would also like to send a shout out to her fellow crew mates and friends Finlay, Jada, Grace, Shayleigh, Connor, Caitlin, Louri, and everyone in the crew for putting in such long hours and making Saturday set builds so much fun. She hopes you enjoy the show!
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Landry Messina
Landry, a sophomore, is excited to participate in The Little Mermaid for her second year in NMHS Theatre. Her first production was Puffs (2022), and she is now excited to be a propmaster again for this show! She would like to thank everyone in the theater program —the stage managers, directors, cast, crew, and pit — for making this be the best show ever!
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Run Crew
Brianna Neeb
Brianna, a junior, is in her second year as part of the stage crew and is excited for New Milford High School's musical, The Little Mermaid. Brianna was involved in set building and film crew for last year's performance of Mamma Mia! (2023) and will be on the run crew during this spring's production. Brianna is also a member of NMHS Girls Swim and Dive Team. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends. Brianna would like to thank Mr. Amenta and the entire cast and stage crew for continuing to make theater a fun and challenging experience.
Bust Sculptor
Isabella Nisi
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Assistant Stage Manager
Shayleigh O'Brien
Shayleigh, a junior at NMHS, has had a great experience working on the set of The Little Mermaid in her new role as assistant stage manager. She has made a lot of awesome memories and met a lot of great people from being a part of stage crew over the past couple of years for the NMHS Theatre productions of She Kills Monsters (2021), Chicago (2022), Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023). In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her dogs, making jewelry, and scaring unsuspecting children while wearing clown face paint. She would like to give special thanks to Mrs. Holm for doing everything to make this show possible. She would also like to thank her fellow stage managers, Finlay and Cole, for all their hard work and long hours and everyone in crew for putting in a lot of effort during Saturday set builds (she loves Aine so much!) and for making this show fun. She hopes you enjoy the show!
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Head Propmaster
Caitlin O'Connor
Caitlin is a senior and is happy to be back as head propmaster for her last show! She worked as propmaster for She Kills Monsters (2022), Chicago (2022), Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023). She has had lots of fun building the new set and working to design props for this show. Outside of theater, Caitlin is proud to be a member of both the National and Spanish Honor Societies, a Wingman student leader, and volunteers with the Youth Agency. She would like to thank her friends Aine, Finlay, and Shayleigh for making every set building a fun and exciting environment. She would also like to thank her mom, Shannon, for helping out and buying her food on long days. She would also like to thank her dad, Mike, for helping with set building for this production.
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Microphone Tech
Vivian O'Neil
Vivian is a freshman who has a lot of fun being able to be a part of theater. She likes hanging out with her friends and painting the set. A lot of what she does is usually with her family in mind, specifically her dog, Bandit. She loves coming home to see her dog who is happy to see her as well. He's always at the top of the stairs when she comes home, and always so excited for her. She can't wait to take plenty of naps after this show.
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Fly Crew / Run Crew
David Palmer
David is a junior at NMHS. This is his first year doing crew. He loved working Saturday set builds with his besties, Aine and Connor. In his downtime, he loves hanging out with his cat, Smokey, who is gray and fluffy and has green eyes. She's also kind of fat. She likes Goldfish and Spaghetti. He works as a volunteer firefighter for the Northville Fire Department with his friend and fellow crew mate, Connor, to whom he would like to pay special thanks.
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Microphone Tech
Jada Platzer
Jada was a mic tech for Chicago (2022), Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and now The Little Mermaid. It’s been a long four years, but she’s graduating this June, and she is extremely happy about this. She will miss theater. She loves everyone she’s come across in theater, including herself.
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Assistant Carpenter / Light Board Operator
Connor Ring
Connor, a junior in NMHS Theatre, is extremely excited to work on The Little Mermaid for this year’s musical. Connor has been a part of NMHS Theatre since freshman year and enjoys every moment of the musicals and plays! He has been a mic tech for She Kills Monsters (2022), a propmaster for Chicago (2022), sound mixer for Puffs (2022), and has worked the light board for Mamma Mia! (2023) and A Midsummer Night's Dream (2023). Connor enjoys working out, spending time with his buddies at Northville Volunteer Fire Department and learning and growing his skills during every set build. Connor would like to thank all the parent volunteers who put their heart into helping put on such elaborate shows! He would also like to personally thank Mrs. Holm, Mr. Padros, and the set build team for making his Saturdays and Wednesdays enjoyable!
