Grease Cast

Rich Becker (Danny Zuko)
Hi my name is Rich Becker. I am a senior and I play Danny Zuko in this year's musical. This is the third production I’ve been a part of and in that time I’ve played Radames in Aida and played the drum set in the pit for Footloose. I haven’t yet decided on a college but I plan to sing in the choir wherever I go. I am in both Cardinal Choir and Band where I sing bass and play percussion. Along with that I’m in 2701, Camerata, and Jazz Band. This is such a fun show and I can’t wait for everyone to experience this amazing production of Grease. Thanks for coming and enjoy!
Chloe Jensen (Sandy Dumbrowski)
Hello! My name is Chloe Jensen, I'm a senior this year and I am playing Sandy Dumbrowski. I have been in Aladdin Jr, Suessical Jr, Anastasia, Footloose and Aida. Aside from the musical, I am in the Cardinal Band, Cardinal Choir, 2701 and NHS. This is my second year being the President of Key Club. I also dance and help teach at Main Pointe. I am going to Mankato State University, where I will be majoring in Social Studies Education and getting my masters degree in Guidance Counseling. I have been so blessed to work with this amazing cast and crew! Thank you so much for coming and I hope you enjoy the show!
Mindy Twedt (Frenchie)
Hi folks! My name is Mindy Twedt and I play the fabulous Frenchy! I’m a senior here at WSHS and have been in shows such as Seussical jr, Footloose, and Aida. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
Ava Carlson (Marty)
Hi friends, my name is Ava Carlson and I am a senior. I play the marvelous Marty! I have been seen in Aida, Footloose, Anastasia, and Suessical Jr; which I played Cat In The Hat. Outside of musical I am heavily involved with Cardinal Choir and the Willmar Speech team; I am coming on my 6th year! After highschool I plan to extend my passion for fashion and study fashion design, fashion marketing, and business. Thank you to Willmar Senior High for this wonderful music program, I will forever cherish this family. I hope you all enjoy this show as much as I do!
Alex Sixta (Betty Rizzo)
Hi, my name is Alexandra Sixta and I play Betty Rizzo, or Rizz, as everyone calls me, in the Willmar Highschool's production of Grease. I have been in Aladdin Jr, Suessical as Mazie, Anastasia, Footloose as Susie, and Aida. I have been in theatre since 7th grade. I'm also involved in choir and band at the high school. I have made it into the All State Choir my Junior and Senior year and have been in Honors Choir as well. I can't wait for you all to see our own take of the production of Grease! I hope you all enjoy our show!
Qiara Christenson (Jan)
Hey guys!! My name is Qiara Christenson. I'm a senior this year! I play Jan in Willmar High School's production of Grease!! This will be my 6th musical performance. I was Rajah in Aladdin, Sour Kangaroo in Seussical, Traci in Footloose, and I was a part of the chorus for Anastasia, and Aida. I’m also a part of Cardinal Choir and Cardinal Orchestra. I’m planning on studying psychology next year and becoming a School Social Worker. I’ve had a great time performing the show and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!! I have twinkies anyone want one!
Aeda Villnow (Patty Simcox)
Hi, my name is Aeda Villnow! I am a junior and I play Patty. I’m excited to be in the show because this is my first time acting as a named character.
James Rende (Kenickie)
Hi everyone, my name is James Harvey Rende and I am a Senior! In this year's musical, "Grease," I am fortunate enough to play Kenickie! In the past, I was a part of the musical Aida as a chorus member. My life outside of the musical consists of my speech life. This year will be my 6th and final year on the speech team and second year as captain of the team. As of right now, my college choice is undecided, but my career is not! I would love to become a dentist! I surely would appreciate seeing all of you at our performance! Thank you!
Amin Fifita (Roger)
My name is Amin, I'm in grade 12. I play Roger in Grease. I've been in Seussical the Musical, Anastasia, Footloose, Aida and now Grease. I was in the All State Choir, and have done Solo/Ensemble for the past 2 years. I will be attending the University of Portland. Thank you so much for coming to GREASE!!! I hope you have/had a thrill.
