Galatea Creative

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Playwright, Director
Sabrina Rose Bivens
Sabrina Rose Bivens is a transgender woman currently incarcerated in a men's federal prison for low security inmates. However, she has not allowed her current living situation stop her from pursuing theatrical endeavors. With pen and paper, a typewriter, and a few phone calls to her ever-loyal friends, she has been able to connect with the theatre world by proxy, thus beginning her journey as a playwright. Her first monologue, The Joys of Christmas, written for B3's Voices for the Holidays, was part of the Elgin Mini Fringe, alongside Ilana Lydia's monologue. Since 2021, two of her ten minute plays—Adagio and The Seahorse—have enjoyed both audio productions for podcasts and live performances on stages across the country. Through her body of work, Sabrina aims to challenge gender normativity, examine mental health, and tell stories that leave a deep impression. Galatea is her first full length play.
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Director, Artistic Director
Ilana Lydia
Ilana Lydia is the Artistic Director of B3 Theater, Inc., and co-director of GALATEA. She has brought the company from being an offspring of the [sic] Sense Comedy Troupe to an independent Non-Profit organization. Ilana loves the people she works with, and is grateful for all who come to see live theater in the valley, especially new works.
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Stage Manager, Production Stage Manager
Charlotte Strayhorne
Charlotte Strayhorne (Stage Manager) is a graduate of Xavier University with a B.S. in Communication Arts with a focus on Public Relations and Theatre. She has become a familiar face with B3 appearing in Sincerity Forever, Fefu and Her Friends, and A Wolf at the Door. Originally from Cincinnati, her other acting credits also include Working, Little Foxes, The Miracle Worker, Godspell, and Parade. She received an AriZoni for her performance in To Kill a Mockingbird at Hale Centre. She also was nominated for an AriZoni for her appearances in Fame and Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. In addition to acting, she has extensive credits behind the lights as Director, Stage Manager, running lights, and even House Managing. She enjoys crafting her art and encouraging others to Stay Strong in their journey and to Stay True to their destiny.
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Composer, Sound Designer
Chris Piraino
Chris Piraino (Sound Designer and Composer) Chris Piraino is an engineer, sound designer, composer, musician and sound artist. He was raised on the East Coast (Brooklyn and the swampy coast of New Jersey) and now lives in Tempe, Arizona. A focus on live performance and improvisation have been foundational in his journey. A start in traditional music study, piano and jazz performance at a local community college molded in to a current focus on created instruments and experimental sound. Music studies and performance had come to a pause with an onset of performance anxiety and injury from playing habits. As he recovered, he became fascinated with analog synthesis and electric pianos from the 1970’s. Restoration of early electric pianos and synthesizers was a process that helped bond creativity, sound and music with old habits and skills in mechanical repairs. The old, broken instruments became the therapy which helped Chris to overcome and start in a new direction healed, invigorated and with an identity he could relate to and express himself with more fully. Chris started building simple, rudimentary sound devices based on old circuits, handmade circuit boards, wooden cases, aluminum panels, hand painted panels. This has become a wonderful outlet to make new and unique instruments. An interest in spatial sound resulted in some unique installations and shifted the instruments in to a more computerized source. Performance stands are still hand built from wood and play a role in the installation. Currently, the instruments are being designed and built virtually in software. These instruments are still being used and improvised with in live performance as well as composed pieces for live theater with B3 productions where Chris enjoys the role of Sound Designer.
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Props, Set, and Lighting Designer
Chris Frank
Chris Frank (Props, Set, Light Designer and Technician) Chris loves building props and sets for B3 because they present a unique challenge, allowing his creativity to shine through. Though his degrees are in psychology, he has been in and around the theater for several years. Outside of the theater, Chris works in human resources, and enjoys running the Dungeons & Dragons campaign for his party, who also work with B3. He also enjoys reading, art, making puns, and living in nature as a Christian Druid. Previous productions he has worked on are “I’m Not Saying It Was Aliens. But It Was Aliens” (B3), a steampunk “Twelfth Night”, and his TikTok videos as Tillo the Druid. Chris would like to thank his friends, family, and his partner in shenanigans, Kayla, for helping him through the dark times, enduring the horrible puns, and supporting him in his adventure.
Puppet Designer
Nik Mase
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Costume Designer
Annabella Mitchell
Annabella Mitchell (Costume Designer) is a theatre artist and practitioner with more than 10 years of production experience both onstage and behind-the-scenes. She is an energetic and enthusiastic collaborator in rehearsal, and loves the feeling of accomplishment that comes with entertaining an audience. She recently graduated from Lees-McRae College, located in beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre as well as a Technical Theatre minor. She hopes to continue to grow and thrive as a theatre artist.
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Makeup, Mask, and Hair Designer
Kayla Cook
Kayla Cook (Makeup, Mask, and Hair Designer) Over the past decade Kayla has spent most of her time entertaining crowds at festivals, or on stage in one capacity or other. This time she is tickled pink for the opportunity to be making her directing debut with an epic show such as A Wolf at the Door. She is a firm believer that magic is indeed real, stories can hold deeper truths beyond the surface, and that life is far too short to have terrible coffee. Some of her favorite projects include Fefu and her Friends (Makeup/Hair/Mask Design) Frankenstein (Henry Clerval) Hunchback of Notre Dame (Gargoyle, Zao Theatre), and Dead West, (Ms. Peacock, with LookitFilm Productions).

Original Creative Team