About The Bride of Brackenloch!

The Bride of Brackenloch! A Ghostly Gothic Thriller? by: Rick Abbot

In this cheerily goofy spoof of all those gothic novels where the heroine is brought to the ancient manor by her handsome, brooding groom, new bride Daphne is brought to Brackenloch the day after her husband, Jabez Thorngall, lost his first bride to the family curse: any bride at Brackenloch Manor is doomed to die on her wedding day. At the bottom of the bracken-fringed Scottish loch which gives the manor its name lurks “Bracky,” who is not a monster to take lightly. The murder of Jabez’s father six years earlier remains unsolved, and family disappearances create further mysteries. Suspicion and danger are omnipresent, and audiences love every minute of this thriller.

The Bride of Brackenloch! A Ghastly Gothic Thriller? is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. www.concordtheatricals.com

Waynesville High School

                                Waynesville High School Drama Club and Thespian Troupe #1669 

                                                   “Act well your part, there all honor lies.”   -Thespian Motto

Waynesville High School is home to one of the most comprehensive high school theatre programs in the state of Missouri. The WHS Theatre Department offers a Basic Survey and History of Theatre Course (Theatre I), a Basic Acting Course (Theatre II), a Theatre Technology Course (Theatre III), Ensemble Acting and Directing Course (Theatre IV), and a Pre-professional and College Readiness Course (Intensified Theatre). These courses combined with the production of quality high school plays and musicals that provide dramatic, technical, and management experiences for our students, produce a rewarding experience in the theatre arts. Our goal is to produce plays that are as professional as the age and appearance of the cast will permit. Students, who qualify, can join the International Thespian Society, an honor society for high school theatre students and a division of the Educational Theatre Association. Those students can participate in the Missouri State Thespian Conference. The department produces two full-length plays or musicals a year. Students have the opportunity to direct a one act play through the Theatre IV course and participate in the MSHSAA District Speech Tournament in the one act play competition.