Once Upon a Mattress Cast

Veronica Cioch (Lady H., Minstrel u/s)
Veronica is in her second year of high school. She participates in Concert and Select Choir. Outside of school she participates in karate, Girl Scouts, and is a member of the Interact Club. Some of her favorite roles were Belle in Beauty and the Beast and Scar in the Lion King. Veronica is honored to be able to work with this amazing group of people.
Megan Clark (Queen's 1st Lady, Queen u/s)
Megan is a junior who participates in the cast of the musical. Last year she was the orphan Duffy in Annie. Megan enjoys drawing and playing games with her friends and family. She hopes to work with animals and become a zoo keeper in the future. All she knows now is that she is happy with how things are now and will keep her friends that she made in school forever in her heart.
Caitlin Corsi (Queen Aggravain)
Caitlin is a senior who has been a part of the school musicals since sixth grade. Some of her favorite roles include Pumbaa in The Lion King, Lily St.Regis in Annie, and Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family. Caitlin plans on majoring in education, and maybe even minoring in theater. Caitlin is so excited to perform for a final time and end her high school musical career with her second family.
Juliette Fernandez (Jester's Court Dancer, Ensemble)
Juliette is a sophomore and is a bundle of energy. She enjoys being in the musical and helping around the school. She plans to participate in track. She plans to go to college and go to medical school to become a surgical technician. She's so excited for opening night!
Deziree' Sierra German (Ensemble)
Deziree’ is a freshman, plays volleyball, and participates in the Black/Latinx Student Union. Deziree’ plans to go to college and travel the world, hopefully having some sort of a career in music. She is more than excited to be acting and singing with her musical family.
Peyton Green (Ensemble)
Peyton is a Junior and is in Concert Choir, Interact club, Future Teachers Club, and cheers on the Varsity Cheer Squad. Peyton’s most memorable role is Molly in Annie. Peyton has been participating in theatre since 6th grade. Peyton plans to attend college and study nursing. Special thanks to her family and friends for their continued support.
Angelina Hayban-Deleon (Silhouette Princess, Jester's Court Dancer)
Angelina is a senior in No Place for Hate Club, BSLU, Interact Club, and the Cheer Team, participating in Concert Recitals, Fine Arts Night and many after school programs. Angelina plans to major in Data Sciences and minor in Economics. Though she has been singing for years, Once Upon A Mattress is her first musical. Angelina is happy to perform with some of her closest friends.
Lauren Hein (Princess No. 12, Wizard u/s)
Lauren is a junior this year and this is her 4th musical. She has played field hockey and been a girl scout for 12 years. She is in the yearbook club, environmental club, and NHS. She hopes to go into a career involving photography, cinematography, or editing. She wishes all her senior friends the best of luck after high school!!
Harry Krangar (Silhouette Prince, Sir Studley, King u/s)
Harry is a junior. He has participated in The Lion King, Bye Bye Birdie, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at R.F. He was also in the pit for Annie in high school last year. He participates in Marching Band, Track & Field, Black & LatinX Student Union, No Place for Hate, Student Council, E-Sports Clubs. Harry hopes to pursue a career within computer science.
Savanna Laurendeau (Knight #2)
Savanna is in her second year of high school. She participates in Color Guard in the Marching Band, and has taken part in the last year's musical Annie, as the orphan July. Savanna plans to major in psychology in college and minor in art. Savanna hopes to get a job where she can help people express themselves.
Lia Liberto (Lady Lucille, Larken u/s)
Lia is a sophomore! She is excited to be partaking in her second show at FTMHS. This year Lia participated once again in the girl's soccer team. Lia hopes to one day major in English, psychology, or film and directing. A special thanks to her friends, family, and of course the cast, crew, and pit!
Holly Lippincott (Princess Winnifred)
Holly is a senior at FTMHS. She has participated in the Florence Marching Band as the Color Guard Captain, and Concert Choir in the past. She has been involved in the school musicals for many years now. Favorite roles include, Kim MacAfee in Bye Bye Birdie and Pugsley in The Addams Family. She plans to go to school for Fine Arts/Illustration and she wishes the best for all of her fellow seniors.
Maiyah Nancy McDuffie (Jester)
Maiyah is a senior and has been apart of all the school plays/musicals, a member of the FTMHS Marching Band, Varsity Track & Field, Unified, captain of the Varsity Cheer Squad, Student Council President, Secretary of the BLSU, and a Girl State Delegate. Maiyah plans to go to school for nursing. She would like to thank the people who doubted her, it pushed her further to achieve every goal she got <3
Samantha Moyer (Jester's Court Dancer, Ensemble)
Samantha is a sophomore. She has taken part in productions such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Annie. She became a part of the color guard this year and had a great time. She loves performing with her friends and is very excited to perform this show.
