Seven Guitars Production Crew

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Melonnie Walker
Melonnie Walker is a theatre historian, educator, and alum of UMKC’s Master of Arts program in Theatre History.  She is the Associate Artistic Director for KC Melting Pot Theatre and has served as the resident research and production dramaturg for five seasons so far.  She is an advisory board member of the August Wilson Society and Regional VP for the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas. Melonnie is grateful for her theatre family here at KCMPT and she is inspired to do the work that preserves and uplifts black theatre history for future generations.
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Stage Manager
Ebonee Grace
Ebonee was born and raised in KCMO and earned her BA in Theatre from University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. She has appeared in The Search for Anno Domini: MMXXI-I-VI (KCMPT), Chicken & Biscuits (BRTKC), Fariview (KCMPT), Secrets & Lies (KCMPT), Pass Over (OCTA), 2121 (KCMPT), and the stage readings of Pass Over, Flo, and The Journey (WCA). When not performing, Ebonee works on crew for shows with her last being the Stage Manager for The Compleat History of Women, Abridged (Thespiation). She joined the family in 2015 and still works as the Administrative Assistant for KCMPT and Just Off Broadway Theatre which she’s held since 2017. Ebonee also became the Social Media Coordinator in 2023.
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Assistant Stage Manager
Aalayah Norwood
Aalayah Norwood has worked with companies such as Whim productions, Rising Tide Productions, and KC Public Theatre! This is  her second time being an assistant stage manager. As an actress in Kansas city, Aalayah loves theatre and tries to stay as active as possible in the community. She is  honored to be working with Melting Pot Theatre.
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Set Designer
Doug Schroeder
Doug Schroeder is a Kansas native. Seven Guitars is his sixteenth design for KCMPT. Schroeder received a B.F.A. in technical theater from Emporia State University. In addition to working as the technical director for KCMPT, Doug also is the production manager for the Kansas City Women’s Chorus. He would like to thank his partner Chris Palmer for his assistance with set construction and Linda, Harvey, Nicole, Melonnie, and Lewis for the opportunity to work on this new play.
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Light Designer
Warren Deckert
Warren's 50+ years of theatre experience includes being the Artistic/Technical Director for Great Bend Community Theatre, Technical Director/Designer for the Bethel College Drama Department and union membership in I.A.T.S.E., Local 190, Wichita, KS. He has directed or designed over 225 plays, musicals and operas. Highlights include Road to Yonder (Dallas Theatre Center), Man of La Mancha, Cosi Fan Tutte, The Pirates of Penzance (Bethel College), Bernice at Bay/The Butterfly Effect, Gidion's Knot, Any Questions? (KC Fringe Festival), The Taste Test, For Colored Girls... (KC Melting Pot Theatre). He is an assistant house manager/volunteer coordinator at KC Repertory Theatre and a technical director/board member for Just Off Broadway Theatre.
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Sound Designer
Dennis Jackson
Dennis Jackson is a Kansas City native. He has learned the craft of live theater by working with some of the best actors and directors in K.C. He most recently appeared in “Thoughts of a Colored Man.” He has appeared in local productions of “Like Six O’Clock,” “Dying To Party,” “Piano Lesson,” “Two Trains Running”, “King Hedly”, “Barbecue,” and “A Raisin In The Sun” just to name a few. Dennis is also passionate about sound design, having often supported the very productions, in which he appears. He has also designed sound for “Skeleton Crew,” “Is God Is,” “Fairview,” “Black Man, Mo.”, “The Amen Corner”, “The Session”, and “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”. Thanks to director Melonnie Walker for the opportunity to craft the sound design for this production. Special thanks to Harvey and Linda Williams.
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Loretta Washington
Loretta Washington is a Kansas City native. She is a graduate of Paseo Academy of Performing Arts in Kansas City Missouri. This is her first KCMPT show and she is delighted to share her talents with Just Off Broadway Theater.