Big Fish Cast

Edward Bloom (Dylan Kramer*)
Dylan Kramer is a senior at Southern Columbia High School. He is thrilled to be playing the title role of Edward Bloom in this year’s production! His previous acting credits include, Wizard of Oz Jr, Bye Bye Birdie Jr, Willy Wonka Jr, Shrek Jr, Shrek, Grease, Beauty and the Beast, and Curtains! Dylan Kramer is first chair Tenor 1 in PMEA All State Vocal Jazz in 2021 and 2022, and participated in Regional Chorus, District Chorus, District Vocal Jazz, and County Chorus. Dylan serves as President of Tiger News and President of Encore. He also is an Eagle Scout and Firefighter at the Elysburg Fire Department. After graduation, Dylan has enlisted to serve in the United States Air Force. He would like to thank his family and friends for all their support and wishes the cast and crew of Big Fish the best of luck.
Will Bloom (Toren Cooper*)
Toren Cooper has been a part Encore since 9th grade. Starting with Grease as Eugene Felsnick, Beauty and The Beast as Lafou, Curtains as Aaron Fox, and now in Big Fish as Will Bloom. In Big Fish, he has his first singing solo in the song “Stranger”. In the future, Toren aspires to be a medic in the Navy straight out of high school. Toren would like to thank so many friends he has made throughout the years. He has participated in Encore and High School Choir. He would also like to thank his family for their support.
Sandra Bloom (Lauren Rovito*)
Lauren has been a part of Encore the past four years playing roles such as an ensemble member in “Grease”, the singing telegram in “Clue”, Madame D’Arque in “Beauty and the Beast”, Daryl Grady in “Curtains”, and starring as Sandra Bloom in “Big Fish”. She is a member of the Drama Club, art club, Treasurer of the Chorus Club, and Secretary of the Science Club. Lauren wants to thank all of her directors for supporting her, and making Encore an amazing experience.
Josephine Bloom/Witch (Kianna Rizzo*)
Kianna is a senior this year and has been in Encore since 9th grade. She was in “Grease”, “Beauty and the Beast”, and “Curtains”. Most of her years during Encore, she was a member of the ensemble. Last year she got her first role being Jenny Harmon. This year she is playing the role of Josephine in “Big Fish”. Kianna is Vice President of the Chorus Club, Captain of the Field Hockey team, President of the Library Club, and Vice President of the Science Club. Kianna is also a member of Varsity Club and Honor Society. Kianna would like to thank Mrs. Stone and Grandma (Brittany Hower) for all of the fun memories. She would also like to thank her classmates for being silly with her.
Witch (Lauren Smith*)
Lauren Smith is a senior at Southern Columbia. She has been participating in Encore since 9th grade. Past roles Lauren has performed as include Ms. Weaver in Grease, Madame de la Grande Bouche in Beauty and the Beast, Carmen Bernstein in Curtains, and now The Witch in Big Fish. In addition to Encore, she is president of the choir and has been involved in: National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, and clubs such as Art and Drama. After graduation, she plans to attend university, majoring in Political Science. Lauren would like to thank her family and friends for their unconditional support. She would also like to show gratitude to her directors and castmates for all their hard work put in to making the show a success.
Young Will/Will's Son (Timmy Gearhart)
Timothy Gearhart is a fifth grade student at Southern Columbia. This is his first year in encore playing the role of Young Will and Will's Son
Karl/Red Fang (Bryce Turner)
Bryce, a junior, is in his second year in Encore. Last year, as a sophomore, he participated in Curtains. He returns this year to be a part of Big Fish. When he's not going over lines or practicing dances for the show, he occupies himself with Marching Band, Concert Band, Chorus, making food at Sheetz, playing guitar, Library Club, and Drama Club. In Drama Club, he acts as Historian. He is the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader in his local Scout troop as well. He can also be found anchoring on SCA's favorite TV show, TigerNews. Bryce would like to thank his friends and family for supporting him throughout his life. He truly does appreciate it. Lastly, he would also like to give a massive thank you Mrs. Stone and everyone on her team for putting so much hard work into making this show possible.
Amos Calloway/General (Josh Lahr)
Josh has been a part of Encore for the past three years playing roles such as Maurice in “Beauty and the Beast”, Oscar in “Curtains”, and Amos Calloway in “Big Fish”. He is also a member of Scouts and National Honor Society. Josh wants to thank all of his family, friends and fellow encore members for their help and support to make this show happen.
Don Price (Kelsey Ambrose)
Kelsey is currently a freshman and this is her first year in Encore. Kelsey is very happy to be part of this show, and looks forward to doing this again and meeting new people and creating new friendships. Encore has helped her come out of her shell and she appreciates it more than anyone will know. “Thanks for letting me a part of this show. It was an experience I’ll never forget.”
Jenny Hill/Witch (Abby Knoebel*)
Abby Knoebel has been in Southern Columbia’s encore program for many years. She has been included in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Shrek the Musical, Grease, Beauty and the Beast, Curtains, and this years production of Big Fish. She has also participated in SCA Drama Clubs production of Clue: On Stage. Other shows Abby has been in include The Wizard of Oz jr., Bye Bye Birdie jr., Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory jr. and Shrek the Musical jr. Theater has been a huge part of her life and she hopes to continue helping with the stage as much as possible. SCA’s music department is like a second home to her and all of its members like a second family. So while she is sad to go, Abby knows that this isn’t a final goodbye, it’s the first of many see you laters.
