She Kills Monsters Crew

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Mr. Topher Barrett
Mr. Barrett has a BA in Theatre from WMU and a MA in Directing from Roosevelt University. His past theatre productions include "Shakespeare in Love," "The Crucible," "Diary of Anne Frank," and "The Laramie Project." He would like to thank the cast & crew for their great contributions, his partner, Michelle, for her amazing support, and to his friends & family, for whom he couldn't do without.
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Assistant Director
Breanne Stokes
Ms. Stokes graduated from WMU in 2020 with a degree in International Development Administration. While in Kalamazoo she has acted in Annie, Macbeth, and Vrooommm with various theatre companies. She works with Community in Schools inside KC. She is excited for this opportunity, and wants to thank her family for her love of theatre.
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Fight Choreographer
Mr. Brian Berheide
Mr. Berheide has been teaching Social Studies at KC since 2020 and is on the Track and Field coaching Staff as well. He has worked with the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre as an instructor and as a performer in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged. In a former life, he was an actor, a stunt performer, and a theatre teacher in Chicago.
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Stage Manager
Lee Lanting
Hungry and Focused since 1997. She is very thankful for this opportunity and would like to thank those in the cast who have turned their forms in on time.
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Light & Costume Designer
Georgia Warrick
Georgia is a KCHS graduate that has been lighting shows since 2011. She loves returning to help and is delighted to provide costumes for this wonderful show. She would like to thank her tech students for their dedication and enthusiasm.
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Stage Manager
Isaac Byler
Isaac is a sophomore student at KC. He has stage managed shows at the Kazoo Civic for the last few years and is excited to start working on the Descendants after this wonderful show. Thank you goes to his family for their support.
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Photographer & Video
Matthew Douglas
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Sound Design
Evan Huff
Evan Huff has been running sound for the auditorium and is following in his dad's footsteps
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Sarah Mughazy
Alex Bol
Stage Hand
Maddy Gauthier
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Stage Hand/Paint
Isabelle Faber
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Miriam Mughazy

Backstage Crew