Night Of One Acts Directors, Designers, Technical Theatre Artists

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Jodi Papproth
Ms. Papproth has been the one-woman Theatre Dept. at CMHS since 1994 where her classes include Drama, Advanced Acting, Technical Theatre, Theatrical Makeup and Improvisation. She is the sponsor for CMHS Drama Club and for Thespian Troupe 3811. Ms. P. graduated from Drake University in Des Moines, IA with a degree in Theatre Education and received her Master’s in Directing from Roosevelt University in Chicago. Jodi has served as President for the Alliance for Colorado Theatre (ACT) twice and has served on the Colorado Thespians Board. In 2005 ACT awarded Ms. Papproth Colorado Theatre Educator of the Year. She is a founding member of Springs Ensemble Theatre (SET) and with them has directed, acted, produced, stage managed and built many shows. Jodi has coordinated several Youth Summer Drama Camps in the Co. Springs community and currently spends part of the summer as the Drama Teacher for the Art and Acting in the Woods program at La Foret. Several of Ms. P’s students have gone on to perform in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Minneapolis, Denver, Austin and abroad and many of her former technical theatre students are working in the professional world as set designers, light designers, scenic painters, video artists and as technical theatre professors. Ms. P loves her job and is so happy to share her passion for theatre every day with such remarkable young people. Love and thanks to Steve for making all of this possible and for Cormac for helping me to keep it all in perspective.

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