About Night Of One Acts

Director’s Notes:

            Welcome to the 28th annual Night of One Acts! The NIGHT OF ONE ACTS is a long-standing tradition at CMHS. I started it in 1994 as a way to give every theatre student a chance to understand and apply all the skills they learn in class through an actual performance experience. Drama students usually wrap up their first semester with the creation and performance of an original monologue that is also an audition for a one-act play. Advanced Acting students review scripts, pitch them to the class, and vote on the ones they are most interested in producing. Then the Technical Theatre students bring in their skill and talent to design a set, lights, sound, props, costumes etc. Almost all rehearsals take place in class and then the entire show is pulled together a few days after school before the night of the actual performance. This project brings together the student performing for the very first time with the student that has been performing since they were 3 years old. It allows the Technical Theatre student to dip their toe into the world of design on small-scale projects, and provides opportunities for some of the Advanced Acting students to try their hand at directing. THE NIGHT OF ONE ACTS is like the ultimate group project!

             I love the tradition of NIGHT OF ONE ACTS project because the results for students is like no other. With the one-act experience project under their belts, I see increased confidence and stage presence, the ability to make strong choices as an actor and a designer, a better sense of timing, and an overall feeling of accomplishment.

          Drama is not offered in school so that future stars will be born, but rather to breed an understanding, respect, and appreciation of the art of theatre. The study of drama teaches commitment, concentration, creativity, and cooperation. Students need to work collaboratively in theatre and their successful interaction in theatre carries over into successful interaction in real-life settings.

          With all that said, what you are about to see is the culmination of time, effort, energy, sweat, and yes, even a few tears - the Drama & Advanced Acting students and the Technical Theatre students have committed to this project since December. From first-time performers, designers, and directors to the most experienced drama students Cheyenne Mtn. has to offer - we welcome you and invite you to sit back and enjoy the ride!! 

One Act Plays

Identity Play: Or Who You Are If You Think You Are

by: Jon Jory and Jason Pizzarello







13 Ways To Screw Up Your College Interview

by: Ian McWethy









The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

by: Don Zolidis