Anything Goes Creative

Costumes Crew; Lighting Crew
Alanna Carty
Alanna Carty (12th) in on the crew.
Set Crew; Costumes Crew; Props Crew
Alys Traylor
Alys Traylor (10th) previously worked on "A Murder Is Announced" with JagTheatre and is excited to continue working on productions as a part of the crew.
Publicity Crew
Cen Rogerson
Cen Rogerson (9th) has previously worked on "A Murder is Announced". They enjoy rock climbing and music. They would like to thank their family for their support with his creative endeavors.
Set Crew
Chelsea Easterling
Chelsea Easterling (11th) has worked on the run crew and helped paint the set for "Mean Girls" She enjoys working behind the scenes of a performance to help run the show smoothly and connect with crew mates who enjoy similar things.
Assistant Director; Stage Manager
David Gilmore
David Gilmore (12th) has previously acted in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Mean Girls", and was Assistant Stage Manager for Blue Box Theatre Company's production of "Much Ado". He is excited to try his hand at directing, and looks forward to working with everyone throughout the rehearsal process!
Set Crew
Eliza Drew
Eliza Drew (10th) has not previously worked on a show but is excited to start. She enjoys all animals and plants, especially reptiles. She would like to thank her snakes and lizard for all they do for her.
Sound Designer; Sound Board Engineer; Set Crew
Ephraim Baksh
Ephraim Baksh (10th) is a technician who has worked on previous productions such as "Mean Girls", "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon", and "A Murder Is Announced". He is excited to work on the spring musical, "Anything Goes".
Dramaturg; Set Crew
Eva Dooling
Eva Dooling (9th) has previously worked on "A Murder is Announced." She is excited to work on her first musical and to take on her first production team role!
Set Crew; House Manger
Frances Reed
Frances Reed (12th) did theatre for many years growing up. She is very excited to be back in the theatre for her last semester at Carrboro.
Lighting Designer; Light Board Operator
Gigi Hoopes
Gigi Hoopes (12th) has been working with lights for previous shows such as "Mean Girls", "A Murder is Announced", and more. She is excited to take part in as many theatre opportunities as she can in her last year of high school and wants to work with everyone to ensure great experiences for her last productions.
Props Coordinator; Set Crew
Isaac Baksh
Isaac Baksh (10th) has notably worked on "Mean Girls", "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon", and "A Murder is Announced". He is looking forward to being a part of the production team and can't wait for "Anything Goes".
Set Crew; Props Crew; Sound Crew; A/V Crew
Joseph lee
Joseph Lee (12th) teched for CTC's "One-Acts". He enjoys reading, writing, and watching and playing weird sports. Outside of theatre he is a writer, a musician, and a nerd. His favourite play is "Twelfth Night".
Costumes Crew; Props Crew
Lilli McClanahan
Lilli McClanahan (11th) has worked on "James and the Giant Peach", "Mean Girls", and more. She is very happy to be included.
Assistant Stage Manager
Luna Nicholson
Luna Nicholson (9th) is excited to be a part of this production after performing in "A Murder Is Announced". This will be their second JagTheatre production.
Set Crew; Lights Crew
Matthew Zeller
Matthew Zeller (10th) has not worked on any plays or musicals. He likes to paint figures and play video games.
Props Crew
Norah Rosanbalm (12th)
Norah Rosanbalm (12th) has previously worked on the 2021, 2022, and 2023 "Winter One Acts", "The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong", "Mean Girls", and "The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon". She has been a part of props, set, and run crew, as well as Props Coordinator and Designer.
Costumes Crew
Peyton Buebel
Peyton Buebel (11th) has previously worked on "Mean Girls", and a couple other shows. She is excited to get started on this year's show!
Publicity Crew; House Manager
Joyah Horton
Joyah Horton (12th). She enjoys spending time with family and shopping. She would like to thank her friends and family for their support throughout her high school years.