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Spotlight Operator
Isla Rocca
Isla is a junior at New Milford High School and she is incredibly excited to be a part of the NMHS production of The Little Mermaid! Isla has been involved in the theater program since freshman year when she was a part of the cast of She Kills Monsters (2022), and after attending set builds for Chicago (2022), she was honored to be part of the crew for Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night's Dream (2023). In her free time, Isla enjoys reading and listening to music. Isla would like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for their amazing directing and all the planning that they've put into this show. Isla also wants to thank all the student leaders who have made this possible, such as stage manager Finlay Savoir, assistant stage managers Cole Bartmon and Shayleigh O'Brien, and everyone else who has made this possible.
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Costume Dresser
Angelina Ruscil
Angelina is a sophomore working on this show as a costume dresser. This is her first production with NMHS Theatre. In her free time, she likes spending time with her five pets and her friends. She’d like to thank fellow crew member Ava Dinho for inviting her to stage crew and the whole crew for making the experience so much fun.
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Spotlight Operator
Maggie Ryan
Maggie, a junior at New Milford High School, is happy to be in stage crew again for another great musical. She has done spotlight for She Kills Monsters (2022), Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023). She was also on run crew for Chicago (2022). She would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her and is thankful for all of the new friends she made this year!
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Stage Manager
Finlay Savoir
Finlay, a senior at NMHS, is excited for his farewell show as stage manager for The Little Mermaid. He has taken part in several shows for NMHS Theatre, including She Kills Monsters (2022), Chicago (2022), Puffs (2022), Mamma Mia! (2023), and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2023). Finlay has also taken 12 years of theater classes at Fineline Theatre Arts and would like to thank the wonderful teachers there. He would like to thank the entire creative team for their repeated contributions to the production of this show. He would also like to thank Shannon O’Connor, Tammy McInerney, and his mom PJ Farquharson, for all their hard work and dedication to the theater productions over the years and for cheering everyone on!
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Sound Board Operator
Aarya Shah
Aarya, a freshman, is super excited to start her high school theater crew experience with The Little Mermaid. You can find her reading a good book, creating some amazing Lego masterpieces, or practicing Taekwondo when she's not at theater. She would like to thank Mr. Amenta and Mrs. Holm for all their work in making this happen and the stage managers for their help and guidance. She'd like to give a special thanks to her mom for putting up with her crazy schedule.
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Costume Dresser
Victoria Stahl
Victoria is a freshman at NMHS and is excited to help out with the The Little Mermaid. She was in the crew for A Midsummers Night’s Dream (2023) and is looking forward to more NMHS Theatre shows to come. In her free time, Victoria likes to read, write, and play the flute. She would like to thank everyone who makes these shows possible.
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Run Crew
Amanda Taranto
Amanda is beyond excited to be spending the rest of her junior year doing something she loves. Her past crew jobs include run crew for Puffs (2022) and Mamma Mia! (2023), and mic tech for A Midsummer’s Night Dream (2023). At this time, she would like to thank her sister for getting her to join theater, her mom and dad for always driving her to and from theater, and finally all of the staff who helped bring the show together.
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Costume Dresser
Ivannia is a freshman at NMHS. This is her first time participating in theater. She loves to hang out with her friends and family in her free time and she would like to give thanks to Mr. Amenta and the rest of crew for making it such a wonderful experience.
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Run Crew
Ciara Youngman
Ciara loves anime and K-pop. She loves to draw and watch YouTube videos. She wants to thank her dad and sister.
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Keyboard I
Kyra Brown
Kyra is a junior at New Milford High School and has participated in the NMHS Theatre Pit Orchestra since her freshman year. Kyra is an accomplished cellist, pianist, and singer, having participated in three total All-State festivals, two in Connecticut and one in Alabama as a seventh grader singer. In her freshman year, Kyra participated in the 2022 All-State Mixed Choir, and in 2023, she participated in the 2023 All-State Orchestra. This April, she will be returning to the All-State Orchestra as the 2024 principal cellist. As a pianist, she has participated in many festivals, primarily in the Alabama Music Teachers Association, but she has also played piano for the CMEA Northern Region band in January 2023. In her spare time, Kyra enjoys watching sports with her family (mainly hockey), spending time with her dogs, and baking. She would like to thank the incredible cast and crew of the Little Mermaid for their outstanding dedication to the musical, Mr. Amenta and Ms. Rosen for their incredible direction, her family for their unyielding support of her artistic endeavors, and most importantly, Mr. Polhemus and the rest of the Pit Orchestra for creating yet another amazing year in the NMHS Theatre program.
