Don't Take My Penny! Cast

Summer Sweet (Penny Pringle)
Summer Sweet is seventeen years old and a senior at Fresta Valley. She has participated in Fresta's Drama Club for the past seven years and has been in a total of eleven productions. Most recently, you may have seen her in the role of Eliza Doolittle in "My Fair Lady" back in May. In addition to drama, Summer competes on Fresta's speech team, heads up the National Honor Society chapter, serves on student council, manages the varsity girls' basketball team, and sleeps sometimes. Thank you to Mrs. Diane King, Miss Lily VanBrocklin, and Mrs. Rachel Dodson for making this show possible!
Ruth Munch (Gram Pringle)
Ruth Munch is a junior here at Fresta, and she's super excited to be part of this year's fall play! She has been involved in 6 shows at Fresta, but this is her first role on stage in one of Fresta's fall plays. You might have seen her on stage in some of Fresta's spring musicals, though, including Hello, Dolly!, Fiddler on the Roof, and My Fair Lady. She also had roles in two of the middle school plays, and last year she helped find costumes for the fall play, Belles on their Toes. During her spare time, Ruth also enjoys playing piano, reading, hanging out with her friends and family, and practicing her pieces for Fresta's competitive speech team. She would like to give a special thanks to Mrs. King for being an amazing director and coach, Miss VanBrocklin for helping out and being willing to jump into the show to fill a role, and Rachel for organizing the costumes. She is very excited to bring Gram Pringle to life in this year's production and hopes you enjoy the show!
Hudson DePoy (Caleb Pringle)
Hudson DePoy (Caleb Pringle) is a 9th grader at Fresta Valley. He is on the baseball team and has been involved in Fresta Valley's drama club for three years. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games and guitar. This is his sixth drama club production, and he is excited to play a part in Don't Take My Penny. He intends to perform in the spring musical as well!
Diem Sandwell (Lydia Pringle)
Diem is a junior here at Fresta. This is her third year participating in the Drama Club. Most recently, you may have seen her in our fall show, “Belles on Their Toes”, in the role of Mrs. Hathaway and My Fair Lady.
Miss Lily VanBrocklin (Mavis Pringle)
Miss Lily VanBrocklin is a new teacher here at Fresta. She teaches Pre-Algebra, Introduction to Speech, MS Drama, and MS Speech. She has had a wonderful time helping Mrs. King with the production and getting the chance to fill the role of Mavis on stage. Don’t Take My Penny is a sweet story about family, dreams, and realizing what we all value. She hopes everyone enjoys this truly funny and thought-provoking play.
Brayden Hamilton (Mark Pringle)
Brayden Hamilton is a junior. He has been at Fresta for 6 years, with this being his 6th play. Previously he was seen in Belles on their Toes, Fiddler on the Roof, and My Fair Lady.
James Singhas (Kerry)
James is a 15-year-old 10th grader who has been at Fresta since kindergarten. He has done drama since 9th grade and plans on doing it until he graduates. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and playing baseball. He says, "Thanks to all my friends and family for sticking with me through any difficulties I have faced in my life. Thanks to Mrs. King for all she has done and the work she has put into this play." He hopes she will continue to direct drama for as long as possible.
Ben Singhas (Greg)
Ben is an eighth grader who enjoys soccer, basketball, baseball, and middle school speech. He would like to give a special thanks to Mrs. King for putting up with all of his shenanigans and cheesy dad jokes. He would also like to thank all the cast members for laughing at his jokes, making memories, and being like a family to him.
Isabella Castellucci (Sally)
Isabella Castellucci is a 16-year-old junior. She participates in varsity soccer and volleyball at Fresta. She was also on the first-ever Fresta Guatemala mission trip. During her time in drama at Fresta, she has been in the Unexpected Reformation of Jimmy Valentine, Hello Dolly, The Egg and I, Fiddler on the Roof, Belles on Their Toes, and My Fair Lady. Outside school, she likes to hang out with her family and friends.
