Have a stage?  Ask how we can bring theater to you!

Established in 2022, Stages of the Range Players is bringing theater performances to folks across the Iron Range.  Our home base is Virginia, Minnesota, but we're willing to travel.

Stages of the Range Players is a co-op style member organization.  Our cast and crew have ‘skin in the game’ when it comes to our productions!  We want our audiences to have the best experience possible.

Starting in December, 2022, we will be presenting:

  • Mystery dinner theater
    • 2022 - Surviving the Spotlight
  • Melodrama
  • Drama
  • Comedic plays
  • Radio plays - staged versions of classic radio shows

Although this is a new company, there are years of experience behind it.

Pete Pellinen, Stages of the Range Players President, has 22 years experience as director of Small Parts Players Regional Theater Company which brought theater education and performance to young Iron Rangers from 2nd through 12th grade.  Pete founded Small Parts Players in 2000 thanks to a Blandin Foundation Fellowship and investment.  He also has 22 years experience as the major force behind the Iron Range Regional Repertory Players and Northern Stage Works community theater company.   Pete studied Vocal Music Performance at Bemidji State University and Opera Performance at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.  He has performed with the Northern Lights Music Festival, San Antonio Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, Minnesota Opera and Gilbert and Sullivan Very Light Opera, companies, among others.  Pete was instrumental in the development of the Laurentian Arts and Culture Alliance which saved the 1912 historic Lyric Opera House in Virginia, Minnesota's Historic Commercial District.  He looks forward to finding ways that all Iron Range community members interested in theatrical production can participate and have fun enjoying being part of live theater.

Stages of the Range Vice Chair/Treasurer, Mary McReynolds is former Executive Director of the Lyric Center for the Arts and lived a lifetime as an arts advocate and more than 20 years experience coordinating artistic presentations and productions.  She was awarded the Maddie Simons Arts Advocate Award by the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council in 2022, coordinated the Creative Communities Focus Group as part of the IRRRB's Recharge the Range initiative, inspired the development of Revive Virginia during her tenure as a City Councilor in Virginia, has been instrumental in multiple initiatives demonstrating arts as a vital part of economic development and sustainability, and is a past appointee to the Minnesota State Arts Board.  She is also a playwright and current member of the Board of the Directors of Sod House Theater.

Our actors, directors, and stage and technical crew have years of experience in theater!  Whether you're a seasoned theater person, or want to try it on for size, we are a welcoming, supportive group for people of all ages!

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