Big Fish Creative

Letha Stone
Stage Manager/Assistant Director
Brittany Hower
Brittany has held the position of Assistant Musical Director since 2017. However, her involvement with the Encore program dates back to 2006. She is a 2007 alumni of Southern Columbia, and a 2010 alumni of Luzerne County Community College with a degree in Photography. Brittany has had a hand in many aspects of every production including selling tickets, building sets and painting, creating props, providing photography for the lobby (as well as senior headshots), fundraiser organizer, and secretary. Over the last 16 years, she has also had some fun on stage. In “Godspell” in 2010, she was persuaded by students to run across stage and yell “Makeup!”, while simultaneously hitting a student with a poof full of powder when the line, “Can’t you two just make up?”, was delivered. In the 2012 production of “Into the Woods”, she joined the students on stage for a dance in which black lights were used. The 2017 production of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”, she was the magic behind the breakfast machine functioning. Finally in 2018’s “Shrek”, she provided movement for the Dragon. She would love to thank her family and friends for the help, support, and understanding over the years. To all the students she has had the pleasure of teaching and guiding over the years, she thanks you for all of the laughs, tears, and memories. She will always be your Encore Grandma. She also would like to say thank you to Janelle Neidig, Alicia Lewis, and Mackenzie Brouse for working side by side with her. Not only have they shared in the laughs and frustrations, but she is forever grateful for the help choreographing, and keeping her sane. Last but not least, she couldn’t (and wouldn’t) do this without Mrs. Stone by her side. From being a mentor, to a dear friend, she has given Brittany invaluable advice, and lessons that go beyond the stage
Drama Club Director/Production Assistant
Mackenzie Brouse
Alysia English

Creative Team


Set Design

Corey Bittner

Set Construction, Painting, and Props

Gary Honabach      Tyler Lewis       Corey Bittner      Logan Bittner     Scott Kramer    Rick Knoebel    Steph Bittner    Jen Myers    Alicia Lahr

SCA Music Booster Officers

SCA Encore Officers


Sharon Kerstetter.    Jen Myers      Maryann Long

Pit Orchestra