Mi- season specials
Brockport High School Drama Club is thrilled to announce their upcoming production of Matilda, based on Roald Dahl's beloved novel. With music and lyrics written by Tim Minchin, the show follows the story of Matilda, a precocious young girl with an extraordinary imagination and a love for books. Despite facing challenges at home and at school, Matilda discovers her own power and uses it to stand up against the tyrannical headmistress, Miss Trunchbull. This Tony Award-winning musical features catchy songs, impressive choreography, and a heartwarming message about the importance of standing up for oneself and others. Don't miss the chance to see Brockport High School's talented students bring this beloved story to life on stage.
Seniors include Autumn Richey as Agatha Trunchbull, Phoebe Ha as Mrs. Wormwood, Julia Hunsinger as Miss Honey, and Jyonnah Ware as Bruce. Junior Kierstin Gingrich plays the title role of Matilda, and the show has over 80 students participating in the cast, crew, and pit orchestra. Join us November 9th & 10th at 7:00pm and November 11th at 1:00pm and 7:00pm in the Brockport High School Auditorium. Tickets are available for $15 beginning September 29th at Brockportdrama.com or for $20 at the door.
Shrek Jr
Class Acts
Spring Show