Anastasia the Musical Cast

Everly Beeson (Young Anastasia / Ensemble)
Everly is 8 years old and is super excited to have the chance to join this show. A few of her favorite things are all animals, music, dancing, and ice cream.
Tishra Beeson (Tsarina Alexandra / Ensemble)
Tishra is excited to "Live in the Land of Yesterday" in this fabulous production! After a 15-year break from performing, she recently returned to her first love of theater and is thrilled to connect with so many other artist hearts & minds in this community (including my own daughter who now has the musical theater bug!) Favorite recent roles include Doralee Rhodes in 9-5: the Musical (Valley Theatre Company and Warehouse Theater Company) and Audrey in Little Shop of Horrors (WTC). Looking forward to celebrating this very special story of hope and self-discovery with you all!
Teresa Bicchieri (Countess Lily)
Teresa spent most of her childhood on stage performing in the VTC summer musicals and dancing ballet with the local studios. She made her acting debut with VTC as Gretl Von Trapp in The Sound of Music but her favorite character she has played was the role of Lina Lamont in Singin' in the Rain. Recently, she performed as Sandra Wilkinson in the hilarious production of The Play That Goes Wrong. Teresa is a creative at heart, loves spending time with her family, and has a part time photography business.
Autumn Blackwood (Ensemble)
Autumn has been in numerous high school musical and play productions at Ellensburg High School. Her first play was “Pride and Prejudice” in 2022 where she played the role of Mary Bennet. In the winter musical production “Kiss Me Kate” she was Alice the stage manager, and in the most recent winter musical “Shrek”, she played the role of Princess Fiona! Autumn loves getting to grow on stage as theater has become her favorite hobby and activity!
Ruth Bresee (Olga Romanov / Ensemble)
Ruth is 21 years old and a recent graduate of Central Washington University. She has been involved in theater since she was 6 years old. Ruth loves to be on stage and perform in many different genres. She participated in choir and drama throughout her middle school and high school careers and continued her love of acting into community theater involvement. Some of her past roles include Scuttle from Disney's The Little Mermaid in 2016 (Masquers Theater), Deb in Ordinary Days (Quincy Valley Allied Arts), and Ti Moune from Once on This Island in 2022 (Masquers Theater). Working and engaging with others is a passion of hers and she loves to make new families in every show that she’s part of. Ruth is very excited to be getting herself back into theater and to make new memories.
Lily Bridger (Tatiana Romanov / Ensemble)
Lily just loves theater! She's been acting since age 9 and has performed and had tech roles in 11 shows. She has also performed in multiple choir concerts since the age of 9, recitals, concerts, solo and ensemble competitions, talent shows, and VTC's cabaret. Performing is Lily's favorite thing, but aside from theater she also loves baking and hanging out with friends! Her dream is to be on Broadway or work on a fancy cruise ship.
Elin Callender-Bohman (Anya)
Elin has been a theater performer for the past 11 years and has participated in 18 different productions of straight plays and musicals! She is a freshman at the University of Washington and have had opportunities to continue expressing herself theatrically there. In her free time, Elin likes catching up on calculus homework and playing Mario Cart, and she has recently taken up rollerblading (recently enough to still be pretty terrible at it). Elin is super excited for the opportunity to perform in Ellensburg again!
Gillian Canterbury (Ensemble)
Gillian has had the pleasure of both performing onstage and doing backstage work. Recently, she served as a stagehand for Central Theatre Ensemble’s production of A Christmas Carol. Previous show credits include The Drowsy Chaperone, Beauty and the Beast, Hello Dolly, The Music Man, State Fair, and Mamma Mia. Outside of her participation in theatre, Gillian is a senior at Central Washington University studying psychology with a minor in theatre. In the future, Gillian hopes to become a school psychologist. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends as well as traveling.
