Murder On The Orient Express Crew

Stage Manager
Olivia Kucsik
Liv Kucsik is a junior at Capital City high school and a member of CCHS theatre. She studies journalism at Nichols Career Center, is a member of the student council and also in the National Honor Society. Outside of school, she enjoys photography and writing. She is looking forward to being a member of CCHS theatre because she loves learning new mediums to tell stories.
Stage Manager
Laila Grier
Laila is a Junior at Capital City High School and a member of the Nichols Career Center FFA. When she is not working on art projects she enjoys spending time working with her fish as well as her reptiles as well as researching her future project goals. She is looking forward to her theatre opportunities throughout the rest of her high school years because of the backstage aspects and the potential for future set designs.
Light Board Operator/Costume Crew/Student Artist
Ellie Anderson
Ellie Anderson is a Senior at Capital City High School who is involved with the CCHS Theatre. She runs lights, preps costumes and fills the role as the student artist, designing posters and shirts to advertise shows. When Ellie was in middle school she was in Patriot Players which she thoroughly enjoyed, but ather than being on stage for another year, she wanted to try running the show from behind the scenes. When Ellie isn’t doing theater, she likes to draw, study art history and Greco-Roman Mythology, and play video games that expand her mind and help her with art, like Minecraft and Legend of Zelda.

About the crew!

Prop/Costume/Set/Makeup Crew: Evan Weirich, Matthew Kofahl, Kole Withers, Shelbi Ritter, Parker Sheets, Neo Freeman, Tiange Thompson, Ellie Anderson, Julia Schlotter, Madison Keep, Ellie Mejia

Our crew does so much for the theatre and spends so much time on making our sets and cast look perfect! Our crew is a key factor of every show!