About The Bold, The Young, and The Murdered

The Bold, the Young, and the Murdered is a full-length whodunit play performed by Columbia High School Theatre. Dinner will be made by Columbia High School Culinary. This event is a fundraiser helping both groups raise money to register for state competition.
About the play: The Bold and the Young, the long-running soap opera, is in its last days: its hunky hero has self-esteem issues, its villainous old man is more interested in soup, and its heroines are slightly psychopathic. The executive producer gives the squabbling cast an ultimatum: Complete one episode overnight or the show dies. But when the director ends up murdered, and other cast members start dropping like flies, it seems like his threat might actually come true. Can these misfits discover the murderer before the show is literally killed off?

Columbia High School

The Columbia High School Theatre Department has been producing high-quality theatrical productions in the north Florida community for many years.  CHS Theatre is proud to perform in the Norman L. Choice Performing Arts Center, named for the chorus teacher who impacted thousands of students at CHS. 

Currently, the CHS Theatre department boasts a comprehensive four-year acting and technical theatre program. Students can study both aspects. Alumni students have gone on to study theatre in college and perform in many venues. CHS Theatre produces at least four main-stage shows each year: a theatre camp production in the summer, a non-musical play in the fall, a one-act play and mystery dinner theatre in the winter, and a musical play in the spring. 

Additionally, the department competes annually in the Florida District 2 Theatre Festival and Florida State Theatre Festival.  CHS Theatre is also a member of the International Thespian Society. Our Troupe 2934/Drama Club is the largest club on the CHS campus and one of the most active. Current troupe director and show producer is Mrs. Crystal Ingram Free. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.