Steel Magnolias Creative

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John Carmigiano
John Carmigiano (member of International Thespian Society) is in his 25th year at Cloverleaf High School, and 29th year overall. He has taught English, Journalism, Debate, Speech, Theatre, and Creative Writing over his time at CHS, and has been the head coach of the Varsity Girls' Basketball and Softball teams for the past 20 years. Carm, as staff and students refer to him, is also an advisor for the CHS Student Leadership Team that he started with Mr. Bart Randolph. He is directing his 13th Fall Play after taking over for his legendary friend, Mr. James Gilder. Some of his past directing credits include "You Can't Take It With You", "Diary of Anne Frank", "Emma! A Pop Musical", "Over the River and Through the Woods", "Twelve Angry Jurors", "Clue On Stage!", and "Almost, Maine". Carm is grateful for the opportunity to produce great theatre with Co-Director, Ms. Tory Krus, and hopes you enjoy this ambitious project. He wishes the cast and crew the best run ever! This show is dedicated to his father-in-law, Bobby Eger, who passed recently, way too early!
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Victoria Krus
Miss Krus is in her fifth year of teaching ninth and eleventh grade English at Cloverleaf, and "Steel Magnolias" is her seventh production with the Cloverleaf Drama Club. Her past directing credits include "Beauty and the Beast", "Clue", "Twelve Angry Jurors", "Little Women", "Over the River and Through the Woods", and "All Shook Up!". She is so proud of this group of students for their work and dedication on this show. She knows that this story and these characters are important to many people, and she hopes that the audience loves watching it tonight as much as they did watching it the first time.
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Set Construction and Design
Eric Martin
Eric Martin is the set construction assistant and is husband of Karen Martin (Co-Principal at CES). He started building sets as a freshman in college (Hiram ‘89) and became involved with Cloverleaf’s drama club ten years ago when his oldest son, Kevin, was a sophomore. He feels very blessed to have a career as a lead estimator with Mack Industries in Valley City, which allows him to participate in building sets. Some of his favorite and more technical sets have been for “The Diary of Anne Frank”, “Oklahoma”, “Cinderella”, and “Bye, Bye, Birdie”. He is very excited to be working in a larger space in the new auditorium. He is appreciative of all the directors that have allowed him to be a part of the productions and wishes the best of luck and the proverbial “break a leg” to all of the young performers, past, present, and future that come through the ranks at CHS.
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Costume Designer
Emily Winnicki
Emily is excited to once again help with the costumes for such an amazing production. Emily, a Class of 2021 graduate, has been part of the CHS Drama Department for many years. You may remember her as Juror #3 or Aunt March from last year’s productions of "12 Angry Jurors" and "Little Women: The Musical". Emily is currently attending the College of Wooster, where she works in the college’s costume department and Campus Special Collections. Emily would like to wish the cast the best of luck and thank everyone for allowing her to be a part of such a wonderful production.
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Assistant Student Director
Taylor Jordan
Taylor Jordan (sophomore/Drama Club Public Relations) is happy to be a part of the production of this year's fall play. They have been involved in two other shows, "Clue" and the senior directed one acts. They hope the audience enjoys the show.
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Assistant Student Director
Madilyn Otterbacher
Maddy Otterbacher (senior/member of International Thespian Society/Drama Club Vice President) is in her third year of participating with Cloverleaf High School’s Drama Club. Previously, she has been a crew member in "Clue", "12 Angry Jurors", and "Beauty and the Beast". This year as one of the student assistant directors, she is so excited for everyone to see the production of "Steel Magnolias". Outside of the drama club, she is a member of Wind Ensemble and also senior drum major for Cloverleaf Marching Band. After she graduates, she plans on going to the University of Akron to pursue a degree in Music Education to be an elementary level music teacher. She hopes everyone enjoys the show and laughs as much as she does during the rehearsals!
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Stage Manager
Amy DeCoster
Amy DeCoster (senior) is so excited to put on this amazing show. Some of her past productions are "Little Women", "Clue", and "Beauty and the Beast", and now this one. Besides drama she also does bowling. Amy is so thrilled to be part of crew again this year, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