Faith Clyde (Countess Gregory/ Ensemble)
Faith Clyde has performed with Boulet Productions in Cle Elum, WA for eleven years, starring in key roles such as Anne in "Anne of Green Gables the Musical," Oliver in "Oliver!," Imogene Herdman in "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," and a list of villainesses in annual melodramas. She loves using theatre to evoke a range of emotions in others, share the story playwrights set out to tell and help immerse them in the world of the show. Born and raised in Kittitas County, she is a passionate wife, mother, photographer, author, and CWU graduate. She takes life head-on, seeking out opportunities to learn and grow. Her faith and family are her top priorities, which she strives to show every day of her life.
Abby Durham (Ensemble)
Abby is 18 years old and loves all things dance and theatre since she started dancing when she was little. Growing up, Abby took ballet (14 years), contemporary (5 years), and jazz (1 year) classes. When she was 12, she began ballet en pointe, and pursued that for three years. Although she no longer dances en pointe, Abby still loves to dance, and even takes classes at Central Washington University. As far as singing and acting goes, she has taken voice lessons for over a year and has participated in nearly all of Ellensburg High School's theatre productions as both cast and crew throughout her time there. Besides theater and dance, Abby also has several other interests, such as crocheting, traveling, and nursing (she's planning on pursuing a career in pediatric nursing). Abby is excited to participate in this production!
Grace Englehart (Maria Romanov / Ensemble)
Grace Englehart is a teacher and theatre artist who has been in the performing arts for 20+ years. She was last seen co-directing The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood and singing "Therapy "in the Cabaret Cabernet. Outside of theatre, she loves to lead worship, hang with friends and family, and cuddle with her kitty Roscoe. All you need is faith , trust , and a little pixie dust everyone!
Emily Evans (Odette / Ensemble)
Emily Evans is a 22 year old college senior at Central Washington University majoring in Dance and Applied Mathematics. Trained in Cecchetti ballet for 18 years, Emily has danced the lead roles in many storybook ballets. Her most recent roles include Lilac Fairy in Sleeping Beauty as well as the Snow Queen in The Nutcracker. During her time at CWU, she has cultivated additional styles of dance into her skillset such as modern, ballroom, tap, and jazz. Emily also has experience in the theater both as a performer and choreographer. She last performed as an ancestor in show The Adams Family, which she also had the pleasure of co-choreographing, in her home town of Oak Harbor, WA.
Conner Fochesato (Drunk #2 / Sergei / Ensemble)
Conner got involved in Theatre Arts in his junior year of high school and never looked back! He was part of the musicals, "Guys & Dolls," "Seussical," and a student-written musical called "Steven." In college, he had the privilege of playing a detective in an online Zoom performance based off the works of Edgar Allen Poe. In his free time, Conner has done some open mic nights for stand-up comedy, and also writes superhero comic scripts that he hopes to get published some day!
Ray Glover (Prince Seigfried)
Raymond started dancing at CWU in 2016, taking his first ballroom class, he hasn’t stopped since. Most of his experience is ballroom and ballet, but enjoys any type of dance, especially partnering. Since starting he has performed a number of times with CWU Orchesis, The Studio, and CWDA. This is his first time performing with Valley Theatre Co.
Emily Haemmelmann (Ensemble)
Emily has been involved in 13 productions since her first show in 2012 (where she fell in love with performing). She took 2 years of ballet and 1 year of tap from CWU. She even performed in one of Orchesis' (CWU's dance company) end of year showcase. She has been taking vocal coaching on and off since 2008. Emily has always loved the community and camaraderie of doing theater. It's like a huge group project.
Derek Huls (Count Ipolitov / Drunk #3 / Ensemble)
Derek grew up doing impressions from movies and singing along to musicals. While comfortable on stage as a young child, he focused his youth on various sports and is now seeking to rekindle the performer within as he joins this production. After singing with his wife a handful of times in church, he is excited to further set an example for his kids of getting outside one’s comfort zone, working hard at something brand new, and accomplishing a personal goal that broadens his life experience.
Jonathan Leonard (Count Leopold / Drunk #1 / Ensemble)
It seems like a lifetime ago since Jonathan last performed-- 20 years ago on the Morgan stage in Anything Goes! On that stage, a lifetime ago, he played lots of roles in a decade worth of shows (Pirate King in Pirates of Penzance, Motel in Fiddler on the Roof & lots of others). He's here to support his kids and their desire to be on stage.