Mermaid/Girl with Cat/Witch (McKenzi Pfirman)
Makenzi Pfirman is in 8th grade and has acted since 2nd grade when she performed in Arf, an elementary musical. Since then, she has performed in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Shrek, S’cool, and Curtains. She was Also Chip in Beauty and the Beast which was not finished because of Covid. In addition to the school’s musicals, she has also participated in A&B Summer theatre where she performed in Shrek, Beauty and the Beast, and a classic music mix. Aside from theatre, she also enjoys doing softball, dance, girl-scouts, and piano. In school, she is an honor roll student. Makenzi is a person who loves to be kind and loves reading. She would really like to thank everyone who has helped her with theatre and for all the great things she has experienced through it.
Dr. Bennett/Judge (Olivia Long*)
Olivia long is currently a senior and has been a part of encore since her freshman year. She was in the ensemble in grease, a narrator in beauty and the beast, detective in curtains and she is playing the part of doctor Bennet in this production of big fish.Outside of encore she is a member of the marching band, drama club, forensics, National honor society and gospel choir. She wants to thank all of her family, friends and directors who have supported her and hopes that everyone enjoys the show.
Zacky Price/Alabama Lamb (Alasia Gaines)
Alasia has been doing Encore since 7th grade. She was in “Its S’cool” and “Beauty and the Beast”. She played roles such as Ladies with Babies and a menu. In “Big Fish”, she plays Zacky Price and one of three Alabama Lambs. Other than Encore, she also participates in Marching Band, Chorus, and Drama Club. She wants to thank her family and friends. Most of all Mrs. Stone for working her very best the past years and being one of the best teachers. Lastly, thanks to the mice for giving her company and being a great audience.
Sorority Sister/Cheerleader/Alabama Lamb/Witch (Emily Allen*)
This is Emily’s first year in Encore. Other than Encore, Emily was the videographer of the SCA’s Girls Soccer Team for 2 years, she’s the secretary of Students Against Violence Everywhere club, SCA Sr. Chorus, and has been apart of the Music Department since 5th grade. Emily will be attending Bloomsburg University majoring in Secondary Education specializing in English in the fall. Emily would like to thank Mrs Stone for teaching everything she knows about music. She would also like to thank her twin sister, parents, and friends for some of her best memories in high school.
Mayor (Paige St. Andre*)
Paige is in 12th grade and has been in Encore since 10th grade. She was in “Beauty and the Beast” as the narrator, and the mayor in “Big Fish”. She is also in the Library Club, Chorus, and is the Secretary of the Drama Club. In the past she has participated in field hockey, French Club, Diversity, and Art Club. She hopes to go to college for either forensic science or computer science. Paige would like to thank her family, friends, teachers, and of course her fellow encore members and crew for their support and ability to put on this production.
Fisherman/Barber (Izzy Honabach)
Isabelle is in 8th grade and this is her first musical she is performing in. In Big Fish, she plays the barber as well as the frustrated fisherman. Outside of school, Isabelle does ballet, plays piano, and plays the clarinet in the marching band. Isabelle is a honor role student. Isabelle would like to thank everyone who has encouraged her to be in this musical.
Scout/Cheerleader/Witch (Sarah Eyer)
Sarah has been involved in Encore for two years. She performed in “Curtains” as part of the ensemble. She has been doing band since 5th grade, chorus since 6th grade, and a member of the marching band since 7th grade. In 9th grade, she became Student Council President. She loves being part of Encore, and hopes to be in future musicals. She would like to thank her family and Mrs. Stone for encouraging her to join Encore.
Cowboy/Shepherd (Emmy Myers)
Emily has participated in Encore since she was a little kid. In 7th grade Emily was in the middle school play “Its S’cool”, and was a mouse/horse in “Cinderella”. She was also an usher for many years. Other than Encore, Emily is in the Marching Band and Ski Club. This year she is a cowboy and shepherd, as well as in the ensemble of “Big Fish”. Emily would like to thank her friends, family, and music teachers for supporting her. She would also like to thank Mrs. Stone for being a great music teacher and helping her to have a great experience in Encore.
TV Announcer (Natalie Schock)
Lee Schock is in 10th grade, and has acted since 9th grade, where they played the role of Harv in the show "Curtains." They have also been in chorus since 5th grade, and they were in band in 7th and 8th grade. In addition to that, they are the secretary for the sophomore class of 2024, and the treasurer of the Drama Club. Aside from acting and singing, they enjoy reading, playing mahjong, cooking, and taking naps. Lee would like to thank their parents, sister, grandparents, and best friends for encouraging them to do their best.
Farm Girl/Sharecropper (Hailey Gallup)
Hailey is an 8th grader who has been in the ensemble of four of SCA’s previous musicals: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Shrek, Beauty and the Beast, & Curtains. Hailey loves to be in musicals and spends time with her bunnies in her free time! She would like to send a special thank you to Mrs. Stone for making encore what it is, it just won’t be the same without you! She would also like to say good luck to the seniors on their new journey’s!
Fish Thrower (Maggie Stauder)
Maggie is a junior and has been involved in Encore since middle school. She prefers to be behind the scenes and has been in stage crew/tech crew for 3 years. This year, in addition to tech and stage crew, she is the “Fish Thrower” in “Big Fish”. She is the president of Science Club, Production Manager of Drama Club, in the Library Club, National Honor Society, and has been involved in choir, county chorus, and gospel choir. She would like to thank all her friends and family for encouraging her over the years, and Mrs. Stone for always encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone. We’ll miss you so much, Mrs. Stone!