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Stage Manager
Cora Neville
Cora Neville (senior) is thrilled to be a stage manager this year for the fall play! She has been a part of the crew for "Beauty and the Beast" and the one act plays last year. Outside of Drama Club, Cora is involved in NHS. After high school, Cora plans on attending college to major in wildlife biology. She hopes you will enjoy the show as much as she does! She also wishes everyone involved the best of luck!
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Leah Archer
Leah Archer (sophomore) is extremely excited to be on crew for the fall play. This is her first time participating in any play production. Leah is involved in Treble Choir and theatre class. She wishes everyone the best of luck this year in the play and hopes that you all enjoy it.
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Abagail Broderick
Abagail Broderick (sophomore) is excited to be part of her fourth show. She was a part of the crew in the 2021 fall play "Clue", in the 2022 spring musical "Beauty and the Beast", and was also a part of crew for the one act plays last May. She is very excited to be a part of this amazing play and to be part of an awesome cast and crew, and she hopes you enjoy the show as much as she does.
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Paige Brownson
Paige Brownson (senior) is excited to be apart of crew this year for the first time! Outside of theater, Paige is involved in volleyball and Track & Field at the school, along with D.A.R.E., National Honors Society and student leadership. After high school, Paige plans to attend either Kent State or Bowling Green University to study Speech Language Pathology. She wishes the entire cast best of luck and hope that you enjoy the show!!
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Madison Clark
Madison (freshman) is excited to be part of crew in her first CHS Drama Club show. She is also on the volleyball team. She hops everyone enjoys the show!
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Ethan DeCoster
Ethan DeCoster (freshman) is in his first show with the CHS Drama Club, "Steel Magnolias". Outside of school, Ethan is in boy scouts as a First Class scout. He is very excited to be participating in the CHS Drama Club and wants to help out the cast and crew in any way he can.
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Katana Foster
Katana Foster (freshman) is super happy to be on the crew this year! This is her first year in theater, and it's been a fun experience so far. She is super excited to see and participate in all the future plays and get to know all the people in theater class throughout the next few years!
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Cheyanne Garnek
Cheyanne Garnek (freshman) is excited to have the opportunity to help produce an amazing show this year! Outside of school, she likes to read and dance. She is thankful for the opportunity she has this year, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
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Jason Kellogg
Jason Kellogg (sophomore) is super excited to be a part of the crew this year. Jason was featured in the "Beauty and the Beast" musical last year and took part in other shows as both cast and crew at his old school in New York. Jason hopes you all enjoy the show!
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Khera Miller
Khera Miller (sophomore/member of International Thespian Society) is very excited to be a part of the crew this year at Cloverleaf. This is her second year helping as crew. She has been a part of crew for "Clue" and "Beauty and the Beast". She is also a part of the girls golf team with the school. She wishes everyone the best of luck with the show! Hope you enjoy the show just as much as she does!
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Sidney Scherler
Sidney Scherler (junior) is very excited to have the opportunity to participate in her first year of crew for the play. She has always loved the theater but has always been hesitant to help in it. Sidney is also part of the NHS and plays volleyball for the school and the club she plays at during the winter. Overall, Sidney is thrilled to learn how the crew works and hopes everyone good luck during the play!
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Tristan Sublett
Tristan (Snow) Sublett (freshman) is excited to be part of his first show at CHS. They are also involved in Marching Band, Creative Writing Club, Quiz Bowl as well as World Language Club. Snow has had a great time on crew!

Original Creative Team

Artistic Director: Kyle Renick

Managing Director: Wendy Bustard

Director: Pamela Berlin

Setting: Edward T. Gianfrancesco

Lighting: Craig Evans

Costumes: Don Newcomb

Sound: Otts Munderloh

Hair: Bobby H. Grayson

Casting: Darlene Kaplan

Production Stage Manager: Paul Mills Holmes

WPA Theater Production, New York City, 1987