Jekyll & Hyde Cast

Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Adam El-zein)
Adam El-Zein is in his 8th show with Crestwood drama, and he’s more than excited to put on a show you won’t forget. You may remember him as Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame or Michael from Be More Chill. This club is very special to him as it built the foundation of who he is today, and pushed him to pursue theatre beyond high school. He is thankful for everyone who got him to this point from his friends, family, and teachers who kept pushing him to do better. Getting to this point has been a bumpy road and a hard process but thanks to everyone involved in this production, this show has finally come to light. He thanks you for coming, and he hopes from the bottom of his heart you enjoy the show.
Lucy Harris (Alex Krysztof)
Alex is an alumni who graduated in 2017 but cannot seem to stay away from the Crestwood stage. You may have seen her previously as Diana in Next to Normal, the Bakers Wife in Into the Woods, or as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. She recently graduated from the university of Michigan and plans to attend law school in the fall. In the meantime, she is thrilled to be back with her Team Alpha Drama family and supporting local theatre. She is so proud of everything they have accomplished and hopes you enjoy the show!
Emma Carew (Alina Hazime)
Alina Hazime is currently in her 5th Crestwood drama show and is very excited to be playing Emma Carew in Jekyll and Hyde. It’s been a rough year and she is so thankful she gets to jump back into this show and finish what we all started. She hopes you enjoy the show, because we’ve been working on it for a really long time!
John Utterson, Ensemble (Austin Thomas)
Austin Thomas is excited to finally perform his final show with drama, and is very excited to be back on stage! He hopes that the audience has an amazing time being back in the theatre and hopes everyone enjoys the show!
Simon Stride, Ensemble (Mahdi Osseili)
Mahdi wants you all to know that a lot has happened this past year... but one things for sure, we’re going to put on the best show possible for all of you. We’ve all been anxious to get back on stage and perform again and now that we’re all here we’re ready to put our heart and soul into this show. With that being said, enjoy the show!!!!!!
Lady Beaconsfield, Nellie, Ensemble (Khalia Mims)
Khalia Mims is going to be a senior next year and is so stoked to finally get to do her 5th production on Crestwood's lovely stage. She is so excited for everyone to see this show after the long wait. She would like to thank her friends and her Mom for all their support and hopes you enjoy the show!!!
Sir Danvers Carew, Ensemble (Harry Krafchak)
This is Harry’s third show with the Crestwood drama club. He is very excited to get back with the cast after a long year of being away. He’s ready to see the seniors from last year get to do their last show, and even more excited for his family to see the production!
Lady Savage, Ensemble (Ayla Sudorowski)
Ayla is in her 9th show with Crestwood and is so happy tp finally share the show with you all. The shows postponement due to covid was a bitter sweet experience because it wasn't known if we could ever do it. But here we are all working so hard to finally share Jekyll and Hyde's story. They are also happy to continue student directing, they student directed other shows in the past like Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-time. They hope you all enjoy the show and all the beautiful effects we had to make it great!
Lady Glossop, Ensemble (Lynsey Zundel)
Lynsey is in her 2nd show with Team Alpha Drama and is ecstatic to be playing Lady Glossop! She is so grateful to be back doing what she loves and finishing a show so close to her heart. She wants to thank everyone in drama for not just keeping towards their goal of the show, but giving endless support and irreplaceable friendships.
Bishop of Basingstoke, Spinder, Ensemble (Mohamad Mohammad)
Mohamad Mohammad (Momo) is in his 2nd show with TeamAlphaDrama, and he’s very excited to be playing Bishop, as well as Spider! It’s very cool for him to be playing characters who are both Bert different in that they’re both on the more evil side, which gives him a chance to explore a whole new character style! He’d like to thank his friends and family for supporting and encouraging him through this show, and for helping him grow as a part of theatre!
Sir Archibald Proops, Poole, Ensemble (Damien Deluca)
Damien DeLuca Is now in his second show with Crestwood Drama. He is playing Poole and Sir Archibald Proops and is very excited. He thanks everyone including his family and friends who stayed with the Drama program.
Featured Dancer, Ensemble (Kate Klassa)
Kate Klassa is an alumni from the Class of 2020 and is so excited to be a part of her first show with drama! She'd like to thank her family, Mina & Cayla for all of the support throughout this time!
Ensemble (Adam Nasser)
Adam Nasser is in his 2nd show with team alpha drama, and he’s very excited to play the pope! He’d like to thank his friends and family for supporting him this whole time!
Ensemble (Nicole Balaie)
Nicole Balaie is in her 1st show with drama! She is so happy to finally be back with the cast and crew after all this time and can’t wait to preform in front of a live audience!
Ensemble (Salwa Ibrahim)
Salwa Ibrahim is in her 4th and last show with drama! She wants to thank her friends for supporting her for the time that she's been here and she's glad she could make so many great memories!
Ensemble (America Cortes)
America is so excited to back be back on stage with her cast and crew mates!! She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting her and hopes you all enjoy the show!
Minister, Ensemble (Graham Dallas)
This is Graham’s second time assistant directing with director Cayla Kolbusz, and you may have seen him on the Crestwood stage as Dan Goodman in Next to Normal. He loves being a part of the Crestwood family and always seizes opportunities to help out. He would like to thank his family, friends and girlfriend Maddie for their love and support, and is very proud of the Jekyll and Hyde Cast and Crew. Enjoy the show!
Featured Dancer (Mina Haidi)
Mina Haidi is a Crestwood theatre alumni who has choreographed more musicals than she can count! You may have seen some of her other work at Crestwood, Divine Child or the Players Guild in Dearborn. But she especially loves working with Cayla and coming back to her roots. She would like to thank the cast for their handwork after a long time apart and for always being willing to try new things.
Jekyll's Father (Dave Havenstein)
David is excited to be back on the Crestwood stage. From playing in the pit for The Hunchback of Notre Dame to being in the cast of Be More Chill, returning to the theatre has been an amazing experience. David would like to thank Cayla for allowing him to be a part of the show and his amazing wife, Shanna.