About Anything Goes

Come aboard with Carrboro High School JagTheatre as we set sail for the 2022 revised version of Anything Goes. Billy Crocker (Brodie Hargiss, 11th) has thrown caution to the wind to go after the woman he loves, Hope Harcourt (Asbie Moseley,10th). Just one problem, she is engaged to someone else!  Billy teams up with his old friend Reno Sweeny (Mary Mask,11th), gets caught up in the antics of Public Enemy #13 Moonface Martin (Asher Margulies,12th), and must avoid being spotted by his boss Elisha Whitney (Mack Smith, 12th) along his road to love. If he succeeds, it could mean that more than one couple finds happiness on the journey.  This fast paced musical features the classic music of Cole Porter and will leave you singing the familiar tunes long after the curtain has gone down.  It is sure to be a truly de-lovely night of toe-tapping fun!

Carrboro JagTheatre

Over the course of four years, Carrboro High School Theatre seeks to expose audiences, performers, and technicians to as wide a variety of genres, artistic processes, and themes as is feasible with current population statistics.  We seek to foster intellectual and emotional growth, spark relevant discussions within the community, and challenge students with different artistic styles.