Murder On The Orient Express Cast

Poirot (Amari Herndon-Goodman)
Amari Herndon-Goodman is a junior at Capital City High School and a member of NHS, Orchestra, HOSA, and a handful of other clubs at school. She enjoys engaging in writing, Dungeons & Dragons, and of course, acting. After Murder on the Orient Express, Amari is looking forward to participating in Speech and Debate’s “Reader’s Theatre” and One-Act Play.
Monsieur Bouc (Hunter Schulte)
Hunter Schulte is a Senior at Capital City High School and he’s a member of the Football team, Track and Field team, Theatre club, and Archery club. When he’s not doing any of that he enjoys working out, playing Basketball, working at the YMCA as a Camp Counselor, watching Spongebob, Anime (Mostly My Hero Academia and One Punch Man), and Whose Line is it Anyway?, but most of all he loves spending time with his family. He really enjoys being in the Theatre club because he says it’s fun, enjoyable, and he can really be himself. And he’s looking forward to doing Track and Field in the Spring because of how fun and hard working it is. Those are the only ones we have so far.
Countess Andrenyi (Madison Keep)
Madison Keep is a Junior at Capital City High School and the president of Capital City High School Theatre. She has been involved in theatre all through middle AND high school --which seems like forever. Apparently, she is a good enough person to be part of the National Honor Society. Madison is also the President of the newly formed Female Empowerment Club and a proud member of Queer-Straight Alliance. When Madison isn’t yelling about small pieces of her day to her mom, she enjoys hanging with her homies, painting inconvenient paintings, or tutoring others to make herself feel better. She chose to be apart of this show because it has been so close to her heart for years and she feels it creates a second family as well as a safe place outside of home.
Mary Debenham (Ellie Mejia)
Eliana Mejia is a Junior a Capital City High School and a member of the CCHS theatre department. She is an active member of the Student Council and National Honor Society. In her free time, she enjoys speaking in an aggressive Russian accent, bothering her dogs, and endlessly rewatching the same TV shows and movies with her friends. She joined theatre cuz for fun.
Samuel Ratchett/Colonel Arbuthnot (Tommy Vick)
Tommy Vick is a sophomore at Capital City High School and member of CCHS Theatre. He is also a member of CCHS symphonic orchestra and jazz band. Outside of school, he enjoys playing guitar and writing music. He is looking forward to being a member of CCHS Theatre because of the new opportunities and challenges that come with it.
Helen Hubbard (Yumi Robbin)
Princess Dragomiroff (Abby Farris )
Abby Farris is a junior at CCHS. She is actively involved in band, archery and theatre. In her free time she likes listening to music, fashion, and making jewelry. This is her second play and third year being in the CCHS theatre.
Greta Ohlsson (Allie Schenewerk)
Allie Schenewerk is a junior at Capital City High School. She is a member of the National Honors Society and the Cavaliers golf team. She also plays viola in the Capital City Symphonic Orchestra, as well as in the community orchestra. Allie has been a figure skater for 8 years and in her precious little free time, she enjoys reading and gardening. This is Allie’s first show and she has loved getting to know everyone and the opportunity to challenge herself creatively.
Michel the Conductor/Head Waiter (Sara Ogden)
Sara Ogden is a sophomore at Capital City High School. During her time at CCHS, Sara has been associated with Theatre Club her freshman and sophomore years. In her free time, Sara enjoys playing volleyball with her sisters, playing video games, and reading. She joined theatre because of the community as well as her love for performing on stage.
Hector Macqueen (Sam Bates)
Sam Bates is a Junior at Capital City High School and is a part of Chorale and the CCHS Drama Club. He enjoys singing, theatre, watching movies, and eating food. He decided to be a part of Murder on the Orient Express because of his love of acting and the magic of theatre.
Understudy (Sofie Ogden)
Sofie Ogden is a Junior at Capital City High School and an involved member of theatre. When she’s at home she’s an artist, a beginning roller skater, listens to a lot of music, works out, and plays video games. She wasn’t interested in theatre before her sister convinced her to show up one day, and has been slowly falling in love with it ever since.