Nia Leonard (Ensemble)
Nia is alot, but never too much :) She is a distance runner, a basketball player, but where she loves to be the most is on stage. Her first show was last year as a part of VTC's Godspell Jr. cast. She is a natural mover on and off stage. She most recently played the role of The Town's Girl in VTC's "The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood".
Trinity Leonard (Ensemble)
Trinity is the 3rd of 4 girls. She loves to play basketball, swim, sing, and play with her little sister. She is a bit of a drama queen, but it looks like that puts her in the right place :)
Isabella Masuccio (Ensemble)
Bella's most recent role was as the Lady in Waiting, in VTC's "The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood". Last year, she had a wonderful experience in Godspell, Jr. She also loved playing a sheep in the Rising Stars production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as a second grader, loving that she could be on stage with her brother Pasquale. In kindergarten, she played a baboon in Lion King, Jr in Auburn, WA & later in 1st Grade, she played a villager/teacup in Beauty and the Beast, Jr. before moving to Ellensburg. Bella Ioves to sing, dance, and act. Theatre has given her many close friendships and she's excited to have this new experience with the Valley Theatre Company. She has enjoyed watching the musicals every summer, and is so excited to have to opportunity to a part of this show!
Pasquale Masuccio (Tsar Nicholas II / Drunk #4 / Ensemble)
Pasquale has been doing musical theatre since 2nd grade and been in choir since middle school. Most recently he played Shrek in the EHS Winter Musical and before that he played Gangster 1 in Kiss Me Kate. Pasquale has really enjoyed his theatre experiences and hopes to continue doing theatre and music throughout his life.
Maverick McCarl (Gorlinsky / Count Gregory / Ensemble)
Maverick is currently a student at CWU studying to get a musical theater BFA. His most recent works include composing the music for A Fine Upstanding Lad (a new musical) as well as playing Ernst in Spring Awakening, and Ryan/ Mike in Theory of Relativity at Central. He also has experience with community theatre’s: Tacoma Musical Playhouse, Manestage Theatre company, and Friendship Theater. He is a guitar player and songwriter with a passion for musicals.
Kyle Nolan (Gleb)
Happy to fuel his addiction to theatre once again, Kyle is super stoked to be in VTC's production of Anastasia! He has previously been a part of several shows over the years with his favorite roles being Lumière in Beauty and the Beast and Chris Bean in The One Act Play that Goes Wrong. When he's not on stage, Kyle can be found studying computer science at CWU by day, but by night, he's rolling dice while acting out a goblin's death throes in games of D&D that he runs for friends and family. He wants to thank his friends and family for their constant love and support, and for pushing him to take part in such amazing productions.
Patrick Nolan (Vlad)
Patrick feels a certain affinity for Anastasia the Musical having lived in St Petersburg, visited the palace in Peterhof and experienced firsthand the oppression of a Russian authoritarian government. But he feels an even greater affinity for this show because he gets to work together with so many people he loves (especially his son) and meet even more wonderful new people. Patrick most recently produced VTC’s Rising Stars show, played Felix in the winter production of the Odd Couple and appeared as the sexist, egotistical, lying hypocrite Franklin Hart, Jr in last summer’s production of 9 to 5.
Ryan Odd (Comrade #3 / Ensemble)
Ryan has been taking voice lessons for almost 3 years and has been in theater productions since he was 11. Some of his past experiences were as Moody McPherson in Anne of Green and Adult Simba in The Lion King Jr. (both at the Burkesville Academy of Fine Arts). He also played the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk with the Missoula Children's Theater and several of EHS’s winter musicals: Legally Blonde, Kiss Me, Kate and most recently as Donkey in Shrek the Musical. Ryan has also performed in VTC’s Fall cabaret shows but this is his first Summer musical with VTC!