Andy Perez Castillo (Doody)
Mathias Elmhorst (Sonny)
Hi, my name is Mathias Elmhorst. I’m a sophomore in high school, and I’m playing the role of Sonny! This is my second musical, my first one was beauty and the beast at CCS. I love doing anything related to music and singing, I am in varsity choir and camerata, and I hope you enjoy the show!
Anthony Buzzeo (Teen Angel/Johnny Casino)
Hello my name is Anthony Buzzeo and I am a freshman this year! I play Johnny Casino and Teen Angel. Thank you for coming to the show!
Bryce Peterson (Eugene Florczyk)
Hey! My name is Bryce, and I am a Junior. I play Eugene Florczyk in this years musical.
Zoe Swart (Miss Lynch)
Hello! My name is Zoe Swart. I’m a senior in the musical Greece I play Miss Lynch. I am excited to be in the show because I get to meet new people. Thank you for coming to the show! I have been in several musical’s before this such as Seussical, Anastasia, Footloose and Aida. On the off season of musical I am a manager for tracks and field.
Jaiden Fredrickson (Cha-Cha diGreggorio)
My name is Jaiden Fredrickson and I’m a junior this year. I play Cha Cha diGreggorio who also doubles as the radio voice for “It’s Raining on Prom Night”. I’m looking forward to this year as it’s reached my favorite musical I’ve been in so far. I’m very happy to be able to be involved with and working with such a wonderful and talented cast. Thank you so much for supporting us and we hope you enjoy the show!
Greyson Wells (Vince Fontaine)
"Hey! Hey! I'm Greyson Maddox Wells. I play Vince Fontaine in Grease the Musical. I'm a Senior at Willmar Senior High School. Back in Missouri, I was super passionate in the plays the Elementary School held, and usually became one of the lead roles. Nowadays, I'm still really flexible with my future plans, so anything is possible, music or not. Thanks to the directors for accepting me to play this position, it's a dream come true to have a role in something much greater than me, and I hope you enjoy the musical as much as I had fun being in it!"
Ash Cain (RHS Student)
Hello, My name is Ash Cain I’m a freshman this year this is my second ever play first musical and I hope you enjoy the show.
Brooklyn Hinrichs (RHS Student)
Hi my name is Brooklyn Hinrichs, I'm a senior, and i play in the chorus as a rydell high student. I've been in Anastasia, Footloose, and Aida. I'm also in our school's Key Club and I am in the Choralaires choir. I plan to attend St. Cloud Tech for Radiology. Sit back and enjoy the show!
Brynna Willis (RHS Student, Student Director)
Hello! My name is Brynna Willis, and I am a sophomore. I am this year's Student Director for Grease! In the musical, I play the role as a Rydell High Student. I have always had a strong passion for music, coming from a very musical family. My 8th grade year I played the lead role as Moana in Moana Jr! Musicals have always had a special place in my heart as the cast soon becomes family throughout the making of memories in the show. I hope you enjoy the show and see our love for theater throughout our performance.
Bwe Gay (RHS Student)
Hi! My name is Bwe and I am a Freshman. This is my first musical ever so I am so excited to be able to do this! We have an awesome cast this year. I hope you enjoy the musical!!
Courtney Schiesser (RHS Student)
Hi! I'm Courtney Schiesser. I am a Junior and I play in the ensemble. I have been hoping to do this show for a while, so i am very excited to be able to perform it. I hope you enjoy the profuction!
Daniela Medina-Reyes (RHS Student)
Hey, my name is Daniela. I'm a Junior and I'm in the chorus. I hope you enjoy the musical knowing each song by heart. Have a good time!
Diane Osuna Alvarez (RHS Student)
Hello!!! My name is Diane and I am a junior in WHS. I am in the chorus/ensemble of the Grease musical. This is my second time being in a musical and it is so much fun! I was in the the chorus for Aida last year as well! I am apart of Cardinal Choir and Band. As well as the 2701 Choir. I want to study music so I could be a music teacher so I could do amazing things like this musical and concerts!
Dante Ramirez (RHS Student)
Delilah Singsank (RHS Student)
Hi, my name is Delilah Singsank. I'm in the 9th grade and this is my first high school musical, I play a background character as a rydell high student in the musical. I joined the musical because I enjoyed singing and performing.
