Esther: A Musical Based on the Old Testament Book Creative

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Chelsea St. John Wade
This is Mrs. Wade's 9th year and 18th production with Theatre Veritas. She is delighted to direct Esther's A Musical: Based on the Old Testament Book. She considers it an honor to get the opportunity to bring God's Word to life on the stage! She studied and performed at UNLV's Nevada Conservatory and MHU's Southern Appalachian Repertory Theatre. She is very grateful to get to work alongside ALL of her hard working students, creative, and orchestra. Thank you for coming out and supporting Theatre Veritas! Enjoy the show.
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Music Director
Doyle Barnes
Doyle Barnes (Music Director) Along with a degree in music education from Pepperdine University, Doyle brings a wealth of knowledge and performance experience, both as a vocalist and instrumentalist. He has been awarded lead roles in many productions (such as “My Fair Lady”, “Oklahoma”, “The Mikado”, “HMS Pinafore”, and “Shenandoah”, among others.) as well as carrying roles in major musical works such as Haydn’s “The Seasons” and Mussorgsky’s “Boris Gudunov”. Planning to teach vocal music, Doyle’s pathway took him, instead, to the corporate world from which he retired before moving on to a second successful career in Real Estate. Music, however, was always a prime part of his life in the form of worship leading (beginning at age 9 and continuing for sixty years) and always being involved, either as singer or director, with musical groups of many kinds. His time spent at Veritas is one of the highlights of his musical life, as he passes on his expertise and passion for vocal and performing arts to the students he loves so much.
Music Director
Kathleen Barnes
Kathleen Barnes (Music Director) Kathleen was “born singing”, according to her family. She began performing as a child, harmonizing with her twin sister at the age of three and has continued performing throughout her life. She’s had singing roles in a variety of musicals and major musical works in addition to being a featured soloist with dance bands and choirs. She and Doyle (Barnes) met while students at Pepperdine University, and the rest is history. Together, they have traveled the world as members of a USO troupe, entertaining thousands of troops in far away places, served as worship leaders for several decades, and balanced their busy life while raising their family. Kathleen is thrilled and honored to be allowed to share her passion for the performing arts with the talented and hardworking faculty and students of Theatre Veritas, whom she adores!
Alexandra Tousley
Stage Manager
Estella Wollny
Estella Wollny is a senior at Veritas and excited to be the stage manager for this year’s production of Esther A Musical. You may catch her running around with the crew in the dark between scenes. Some of her favorite productions she has been apart of includes The Sound of Music, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and the Wizard of Oz. She hopes you sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
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Assistant Stage Manager
Sophie Robbins
Sophie has been attending Veritas for 12 years. This is her 5th show as a part of Theatre Veritas and her second show as part of crew. She is so excited for her role as assistant stage manager for this production, and she hopes you enjoy the show!
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Costuming, Dramaturgist, Prop Master
Georgia Evans
Georgia Evans (Dramaturgist, costumer, crew) is thrilled to be in this year’s production, Esther A Musical. This is her eighth production with theater Veritas and her first time in the crew. Some of her former roles include Creon in Antigone, Finris Ulf in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Hannah in Little Women. She hopes you enjoy the show.
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Sound Manager
Jordan McDowell
Jordan is excited to be in this year's musical, Esther A Musical! This production is extra special to him, as it is set in Ancient Persia, and he himself is Persian. He has been attending Veritas since his first year of middle school, running lights in 5 different Theatre Veritas productions since his freshman year. In this production, he will be running sound instead of lights, and he hopes you enjoy the show!
Lights Director
Erin Babcock
Erin Babcock has been a part of Theatre Veritas for three years. She has been in charge of all screens/slides for all shows since The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. She was in charge of the spotlight in Little Women. This year she has worked with lights in Antigone and will also be in the same job in Esther A Musical. She hopes you enjoy the show!
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Stage Crew
Luca Hopkins
Luca has never been a part of a Theatre Veritas production before and he is very excited to be able to contribute. He is a part of the stage crew and is ready to finally help. He hopes that you will enjoy the show!
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Stage Crew
Abram Zook
This is Abrams 10th year at Veritas, and his second year in Theatre Veritas. He is very excited for this year's Esther production. He also hopes you come to the show!

Original Creative Team