Olivia Muchowski (Wizard)
Olivia is a Junior here at FHS. She likes to help teachers, groups or other students. Currently, she takes voice lessons with James Chianese and works seasonally at Umms ice cream parlor. She has performed multiple shows for the CNJBT, helped backstage with hair and makeup for Help Desk and was Ms. Hannigan in Annie in 2022. Olivia would like to continue performing for many years to come.
Abimbola (Bella) Obayanju (Lady Merrill, Jester u/s)
Bella is a senior and is in Show Choir, Interact Club, Student Council, National Honor Society, Black and Latinx Student Union, Track & Field, Volleyball, No Place for Hate and is a Class Officer. Favorite roles include Connie Boylan in Annie and Grass in The Lion King Jr. Bella plans to double major in drama and communications in college. This is her 10th and final show in Florence.
Busayo Sarah Olatubosun (Sillouhette Queen, Jester's Court Dancer, Ensemble)
Sarah is a senior and is the Senior Class President, Student Council Secretary, and a captain of the FTMHS cheer squad. She is also part of the Black and Latinx Student Union, Interact Club, and more. She has been in many musicals/shows but, her favorites were Lion King Jr. and Addams Family. Next year in college, Sarah is planning to major in public relations and minor in marketing.
Makayla Osburn (Emily, Ensemble)
Makayla is a Senior and is participating in the musical for the second time this year. She has also participated in Band, Cheerleading, and Softball. She going to RCBC after high school to study education. Makayla is looking forward to you watching her fellow students' hard work pay off in the play, and she hopes you enjoy the show!!
Andrew Piotrowski (Minstrel)
Andrew is a sophomore who plays tenor saxophone in the marching band and has done the school musicals since 6th grade. His past roles include Albert Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie and Rooster in Annie. Outside of the arts, Andrew is a competitive golfer who plays in tournaments throughout the spring and summer. He plans to be the student manager for the high school baseball team in the 2023 season.
Arthur Piotrowski (Prince Dauntless)
Arthur is a senior. He was the brass captain of the Marching Band for the past 4 years. He has been a part of 6 musicals since he moved to Florence, playing Conrad Birdie, Uncle Fester, and Daddy Warbucks. He is a 3-year varsity starter and captain for the baseball team, and is also the vice-president of the NHS. He is so happy to finish out his Musical Career with this group of wonderful students.
Eden Rauch (Knight #1)
Eden is a junior that has been performing in their schools' musicals/plays since sixth grade. They participate in Future Teachers, Interact Club, Color Guard in the Marching Band and concert choir. Their favorite shows include The Lion King Jr. and Annie. Eden possibly plans on going to college, majoring in Theater and/or Music Production. They would like to thank their friends for making their experience even more enjoyable.
Elizabeth Ravenel (Lady Larken)
Liz is a sophomore at FTMHS and she's excited to take on the role of Lady Larken! She participates in the Interact Club. When she isn't belting out show tunes, she can be found reading, writing, or practicing guitar. Her favorite roles have been Marian Paroo in The Music Man at SAS and Star-To-Be in Annie at FTMHS. She hopes to pursue musical theatre in college.
Sage Reese (Mabelle)
Sage is in her sophomore year of high school. It is her 2nd year participating in the school musical and she truly loves it. Last year was a first time experience and she decided to hopefully do the 4 full years of play production. Sage is so excited to get to work along side the best people she’s ever met.
Trinity Seahorne (Sir Luce)
Trinity is a sophomore performing in her 2nd school musical. She takes part in Concert Choir and Acting 1 & 2. Always favoring theater and musicals she does hope to be able to continue with acting in some form in the future.The performing arts will always be important to her.
Luke Skinner (Sir Harry)
Luke is a senior in high school. He is in Show Choir, and has participated in a number of shows for the school district. His roles include Scar in The Lion King and Harry MacAfee in Bye Bye Birdie. Luke plans to participate in the performing arts programs that are provided at his college of choice. Luke has thoroughly enjoyed performing with the Florence Performing Arts Center once again.
Ari Vasquez (Lady Rowena, Nightingale, Jester's Court Dancer, Winnifred u/s)
Ari is a junior and is the drum major for the Marching band as well as in the color guard. She has been in choirs and musicals since fourth grade and has been in shows such as "Alice in Wonderland", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", and "Bye Bye Birdie". She is also involved in clubs such as the Black and Latinx Student Union, and Environmental Club.
Liam Virula (King Sextimus)
Liam is in his second year of high school. He is a member of the Interact Club and Future Teachers Club. Liam is the Vice President for the Class of 2025. Some of his favorite roles were Harold Ickes and Bundles in Annie. This is the fourth musical production he has been a part of.
Jordann Walford (Ensemble)
Jordann is a freshman, she participates in the Interact Club, Future Teachers of America Club, the Black and Latinx Student Union, and Marching Band participating in color guard for the first time this season. Her past role was the Shepard in The Big Bad Musical. Jordann is unsure what she wants to do in the future but wants to do something in music or writing.