She Kills Monsters Cast

Monster (Raj Bayyapuneedi)
Raj is thrilled to be a monster in She Kills Monsters and to kicketh some ass. This is his first production.
Monster (Maxx Bickel)
Maxx is thrilled to be doing something new and getting to meet some amazing people. Thank you Alex, they wouldn't be doing this without you.
Monster (Keegan Clarke)
Keegan is a freshman at KC, and this is her first production. She is very excited to be involved.
Vera (Lauryn Crawley)
Lauryn is a senior citizen here at KC. This is her 3rd year doing the school plays. She’s getting too old for this stuff.
Narrator (Hayden Conroy)
Hayden is a freshman at KC and this is their 2nd ever production. They are so excited to be working alongside such a wonderful cast and their friends. They wanna thank the cast for being so welcoming and supportive.
Monster (Kaylin Conroy)
Kaylin is a junior at KC, and is very excited to be working with the people involved with She Kills Monsters! She would like to thank her parents for the nonstop support and encouragement.
Narrator (Amelia Cox)
Amelia is a freshman at KC. She is excited to perform alongside friends new and old.
Evil Gabbi (Ella Cox)
Ella is a junior. She has been in two other productions in her time at K Central. She is excited to work with her friends in this play and hopes everyone enjoys the show!
Farrah (Cassi Grooten)
Cassi is a junior and is excited for her second KCHS production. Thank you friends and families for all your support.
Evil Tina (Sofia Gross)
Sofia is a freshman at K Central and is super happy and grateful to be in such an awesome show with such awesome people!
Monster (Makiyah Harris)
Makiyah is a freshman at KC and this is her first time doing a play. She is excited for this wonderful experience!
Kelly (Aberdeen Jefferies)
Aberdeen is five years old, we don’t really know where they came from. If their mom is in the audience please pick them up after the show before they drink all the apple juice
Steve (Jayden Johnson)
Jayden is a freshman at KC. This is his first year doing theater and he is very excited. He loves his family and he plays the viola, does wrestling, and also improv. He can also fly.
Lilly (Una Kappenman)
Una is so thankful to be included in this production, and a huge shoutout to their friends for inspiring them to join in! Love you guys!
Kalliope (Key'Maura Lewis)
Key'Maura is a junior at KC, and this is her third year in the drama department. She started theater to help with her goal to be an actress.
Monster(s) (Key'Vohn Lewis)
Last year Key’Vohn was in “The Green Bird.” “Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” - Master Oogway
Orcus (Mollie McDonald)
Mollie is a senior. She previously acted in Kalamazoo Central’s production of Shakespeare in Love. She is looking forward to graduating.
Lillith (Julia Morrison)
Julia is so excited to continue their senior year in the performance “She Kills Monsters”. Julia is currently in cosmetology, getting their license in 2023. Julia wants to thank the support of family, and a special shoutout to their sister Marlyre for being a huge inspiration for their craft and support through the lengths of COVID. Julia will continue to use their creativity beyond high school into more productions and help with future KCHS performances as an Alumnus. “Don’t let dull experiences bring down your creativity.” -Julia Morrison
Miles (Steven Ray III)
Steven is a highschool junior with previous acting experience, such as Shakespeare in Love and the Greenbird. Although he is still learning, he aspires to become a movie screen actor. He would like to thank his family, especially his Mother and Father, for not giving up on him.
Monster (Kate Risley)
Kate is a freshman at KC, and she is excited to participate in She Kills Monsters as it is her first play with the KC theater department.
Monster/Ronnie (Isa Slate)
Isa is an aspiring filmmaker and actor. She has a fine taste for pancakes, and at the time this was written, is learning the art of pen spins.
Tilly (Rose Shackleford)
Rose is a junior at Kalamazoo Central. This is her first time being in any production. She had a great time being a theater kid with y’all and can’t wait to do it again.
Agnes (Jane Swartz)
Jane is a senior at KC and this is her fifth show! She would like to thank her parents, her cast, and her sisters, all of whom she will miss very much at MSU next year!
Chuck (Sander Vega)
Sander is a 10th grader at Kalamazoo Central. This is his second show, first being “Once On This Island” (Armand). He would like to thank his family and friends for all of their support.
Narrator (Victoria Williams)
Victoria is a sophomore and had drama in 9th grade. In 10th grade when she heard about the play she knew it was something she’d enjoy.