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Callan Fraczek
This is Callan’s first year in the Pit Orchestra at NMHS. He has played bass since the fourth grade. He’d like to thank Mr. Polhemus for his support and guidance during these last few weeks. He would also like to thank his family for always supporting him.
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Quinn Geier
Quinn, a senior, will be reprising his role as an auxiliary percussionist for NMHS‘ production of The Little Mermaid. Having been a part of Mamma Mia! (2023), he believes this show is going to be even greater thanks to the pit having brass and woodwind instruments this year. He would like to thank his friends for pushing him to do this again despite not being a part of NMHS Band. A special thanks to Troy for allowing him to wear the blue jacket pictured for his headshot.
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Violin II
Skylar Holick
Skylar is a sophomore at NMHS who has always been interested in music. She has never done anything along the lines of musical theater, but there's never a wrong time to start something new! This year, Skylar has been selected to be second violin in The pit, and she is beyond grateful for the opportunity. Throughout the past few years, she has been dealing with major medical issues and the one thing that she has always found to help her is music. By becoming a part of The pit, Skylar is now able to continuously play music alongside her friends and expand her knowledge on the more musical side of her personality. Besides music, Skylar is a part of the NMHS Girls Swim and Dive Team and Track Team. Skylar would like to give huge thanks to Mr. Syzdek for his constant confidence in her abilities and for pushing her to always become better, as well as Ms. Rosen, Mr. Polhemus, and Mr. Amenta for all their hard work and preparation they've put in to make sure this year's show is one of the best!
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Reed II & III (Saxophone & Soprano Saxophone)
Karan Karkhanis
Karan is a senior at NMHS and is looking forward to playing in the pit for The Little Mermaid. He plays the alto saxophone, soprano saxophone and picked up the oboe to be fully involved with the musical production. He played the tenor saxophone for Chicago (2022), which eventually won a Halo Award for Best Pit Orchestra! Beyond NMHS Theatre, Karan is deeply involved in the music program as a whole. He is the senior drum major for the NMHS Marching Band and plays alto saxophone in the Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band. He also created a jazz band called the Central Dogma which won the NMHS 2023 Talent Show and hopes to continue performing before the end of the year. Karan would like to thank Mr. Polhemus for being such an amazing force of support and encouragement through band, marching band, pit orchestra, and life as a whole. He will always remember the fun rehearsals, competitions, and performances they spent together.
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Reed III (Clarinet & Bass Clarinet)
Zack LaCava
Zack, a senior, is very excited to be able to play in the Pit Orchestra this year and to be a part of the NMHS musical. This is his second year performing for NMHS Theatre with his first being in the high school's production of Chicago (2022) where he played the same instruments: clarinet and bass clarinet. Zack would like to thank his mom, dad, friends, family, and of course Mr. Polhemus for all of their support and encouragement.
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Gabe Larsen
Gabe is a junior here at New Milford High School and plays trumpet in the pit for The Little Mermaid. Gabe's been playing trumpet for eight years now, performing in various ensembles including the NMHS Marching Band and Jazz Band as well as the Northern Regional and All-State Bands. He's been a part of NMHS Theatre for Chicago (2022), playing trumpet as well. Outside of music, he enjoys running track, running mid-distance since his freshman year and distance since the sixth grade. Gabe would like to thank his friends and family for continuously supporting him along his path in music, especially his dad, Jens Larsen, who's introduced him to the trumpet and been teaching him ever since, and the rest of the pit for always making rehearsals enjoyable and given him something to look forward to.
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Reed I (Clarinet)
Ryan Ma
Ryan is a freshman at NMHS, who plays the clarinet in the pit for The Little Mermaid. He has played clarinet since fourth grade. He also enjoys playing other instruments in his free time, like the saxophone and the bass clarinet. This is Ryan’s first time being in the pit and he has also been in the fall play at Canterbury. Ryan would like to thank his friends, family, directors, and fellow pit members for all their work.  
