The Bold, The Young, and The Murdered Cast

Rebecca Beer (Allie the Director)
Rebecca, a freshman at CHS, is very excited for “The Bold, the Young, and the Murdered.” It will be her first play. She took drama classes in middle school, and when she saw that CHS was going to be doing a murder mystery, she decided it was time to break out of her shell and audition for her first play. Even as a baby her pediatrician said she was very dramatic. Outside of theatre she strives to get good grades and stays busy doing other extracurricular activities as well. Finally, she is an absolute animal fanatic, always wanting to accept a new pet into her family.
Shannon Darling (Keri the Intern)
Shannon is a sophomore at CHS with a very creepy laugh and a strange love of fried rice.
Veronica Laverdure (Miley the Producer)
"She plays Miley, not Miley Cyrus unfortunately."
Chloe Lord (Brooke the Camerawoman)
Chloe is a freshman at CHS. She is an honor roll student (besides math) and is a very humorous and optimistic person. This is her second production at CHS, the first being, Aladdin Junior. She is very thrilled to be a part of the cast in The Bold, the Young, and the Murdered. She hopes she can continue to make roles in future productions and become, "The next big thing!" ♡
Ashlyn Esposito (Kaitlin the Stage Manager)
"Her name is not sweetheart."
Jordyn Todd (John Burke/Valencio di Carpathio)
"His character may like soup, but if you gave him a choice, he'd prefer to eat his meals as solids."
Nick Stewart (Morris Nyborg/Jake Strong)
He is an apple juice consumer.
Jayden Burch (Bill Wiley/Sebastian Strong)
Jayden is a 17 year old senior at Columbia High School. He is playing the role of “Bill”. He has been in many theatrical performances over the course of his high school career including: “In The Hood”, “Murder At The Malt Shop”, “Elf the Musical”, and Disney’s "Aladdin Jr”. He has also been in multiple competitions including Columbia’s Top Talent, Columbia’s Golden Voice finals, Florida District 2 Thespian Festival where he received 4 scores of excellent, and Southside Idol as a top five finalist. He has been a performer since he was brought into this world and loves to entertain. He breathes, eats, and sleeps performing arts. Theatre has been a major role in finding himself, and he hopes that everyone enjoys the show!
Carly Rose Brocchi (Lily Baumgartner/Sequoiya)
Carly Rose is a senior at CHS. She has been performing almost her entire life and has been trained in vocal jazz music for over 10 years. She dances ballet at Lake City Dance Arts. She plans to go to pre-law school and eventually get a doctorate in criminal law.
Faith Ingram (Danielle Farris/Jessica Silverstedt)
Gigi Crawford (Cybil Dane/Mona Jeffries)
Gigi is a talented CHS sophomore who is well known for her musical one liners and ensemble performances. This show is her first ever straight play role and murder mystery play. Former roles are Lady Turamaine from Cinderella, Kate from Annie, ensemble in LCMS Movies and Musicals Nights, Mr,Narwhal from Elf the Musical, and the most recent is the fabulous Fortune Teller from Aladdin Jr the musical.
Hailey Schide (Amy White/Eileen Silverstedt)
Hailey is a junior at CHS. This is her third Theatre performance. She hopes that everyone enjoys the show!
Kaiden Hodson (Tyler Tripodo/Dr. William Bradley)
Kaiden is a junior at CHS. He doesn't care what people think about him because the ones that need him got him, the ones that doubt him can't stop him, even the ones that said forget him, you can bet they ain't forgot him. You either want to hit him or hold him, those that hate him, don't know him even the ones that don't trust anybody trust him and the ones that like him, LOVE him! Oh yeah!, He likes to talk and sleep A LOT!!
Hiedi Smith (Understudy)
Hiedi is a sophomore at CHS trying to make herself known. She's so far only been known as the beggar in Aladdin, and she wants to be known for so much more. Hiedi is also trying to juggle being a dual enrollment student at Florida Gateway College on top of Theatre and high school. She hopes to be in as many plays as possible before she graduates.
Halee Ingraham (Understudy)
Halee is a junior at CHS. she loves art, and she "would rather move forward than be left behind."