R.L. Stine's Goosebumps:Phantom of the Auditorium Creative

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Student Director
Sydney Mcdaniel
Sydney Mcdaniel is delighted to be making her debut in the student directing for tonights show. Over the past three years Sydney has been in student lighting design director for "Cinderella", "Addams Family", "murder on the Orient Express", "The Wizard of Oz", and "Alice in Wonderland". She hopes you enjoy the show!
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Stage Manager
Veronica Pinate
Veronica Pinate is ecstatic to make her debut as stage manager for R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps: Phantom of the Auditorium! She has been apart of the theatre department for over a year and is thrilled to help lead the tech team to help make this show the best it can be! In her free time Veronica enjoys reading, playing the drums, and listening to music. She would like to thank her family and friends, Ms. Wilks, Mr. Dawson, and all the techies for helping her along the way, and she hopes you all enjoy the show!
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Wardrobe manager
Erica Schmitt
Erica is absolutely thrilled for the Fall production of Goosebumps to kickstart her Senior year. She has been in—and costumed—productions such as Cinderella, The Addams Family, Murder on the Orient Express, The Wizard of Oz, and Alice in Wonderland at Bishop Kenny. As well as notable summer productions such as 42nd Street and Sister Act at FSCJ, and many others. Erica takes pride in how far the costuming department has come in the past few years, and she looks forward to see how it grows when she leaves. She’d like to thank her parents, Ms.Wilks, Sydney McDaniel (Student Director), and Veronica Pinate (Stage Manager) for always supporting her through this huge production. She hopes you leaves with chills and thrills, and that you join us again in the Spring—it’s going to be showstopper for sure!
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Student Choreographer
Melanie Staples
Melanie Staples is thrilled to be making her debut as student choreographer for this production. Since her freshman year, she has performed on stage in “Cinderella.” “The Addams Family.” “The Wizard of Oz,” and “Alice in Wonderland.” Melanie enjoys learning dances in free time, and had even helped choreograph a big dance number in “The Wizard of Oz.” Melanie would like to thank Ms. Wilks and all her cast mates for supporting her during her four years here at Kenny. She hopes you all enjoy the show!
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Student ShowGram Editor
Megan Hearn
This is Megan’s first year working with the theatre community. She is junior here at Bishop Kenny, and is so happy to be working behind the scenes with Mrs. Wilks for this show. In her free time she enjoys all things music related and working out. She hopes you love the show.
Character design
Hair and Make-up
Hair- Ava Tamayo Make-up- Enza Aviles-Garrard, Abigail Dooley
Character clothing and props
Lily Hale, Abigail Dooley, Julia Albertelli
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setting stage
Run crew
Andrea Kurth, Kara Murphy, Kyleigh Contois, Ashley Malacaman
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artistic design
run crew
Leighann Geraci, Elizabeth Mcmahon, Abigail Evans , Kyla Lynch
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light board and computer
Light Sound booth _ Ryland Lynch
Ryland Lynch is a junior who has worked with the Theatre Department on “The Wizard of Oz” and “Alice in Wonderland”. He is excited to be working on Lights for the first time. He would like to thank Ms. Wilks, Mr. Dawson, both of the casts, our amazing Stage Manager Veronica, and the rest of the exceptional tech crew. He would like to give a special thanks to Sydney for the guidance and advise she provided as he learned how to operate the lights. He hopes you enjoy the show!
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Angelo Flores and Luis Garcia
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Single light
Brandon Bowles - Brandon Bowles is a senior and is excited to be helping with tech crew for this production. He was also a member of the tech crew with "Together Again" and "Murder on the Orient Express". He was a cast member in "Cinderella", "The Addams Family"," The Wizard of Oz". In his free time, he enjoys listening to music, doing TikTok’s, going to the beach, and going to Disney when he has the chance . He wants to thank Ms. Wilks as well as Erica, our wardrobe manager and Veronica our stage manager. Brandon wants to thank his friends, family, and teachers. He hopes you enjoy the show.
tickets and ushers
Front of House
Maura Madigan, Megan Hearn, and Madeline Roe
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Painting/ creating props
Set Build
Elizabeth Bernards, Rielle Glove, Isabelle Miel
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Michael Jenkins
Michael Jenkins is the BK Music Director and midst his already busy schedule of band, choir, and classes is an integral part of our theatre team!
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faculty sponsor/Assistant director
Osmar Dawson
Osmar Dawson is a math teacher at Bishop Kenny but also studied theatre. He is quick with a joke, bringing the sunshine of laughter to the intensity of rehearsals. Osmar is an integral part of our theatre team!
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Building what we cannot
Our amazing construction duo
James Nackashi and Mike Murphy are construction creatives who help us with set building and construction on every show.
International Thespians sponsor
Matt Sills
Matt Sills has joined our Theatre team to work specifically with International Thespians and Thespian Honor Society.
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BK Theater Director/Executive producer
Jeanie Wilks
just call me Mischief

Original Creative Team

We are so grateful to our administrators, Todd Orlando and Michael Broach; to Mary Ritter, Carla Chin, Mandy Terbrueggen, Samantha Sims, Sheila Marovich, BK Boosters and so many others who have helped make this production possible.