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French Horn
Troy Madrio
Troy, a senior, is very excited to start and end his high school theater career with The Little Mermaid. This is his first time as part of theater, but far from his first with music. By learning French horn, specifically to join the pit, he's now learned to play every concert brass instrument. He began playing the trumpet in intermediate school and since then has played the euphonium in Wind Ensemble, the trombone in Jazz Band and The Central Dogma, the tuba in Marching Band, and now the French horn for Pit Orchestra. Besides brass instruments, he enjoys astronomy, sci-fi movies, fantasy novels, Electric Light Orchestra, and The Beach Boys. Troy would like to thank Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Polhemus, Mr. Gregory, and Mr. Syzdek for helping him get where he is today musically, as well as all of the band parents who've been there making every band competition and concert possible, and of course his family for always supporting him and driving him everywhere before he had a car. Lastly, he would like to thank the rest of the Pit Orchestra for stealing his blue flannel jacket for their pictures.
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Drum Set
Leo Mahlke
Leo is excited to be playing drum set for his third year in the NMHS Pit Orchestra. After drumming for Chicago (2022) and Mamma Mia! (2023) as a sophomore and junior, Leo is thrilled to continue his role in the pit in The Little Mermaid in his senior year. Throughout high school, he has also been lucky to perform both percussion and upright bass with many ensembles including the Concert Band, Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra, Regional/All-State Band, Jazz Band, and even the Chorus. In addition to his passion for music, Leo also enjoys writing, drawing, and playing with his dogs. He wants to thank Mr. Amenta and Ms. Rosen for their hard work in managing the NMHS Theatre program. Leo wants to give an especially big thanks to Mr. Polhemus for his continued support and encouragement in the pit.
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Violin I
Grace Miller
Grace, a senior at NMHS, is excited to fill the role of first violinist for the Pit Orchestra and happy to be involved in the school’s musical for the first time. She has been playing the violin for eight years and is the current concertmaster for the NMHS Orchestra. When she is not practicing her music, Grace enjoys painting, crocheting, and sitting with her cat. She currently works at Paul's Custom Pet Food, and volunteers at the local animal shelter in her free time. Grace would like to thank her family, friends, and peers, for being so supportive and welcoming her to the new theater environment. She is overly grateful to be surrounded by such a talented group, and she is excited to end her senior year with a bang.
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Keyboard III
Naomi Post
Naomi, a senior, has been a part of NMHS Theatre for three years. In her sophomore year, she was in crew, operating lights for Puffs (2022). Last year, she played the keyboard for Mamma Mia! (2023). This year, she will play the keyboard again for The Little Mermaid. She is a part of the NMHS Marching Band and is flute section leader. Music is her life, and she has been thrilled to be doing it with this amazing group. She is thankful for the awesome three years in theater in both crew and in pit.
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Lily Runyan
Lily is a junior at NMHS and has been playing cello since the fourth grade. This is the first year Lily has participated in the Pit Orchestra, but she is principal cellist in the NMHS Orchestra and performs in the Western Connecticut Youth Orchestra. Other than music, Lily is the singles captain of the NMHS Girls Tennis Team. She would like to thank Mr. Polhemus, Mr. Amenta, and Ms. Rosen for the hard work they have put in to make this show possible.
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Reed I (Flute & Piccolo)
Ella Smith
This is Ella's first year in a musical for New Milford High School, but she has been playing both flute and Piccolo for a few years now. She would like to thank all of her friends and family for supporting her and helping her get this far!
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Brandon Zhang
Brandon, a first-year senior in the NMHS Pit Orchestra, is thrilled to be taking part in this year’s theater production of The Little Mermaid playing auxiliary percussion. This is his first year participating in any kind of theater production, however, he has enjoyed watching the NMHS Theatre shows in the past. Brandon would like to thank Mr. Polhemus for the encouragement and help he has given while learning new instruments for the show. He would also like to give gratitude to his mom for supporting him through everything.
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Keyboard II
Adam Zimmitti
Adam, now a junior, is in his third year of Pit Orchestra. Previously, he played trombone in Chicago (2022) in his freshmen year and Mamma Mia! (2023) when he was a sophomore. Now, he is excited to play keyboard in the pit for The Little Mermaid. Adam enjoys playing tennis and volleyball, as well as playing in the band. He has been in the NMHS Marching Band for the past three years, and he wants to continue that into his senior year and in college. Adam would like to thank Troy Madrio for lending him his jacket.