And Then There Were None Cast

Don Filicetti (Dr. Armstrong)
Don is very excited to be back on stage again in the Agatha Christie mystery “And Then There Were None”. His last time performing was in John Cariani’s beautiful and funny “Almost, Maine” under director Brooke Gorsica. He’s been part of the West Hudson Arts & Theater Company for 7 years. His other theater credits include that of Clarence Clover, a degenerate gambler in the original Murder Mystery “Unlucky Clovers” written by WHATCo’s own Allyssa Hynes and pompous director Lloyd Dallas in the hilarious “show within a show” British farce “Noises Off”. He also directed the David Auburn play “Proof” in September 2021 for the West Hudson Arts & Theater Company. Don is an avid home cook and volunteers with the Rutherford Community Food Pantry where he lives with his husband John and their rescue dog Max who both support his artistic endeavors.
Daniella Heywood (Mrs. Rogers)
Dani is thrilled to be making her debut with WHACTo. Dani is a native Brit and loves to go back to her British roots and take part in Murder Mysteries, Period Dramas and British Farce (mainly because her American accent is an embarrassment!). She has spent time on a stage since 9 years of age. Some of her favorite roles have included Molly (The Mousetrap), Ruth (Blithe Spirit), Lotty (Enchanted April), Joanna Markham (Move over Mrs Markham) and Gertrude Chiltern (An Ideal Husband). Thanks to the cast and crew for the warm welcome and to her husband and two boys for accommodating her theater passion.
John Jesse Jeffords (William Blore)
John is returning for his second show with WHATCo after previously appearing as The Narrator in Puffs. He's grateful for the support of his family, friends, and cast mates past and present, and he's excited to work with a team of so many talented individuals!
Matt Masiello (Philip Lombard)
Matt is thrilled to be appearing on the West Hudson Arts and Theater Company stage again. This is Matt’s sixth time on the WHATCo stage. Previously Matt could be seen in NOISES OFF, Unlucky Clover and Almost Maine, The Great Gatsby Radio Play and Trivia Murder. Other acting credits include Much Ado About Nothing, Drop Dead, Dracula, Love's Labour’s Lost, The Real Inspector Hound, Merry Wives of Windsor, Taming of the Shrew and A Soldier's Play. Matt has also directed for WHAT Co. before. Directed credits include Neil Simon’s Rumors, Drop Dead Virtually the Last Super as part of WHATCO’s virtual one act festival, and most recently WHATCo’s previous Stage production A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Other directing credits include Much Ado About Nothing with Babbling Brook Players, Hamlet with Secret Notebook Productions, and Quite Contrary, which was a part of the Barn Theaters Summer One Act festival. Matt has a BA in Acting from Ramapo College of NJ. He is also a member of the American Fight Directors where is certified in unarmed combat, single sword, small sword, sword and shield, quarter staff and knife fighting.
Jonathan Rueda (Anthony Marston/Fred Narracott)
Jon has been an actor since high school. He attended Bergen Community College, New York Film Academy, earning an associates degree including a certificate for film acting. This is his third time working with WHATCo, previously appearing in Drop Dead (Phillip, the Stage Manager) and You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown (Pigpen). He is very excited and honored to be on stage with an amazing cast and crew.
Francesca Stokes (Emily Brent)
Francesca is delighted to be back on stage playing Miss Emily Brent. The role was a challenge. She had to learn how to knit - and also had to learn how to be condescending and self righteous. This was very difficult, but she got there in the end. Francesca has enjoyed working with the talented director, cast and crew to put together this classic story. Some other roles Francesca has tackled include Dotty Ottley in “Noises Off”, “Truvy” in “Steel Magnolias”, Ruth in “Pirates of Penzance”, and most recently, Emilia in “Othello “. Other favorite roles include Rye and Pumpernickel.
Robert Strauch (General Mackenzie)
This is Robert’s 16th production with WHATCo, having played roles in You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, Little Shop of Horrors, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Schoolhouse Rock, ELF, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Arsenic and Old Lace, It’s a Wonderful Life, Bleacher Bums, Godspell, Cinderella, the live radio plays War of the Worlds and Vintage Hitchcock, A Christmas carol, and directed the The Fantasticks. “Theater has always been a big part of my life since I started in my early teens at the Halfpenny Playhouse on Midland Avenue. Over the years I have traveled far and wide to perform and I’m happy to have a theater group in Kearny again and the chance to be a part of it.”
Christopher Tully (Sir Lawrence Wargrave)
Christopher Tully, a Kearny native, is thrilled to be making his second appearance with WHATCo (having played Nick in last years’ production of The Great Gatsby) after a three-decade absence from theater in New Jersey. He spent much of the last quarter century acting in the Washington, DC area, running the gamut from Shakespeare (Iago in Othello, Edgar in King Lear, Horatio in Hamlet) to Neil Simon (Louie in Lost in Yonkers) to Stephen Sondheim and Gershwin (Baker in Into the Woods, Harry in Company, Zangler in Crazy for You) to Eugene O’Neill (Jamie in Long Day’s Journey Into Night) to gritty psychological drama (Denny in A Steady Rain), to playing 35 characters in a one-man London original production of Old English saga (The Song of Hilde), though his favorite role is the title role in Jean Anouilh’s Becket. He’d like to thank the talented cast and crew of And Then There Were None, and Cynthia for giving him the opportunity, and the forgiveness of his dog Sally, and the but most of all, the love and inspiration of his wife Susan.
Andre Vieira (Rogers)
Andre returned to the stage in 2022 after a prolonged absence due to family and career considerations. He credits his daughter Erica for constantly encouraging him to get back into Theater. (Erica has been actively involved in Theater for the last twelve years). In 2022, Andre landed multiple small roles in ‘Inherit the Wind’ (Pax Amicus Castle Theater) and in 2023 He appeared in the hilarious comedy ‘They haven’t got a clue’ (Pax Amicus Theater) and ‘Kinky Boots’ (Dover Little Theater). Andre is grateful for the opportunity to be given a role in ‘And then there were none’ (West Hudson Arts Theater). The cast and crew have been nothing but terrific and the experience extremely enjoyable and rewarding. Andre lives with his family in Jefferson Township in New Jersey and is blessed to have their full support.
Erica Vieira (Vera Claythorne)
Erica is thrilled to make her debut at WHATCo! Apart from being an equestrian, martial artist and actress, she is currently attending Saint Elizabeth University pursuing her Doctorate in Psychology with a primary focus on using music and the arts in her therapeutic style. Previously she was the Assistant Stage Manager for CDC’s production of The Wizard of Oz (2023) and interACT's production of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None (2023). Previous acting credits include The Crucible (Mrs. Putnam), Euripides’ Medea (Medea), Almost Maine (Gayle), Extremities (Marjorie), Inherit the Wind (Mrs. Brady). The Wedding Singer (Airline Agent/Ensemble) & Grease (Patty Simcox). Special thanks to our amazing cast and crew for being so welcoming to me and my father! These performances are dedicated to my amazing interACT ATTWN original cast and crew, Dad, the Vieira Family, and my loving friends. Your continuous love and support empower me. Hope I continue to make you all proud. Muchas gracias y te quiero mucho. :)