Perfect Arrangement Production Team

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Barbara Barkan
Having migrated from New York and Detroit, Barbara has been active in the Toledo community theatre scene since the early 70’s. Some of her acting credits include roles in Marjorie Prime, Cemetery Club, Steel Magnolias, Love Letters, Auntie Mame, The Testament of Mary, Lillian, Occupant and dozens more. She has directed for The Rep, Actors Collaborative Toledo (ACT) and the Village Players. Some of those plays include Dancing Lessons, F2 M, Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Sunshine Boys, Betrayal, Born Yesterday, Circle Mirror Transformation, The Heiress, School for Husbands, Inventing Van Gogh, Deathtrap, An Empty Plate at the Cafe La Grande Beauf and I Hate Hamlet. Barbara has served on the Board of The Rep, the Village, Toledo School of the Arts (TSA)and is currently on the Board of ACT, as well as being a founding member. Does she love theatre? You bet! And now she proudly adds the role of director at Black Swamp Players. Her inspirations include many incredible people over the years but top of that list is her actor, director, performance artist daughter Thea. She thanks BSP, its Board and Heath Diehl for this exciting opportunity to direct Perfect Arrangement.
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Assistant Director
Monica Hiris
Monica Hiris is honored to be Barbara Barkan’s assistant director in her first stint as part of a production team. Eight years ago, Barbara cast Monica in her first play when she had very little theatre knowledge and only a desire to learn. Many thanks also go to “co-assistant” director Karen Noble, who is a talented and supportive team player behind the scenes and on the stage.
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Assistant Director
Karen Noble
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Heath A. Diehl
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Gloria Wang

Director's Note