Eliana Marcus (RHS Student)
Hey! I’m Eliana Marcus. I’m in 9th grade this year, and I play a Rydell High Student. One of my favorite quotes from this year is “Friggin’ A!” - Kenicke, played by James Rende. Thank you for coming and I hope you enjoy the show!
Emerald Osuna Alvarez (RHS Student)
Hi my name is emerald. I'm a freshman. My role in the musical is rydell student. Thank you for coming to the musical and what I always say you can always be a fixer up to your friends
Flor Medina Palma (RHS Student)
Flor is a 9th grader in Willmar Senior High School. She is very excited to present grease and thanks everyone for coming and her favorite quote from grease is “pimple pus”.
Gabby Rud (RHS Student)
Hi my name is Gabby Rud and I am a sophomore. I play in the show as a Rydell High Student. Thank you for coming, please sit back and enjoy the show!
Hailey Fadness (RHS Student)
hi my name is Hailey Fadness. i’m a freshman, and i’m so excited for this musical! i can’t believe i get to act in my childhood favorite movie!! my role in this musical is a Rydell High student. thank you so much for coming to the show. i hope you have as much fun in the audience, as we do preforming here on stage!
Jordan Jensen (RHS Student)
Hi! My name is Jordan Jensen, I'm a Junior, and i am in the chorus, meaning I don't have a main part, but you may still see me dancing around though.
Lauryn Mueske (RHS Student)
My name is Lauryn Mueske and I am a Junior. I'm a chorus member playing as a Rydell High studnet. I'm also a part of the lights and sound crew. thank you for coming to Grease! I'm looking forward to performing on stage for the first time. I hope you become "Hopelessly Devoted" to the show. :)
Linda Waltz (RHS Student)
Hi, my name is Linda Waltz and I am a sophomore this year. I am a Rydell High student in the musical. Thank you for coming, i hope you enjoy the show!
Lindsey Winter (RHS Student)
My name is Lindsey winter and I am a 10th grader! I play a Rydell High student! One of my favorite quotes are, "I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music."By Billy Joel. Thank you for coming! I'm so excited to be in my first musical.
Maddie George (RHS Student)
Hi! My name is Maddie George and I am in 10th grade this year. I play as a Rydell High Student! Thank you so so much for coming, we all hope you enjoy!!
Michael Olson (RHS Student)
Hi my name is Michael Olson. I am a junior at Willmar High School. My role in this musical is a Rydell High student. I am excited for this musical, as it is my first one! Enjoy.
Mika Groen (RHS Student)
Hey! My name is Rosemika Groen I am a sophomore this year and I play a Rydell high student/chorus. I have been in two other musicals for Willmar including Moana jr. and Aida! I can't wait for you to see the show with all our amazing cast as, "We go together!"
Mikayla Ornelas (RHS Student)
Hello! My name is Mikayla Ornelas and I’m a sophomore. I play a Rydell high school student and Sheila for the drive in theater scene! Im super excited for everyone to come and watch the show, hope you enjoy it!
Neveah Molash (RHS Student)
Hi, my name is Neveah and I am a sophomore at WHS. I'm in the chorus this year. I am so excited for you all to see the musical!
Patricia Shockency (RHS Student)
Hello my name is Patricia I am a freshman I had played in the eighth grade frozen jr. Musical as one of the Oaken family members. I am a Rydell high school student for the grease musical. I am so glad I get to be in another musical this year!! Welcome and enjoy the show!!
Sarah Jensen (RHS Student)
Hi. My name is Sarah Jensen and I am a freshman. I am a rydell student. I’m so excited!
Sophia Haase (RHS Student)
HEY YALL ITS YA GIRL SOPH, THANKS SO MUCH FOR COMIN OUT! That’s what the lovely Eileen Bosch from tech crew told me to say, but that’s beside the point. I’m in 9th grade and I’m a part of the chorus; my favorite thing about the musical is definitely watching Michelson’s EPIC moves to our choreography. Thanks so much for coming and I hope you enjoy the show!
Troy Eisel (RHS Student)
Hi! My name is Troy I am a 9th grader and I play a Rydell student, I also played in the show Frozen Jr. last year as the character Weselton. I’m excited to be in this musical because I get to meet new people and make new friends and just have a great time, thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy the show!
Zavore Hunt (RHS Student)