Mr. Daniel Castellucci (Norman Porter)
Daniel Castellucci is an upper school teacher at Fresta Valley, focusing on Bible and Spanish. In 2021, he joined the faculty and has enjoyed working with middle and high school students. This is Mr. Castellucci's fourth theater production at Fresta, including Fiddler on the Roof, Belles on Their Toes, and My Fair Lady. Outside the classroom, Mr. Castellucci enjoys spending time with family and serving God on the mission field. He considers it a privilege to support the theater program by filling a needed role.
Alivia Clay (Joanna)
Alivia Clay is in 8th grade. She loves animals, drawing, reading, writing, and watching movies. When Alivia is older, she wants to make movies and write books. She also really loves acting. She is Joanna in "Don’t Take My Penny," and this is her fifth performance at Fresta. She was Susan in "Esther-Ordinary Faith" (June 2023), one of the Cockneys in "My Fair Lady" (May 2023), a narrator in "An Outlaw’s Tale: The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Lazy" (January 2023), and played Mary in "Belles on Their Toes" (Nov 2022).
Jackson Bohannon (Harrison Day)
Jackson Bohannon (Harrison Day) is a 9th grader who has been attending Fresta Valley Christian School for eleven years. He enjoys extra-curricular activities such as soccer, basketball, baseball, and choir. During his free time, he enjoys playing his guitar. This is his third production and is excited to perform his role in "Don’t Take My Penny." He has previously performed in "Humpty Dumpty is Missing" as The Handsom Prince and "An Outlaw’s Tale" as a narrator.
Grayson Sweet (Monsieur Henri)
Grayson Sweet is thirteen years old and an eighth grader at Fresta Valley. This is his second year participating in Fresta's Drama Club, appearing in two other shows. Most recently, you may have seen him in the role of Ned the Newspaper Boy in "An Outlaw's Tale" back in January. In his spare time, Grayson loves to play video games, swim, and play tennis. He would like to thank Mrs. King for being a great director and the stage and tech crews for getting everything ready to make the show run smoothly.
Reagan Bornfield (Lucile)
Reagan Bornfeld (Lucile) is new to Fresta and is excited to be a part of the show. She is in seventh grade. She participates in swim and will do middle school speech in the spring. Reagan is also in the middle school play "Orphan Trains" as Emma and Mrs. Ashcroft. She would like to thank Fresta Valley for being so welcoming and kind.
Rebekah Waltz (Elsie)
Rebekah Waltz is a sophomore who has been in many of Fresta Valley's drama productions. Most recently, she has performed in My Fair Lady and Fiddler on the Roof. Rebekah is active in many of Fresta's extracurriculars including: drama, the competitive speech team, the JV volleyball team, the Varsity Swim Team, and the Fresta Valley Robotics Club, National Honor Society, and currently plays in the advanced orchestra. She also is on a year-round competitive swim team. She would like to thank Mrs. King, Mrs. Dodson, and Miss Vanbrocklin for everything they have done to make this play happen.
Gloria Williamson (Claire)
Gloria (Claire) is in 8th grade and very excited to do the fall play. You may have seen her in the past as Lillian Gilbreth in last year's fall play, Bells on their Toes, or as Bonnie the Clyde in last year's middle school play, An Outlaw's Tale. You will also see her in this coming middle school play. Gloria has been attending Fresta since second grade. She loves music and sports. This year was Gloria's 3rd year being on Fresta's middle school volleyball team and plans to be on the middle school girls' soccer team in the Spring. Gloria also enjoys playing the cello with Miss Ana Moss in the orchestra. Gloria would like to thank everyone who helped out and made this show possible.
Harrison Bohannon (Red)
Harrison Bohannon (Red) is a twelve-year-old seventh grader who has been attending Fresta Valley Christian School for eight years. He plays baseball, basketball, and soccer. "Don’t Take My Penny" is his first play. He is also participating in the middle school drama "Orphan Trains." He also sings in the choir at the school.