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The FSK Choral and Drama Boosters is a parent group that promotes and supports the Choral and Drama programs at FSK and all the students who participate in them.  

We support our students by:

  • Assisting with the purchase of concert attire for choral performances
  • Replacing technical equipment (such as the lighting and sound equipment) for the auditorium
  • Providing scholarships for students to attend All-State Chorus, ITS Festival, and more
  • Helping find props, costumes, and other set pieces for shows
  • Providing dinner for everyone involved in between matinee and evening theater performances
  • Hosting a party for cast, crew and pit after the final performance
  • Many Other Ways!

​Every parent is encouraged to join the boosters! Together we can provide new and exciting opportunities for our children!

We typically meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at FSK.  

New faces are always welcomed, especially as our seniors graduate and take their parents with them! Alumni are welcome too!

Meeting dates:

9/12/23, 10/11/23, 11/14/23, 12/12/23, 1/9/24

Dates for the spring semester will be set at the end of this semester.

Email us at [email protected]