Olivia Reiman (Little Swan / Ensemble)
Olivia Reiman is excited to be a part of Anastasia this summer, you may have previously seen her in 9 to 5, the Little Mermaid (Ursula), or in the ballet Sleeping Beauty as Red Riding Hood. She is a full time student at CWU, with a law and justice major and a double minor is studio arts and psychology. She has been dancing for 8 years and teaches dance at the Studio in town.
Arianna Rhodes (Ensemble)
Arianna has loved singing her whole life and can often be found humming to herself. While she doesn’t have much experience onstage, she has performed in church many times and is excited to participate in this production and open the door to a new adventure.
Eponine Romo (Paulina / Ensemble)
After graduating high school, Eponine took a long break from theater, but found herself missing it. She wanted to remember what her passions were, and what fed her soul, and she was proud to rediscover her home in the theater. As a wife, and mom to four, she's been thrilled to share her love of the arts with her family, especially her husband, who serves as the best partner and support system around (thank you, honey— I love you!). This will be Eponine's fifth show with VTC, recently appearing as Maria Delgado in 9-5, and in several Cabernet Cabarets. She is honored to share the stage with her son Javier, her gramma Janet, and the rest of this amazing cast!
Javier Romo (Alexei Romanov / Ensemble)
This is Javier's first show with Valley Theater Company, and he's excited to join the crowd! At a mere 10 years old, Javi has already beat cancer-- TWICE-- and he's excited to take advantage of every opportunity life throws at him. Javi's charming personality and 1,000 watt smile light up any room, and he's so excited to share his joy of life with the cast, crew, and audience.
Anna Rose (Little Swan)
Anna has trained in ballet since age 4. She's danced lead roles such Clara in the Nutcracker, and the Sugar Plum Fairy (twice!). Before she moved to Ellensburg to report for the Daily Record, Anna was the artistic director and head competition team coach at Port Townsend Ballet.
Jill Scheffer (Marfa / Ensemble)
Jill is the President of KEEN (Kittitas Environmental Education Network) a non-profit focused on nature-based lifelong learning. KEEN's big project is to establish the Yakima Canyon Interpretive Center at the mouth of the Yakima River Canyon Scenic Byway. Her day job is as an environmental planner for the WA Department of Ecology. Her two loves are her son and daughter who together explore the outdoors and also share a love of music and dance. Her son, Nathaniel Arango is lead singer and founder of Wavesons, and her daughter, Serena Scheffer-Arango, dances with love and passion and has been performing on stage since she was 3. Jill also serves as the Vice President of the non-profit Ellensburg Dance Ensemble (EDE), a group that operates 'The Studio' with dance classes for all ages, and mounts the largest performance of The Nutcracker in even years in partnership with Central WA University. She has been dancing on stage for years in supporting roles in EDE shows. Jill also performed in VMT's Mamma Mia in 2022 as the unforgettable "Chorus Member Number 13," and VMT's 9-5 in 2023 as Margaret...celebrating alcoholism!
Serena Scheffer-Arango (Ensemble)
Serena has been onstage performing since she was but a young child, about 4 years old. She has been dancing in various forms for just as long, including ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, and tap. She spends her time, preferably indoors, reading all kinds of books and enjoys chocolate ice cream.
Olivia Snow (Teen Anya / Ensemble)
Olivia is excited to be performing with the Valley Theatre Company again! At VTC she played the role of Amaryliss in Music Man, and an Orphan in Oliver. Olivia has a love for theatre and bringing stories to life for the audience. Some of her favorite roles have been playing Anna in Frozen Jr (West Valley SD), Imogene in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Musical (Warehouse Theatre Co), Matilda in Matilda the Musical (WVSD), a Bird Girl in Seussical (WVSD) Chip in Beauty and the Beast (Davis HS), and Gretl in The Sound of Music (DHS). She enjoys learning something new and meeting new people with every show! Olivia enjoys dance, soccer, basketball, arts and crafts, and spending time with her family at the beach!
Gretchen St. Hilaire (Ensemble)
Gretchen is 10 years old and she has been in one other play, the Missoula Children's Theater production of Rapunzel. She and her sister Ava like making up their own plays; they even memorized the entire Frozen 2 movie. Gretchen has really enjoyed the Anastasia musical and she says that she wants to do one again. She really liked hanging out with her friends, and her first full theater experience has been amazing!
