About Painting Churches

Gardner and Fanny Church are preparing to move out of their Beacon Hill house to their summer cottage on Cape Cod. Gardner, once a famous poet, now is retired. He slips in and out of senility as his wife Fanny valiantly tries to keep them both afloat. They have asked their daughter, Mags, to come home and help them move. Mags agrees, for she hopes as well to finally paint their portrait. She is now on the verge of artistic celebrity herself and hopes, by painting her parents, to come to terms with them and they with her. Mags triumphs in the end as Fanny and Gardner actually step through the frame and become a work of art ineffable and timeless.

Chamberlayne Actors Theatre

Our mission at Chamberlayne Actors Theatre is to present quality productions to metro Richmond while fostering an appreciation for the theatre arts in the larger community. We strive to be a theatre that educates and nurtures the next generation of theatre artists while amplifying the talents of our theatre veterans.