Night of One Acts 2024 Directors, Designers, Technical Theatre Artists

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Jodi Papproth
Ms. Papproth has been the one-woman Theatre Dept. at CMHS since 1994 where her classes include Drama, Advanced Acting, Technical Theatre, Theatrical Makeup and Improvisation. She is the sponsor for CMHS Drama Club and for Thespian Troupe 3811. Ms. P. graduated from Drake University in Des Moines, IA with a degree in Theatre Education and received her Master’s in Directing from Roosevelt University in Chicago. Jodi has served as President for the Alliance for Colorado Theatre (ACT) twice and has served on the Colorado Thespians Board. In 2005 ACT awarded Ms. Papproth Colorado Theatre Educator of the Year. She is a founding member of Springs Ensemble Theatre (SET) and with them has directed, acted, produced, stage managed and built many shows. Jodi has coordinated several Youth Summer Drama Camps in the Co. Springs community and currently spends part of the summer as the Drama Teacher for the Art and Acting in the Woods program at La Foret. Several of Ms. P’s students have gone on to perform in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Minneapolis, Denver, Austin and abroad and many of her former technical theatre students are working in the professional world as set designers, light designers, scenic painters, video artists and as technical theatre professors. Ms. P loves her job and is so happy to share her passion for theatre every day with such remarkable young people. Love and thanks to Steve for making all of this possible and for Cormac for helping me to keep it all in perspective.
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Student Director
Abby Ditlow
Abby is a Junior and has been a part of CMHS theatre for three years. This is her third NIGHT OF ONE ACTS. She is the Drama Club Co-President with her best friend, Sam. Her most recent CMHS shows are PUFFS as Leanne and GUYS AND DOLLS as General Cartwright. Over the summer she was in a production of FOOTLOOSE through the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center Youth Rep program. Her proudest accomplishment was starring in the Independent film RAT MAN 2: THE SAGA CONTINUES. She is so excited to not only be starring in two one acts but also directing for her first time! She hopes you enjoy the show!
Student Director
Briana Froese
Set Designer/Sound & Light Board Op
Laila Kailles
Laila is a senior and has been a member of Tech Crew for two years. She designed the set for Game Night (Humans Only Please) and her pieces were used in other one acts! She was the board op for lights for our competition play, 4 AM. This year she was the sound board op/sound tech for Guys and Dolls and last year she constructed puppets for PUFFS as well as built set for it, Twelfth Night, and The Night of One Acts. She is in AP 2D Art and enjoys working on pieces that mean a lot to her.
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Sound Designer
Miles Young
Miles Young (Sound board operator/designer) has been a member of Tech Crew for two years. He was the Sound Designer for ELF the Musical and Guys and Dolls. Additionally he was Soundboard Operator/crew for the Night Of One Acts. Miles has been a part of Set Construction cCew for all the shows listed above. Miles would like to continue with Tech Theatre after High School.
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Sound Design
Joby Kane
Joby has worked backstage for several shows at CMHS including PUFFS and GUYS AND DOLLS. They took the Foundations of Production Design and Performance class last semester (and created the cutest puppet) and are now in Tech Crew 1. They were on Makeup Crew for Twelfth Night, Makeup Crew and Backstage Run Crew for PUFFS and built set on the construction crew for Guys and Dolls. Joby would like to continue to study Tech Theatre in HS and to pursue it in the future.
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Light Design/Build Crew
Aaden Jackson
Aaden is a new Tech Crew member who strives to be a jack of all trades when it comes to being a tech! Last year he worked on run crew and set construction for Guys and Dolls, as well as helping with sound design. This year he is excited to work on lights, set design, and more! Aaden also MC's all the Band concerts and plays in 3 out of the 5 bands at the High School, namely the Symphonic, Jazz 1, and Jazz 2 bands. He is an editor for AM@CM and a Band TA as well. Aaden is hoping to study Psychology, Music, or basically anything he could have fun with in college.
Isabella Bowring
Isabella is a senior and has been a member of Tech Crew for 3 years. She build set and props for Failure: A Love Story and worked backstage for ELF the Musical and Guys and Dolls. They also built set and props for Twelfth Night and PUFFS. Isabella enjoys playing clarinet, drawing and painting, cooking and baking, and reading and writing books. She has played clarinet for 9 years and participates in the Youth Symphony, Symphonic Band, has been in various honor and summer bands, and plans to continue in college along with pursuing psychology degree.
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Set Construction
Theresa He
Theresa is a senior and this is her first year as a member of Tech Crew. She was a part of construction crew for GUYS AND DOLLS and worked backstage for the musical. She is the Vice President of Art Improvement Group. She plays tennis and badminton.
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Set Construction
Cei Irwin
Cei Irwin is a new member of Tech Crew, but is endlessly excited to help. They are the founder and President of the Art Improvement Group, a tennis player, and a senior in High School. This year, they have worked on set building and painting as well as ran the curtain for Guys and Dolls.
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Stage Manager
Charlie Stuhlsatz
Charlie has been a member of Tech Crew for 4 years. He was props coordinator for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, ran backstage for ELF the Musical, multiple Night of One Acts as well as FAILURE: A Love Story. He was the Stage Manager for Twelfth Night, Puffs, and Guys and Dolls. He is the Vice President of Art Improvement Group at CMHS and hopes to continue in theatre in college and beyond.
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Props/Set Creation
Marianne Albright
Marianne has been an active member of the theater since her Freshman year! She has been a part of Tech Crew for three years being a Makeup Artist for Failure: A Love Story, backstage run crew for Puffs, and Stage Manager and Props Master for the Fall musical, Guys and Dolls. They are currently working on Tech Crew and Costuming and Props for the Spring play, Pride and Prejudice.
Set Construction/Light Crew
Rose Katen
Rose has been a member of Tech Crew for 2 years. She was on the light crew for Twelfth Night and learning a lot from fellow Tech Crew member, Peyton. This year Rose moved up to light designer for Guys and Dolls. They have also served as a light board op for The Night One Acts in the past.
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Set Construction/Light Crew
Peyton Holes
Peyton is a senior this year. He has designed lights since his freshman year; most notably for Twelfth Night - the first show after the new tension grid was installed. He played in the pit orchestra for the musical GUYS AND DOLLS and assisted in the light design for the same show. He often runs lights for band and choir events in the Lloyd Shaw Auditorium.
Set Construction
Austin Coleman
Austin has been a member of Tech Crew for one year, helping build many set pieces for Guys and Dolls, as well as Night of One Acts. Austin plays bassoon in the CHMS Symphonic band and will be attending UCCS in fall of 2024 in pursuit of Engineering and/or Computer Science.
Set Construction
Ava Cheponis
Ava has been a member of Tech Crew for 2 years. She has helped to create sets for A Night of One Acts, Twelfth Night, Puffs, Guys and Dolls, and Pride and Prejudice. She designed lights last year for The Night of One Acts and was the light board op for PUFFS. Ava hopes to pursue art in college.
Set Construction
Alex Dittmer
Alex has been a member of Tech Crew for 2 years. She helped to create the sets for Night Of One Acts, Twelfth Night, Puffs, Guys And Dolls, and Pride And Prejudice. She also helped with the Light Design for Night Of One Acts last year and was on light crew for Twelfth Night, and Puffs.

Original Creative Team