Hannah St. Hilaire (Ensemble)
Hannah is going into her senior year of high school and has been in 7 productions since the start of middle school. She hopes to be in both the fall play and winter musical to end her final year of high school with a bang!
Janet Thompson (Dowager Empress Maria)
Janet found her way into the theater a little later than some, but she’s loved every second of this new hobby. While she’s new to the theater, she’s not new to music, having participated in various musical ventures throughout the year from church choirs to karaoke to performing with her husband and daughter around Minnesota. A mom to one (Amy), gramma to four (Eponine, Anaïs, Arline, and Allyson), and a GG to four more (Joaquin, Javier, Athena, and Arya), Janet stays busy, but never fails to keep a pep in her step and a smile on her face!
Emma Tolmich (Little Swan)
Emma Tolmich is going into her fourth year at Central Washington University. She is studying Theater Production and Design and Dance. Some of her favorite roles have been the lion in the Wizard of Oz and one of the 3 fairies in Sleeping Beauty. Emma has been dancing since she was 3 and loves to share her passion with others.
Samantha Walters (Ensemble)
This is Sami's first experience with theatre, although she has been an avid fan of musicals since she was young. Despite having no experience, Sami has been eager to learn and realized that it is never too late to try something new! She loves to sing, read, and crochet!
Liz Whitaker (Black Marketeer #3 / Ensemble)
Liz has been singing as long as she can remember, with her family and in school and community choirs. Her next-door nieighbors during high school were active in the local Broadway musical scene and she played the romantic lead Marsinah in their backyard production of Kismet! She has had ensemble roles in Oliver!, South Pacific, No, No, Nanette, and Cinderella. She also enjoys playing with her grandchildren, international folk dancing, tending her raspberry patch, and relaxing with a purring cat on her lap.
Scott Whitaker (Dmitry)
A local of Ellensburg, this will be Scott's first production with Valley Theatre Company. He has a passion for singing and acting; he's been part of many choral groups throughout childhood and adulthood, and he acted in three musical productions during his years at Ellensburg High School. His favorite role was as Billy in "Anything Goes".
Sophia Wilson (Ensemble)
Sophia is a latecomer to theater and musicals. She was always involved in sports, but when she joined the EHS Jazz Choir in her freshman year and had the opportunity to sing solos, she found that she loved performing! At the start of her sophomore year, she took the big jump and auditioned for “Pride and Prejudice” and she fell in love with theater hard and fast. From there Sophia went on to play both large and small roles in “Kiss Me Kate”, “Play On” and “Shrek the Musical” at EHS. She was excited to go to State singing soprano in a duet (the small ensemble category) and was also chosen as1st alternate for the solo alto category. She loves imitating voices, movements and personalities of different people.
Emma-Jean Wydur (Dunya / Ensemble)
Emma Wydur is a nineteen-year-old singer, actress, and all around creative person. She most recently played Sally Bowles in a production of Cabaret at the Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth. Before that, she was The Baker's Wife in Blaine High School's production of Into the Woods. In her free time, she enjoys painting, sewing, reading, and playing guitar.
Zaden Yangas (Exiled Russian / Ensemble)
Zaden's first musical was VTC's Oliver at age 13. Since then, he has performed in 2 Fall Plays and 3 Winter Musicals at EHS (most recently as Pinocchio in Shrek the Musical!). His hobbies include playing accordion, origami, video games, and getting caught in the rain!
Zack Zimny (Policeman / Ensemble)
Zack has just graduated from Ellensburg High School and will be attending CWU in the Fall. He started acting at age 7 in Central Theatre Ensemble's production of Les Miserables. He has continued to love singing and dancing in roles with Valley Theatre, Leavenworth Summer Theatre, Children's Musical Theatre, and Ellensburg High School's Fall Play and Winter Musical. In his free time Zack enjoys art, rock climbing, and online gaming and chatting with friends.