About While Shakespeare Slept

William Shakespeare, a budding playwright, decides to give up his career and settle down to a good, steady job as a stable hand. His employer, Mistress Ford, assures him he’s made a wise move, but young Will isn’t so sure. Sleep at the inn proves a nightmare. His dreams are continually disturbed by the heroines from his unwritten plays, each demanding a right to exist: Juliet, Rosalind, Lady Macbeth, Kate, and Cleopatra. In time, Will is convinced that no life but that of a writer is for him. The innkeeper, unimpressed, writes him off: That William Shakespeare…he’ll never amount to much.

Alcovy High School

The Alcovy Drama Program was revived by Ms. Jenica Brittingham with the One-Act production of “Murder for Dummies” (2019). Since then, over 100 students have been inducted into the International Thespian Society and become members of Troupe #8065. Each February, members of the Troupe have gone to Columbus State University to partake in the Georgia Thespian Conference. The students participate in events such as Tech Challenge, college and scholarship auditions, All-State Opening Performance, Thespys!, Improv Challenge, and numerous theatre-related workshops!

Since 2019, the program has grown and now includes multiple courses in Theatre Fundamentals, Tech Theatre, Advanced Drama, and Acting I. The Drama Troupe has gone on to create the following productions: One-Act Region Runner-Up “Just Like I Wanted" (2021), “Hairspray” (2021), “The Perils of Modern Education” (2021), “Little Women" (2021), “Just Like I Wanted” Reprise (2021), “Alice in Wonderland” (2022), “Little Shop of Horrors” (2022), “Parents Just Don't Understand” (2022), One-Act Region Champion “Antigone Now” (2022), “Footloose: the Musical" (2023), and “Our Place” (2023). The Thespians are excited to continue to produce exceptional productions for your viewing pleasure!