Godspell Cast

Maguire Lawrence (Jesus)
Maguire is a senior excited to participate in his first ever organized show. His Hornet Theatre debut was as a director and actor during this year's One Acts. Outside of the theatre, he enjoys the other fine arts, being a part of the Valley Center Madrigals and the Symphonic Winds. He would like to thank all of the welcoming theatre departments he has been a part of for making him feel welcome to join in, and to thank his family for always coming to support no matter what adventure he may partake on next.
Owen White (Judas )
Owen White is a Senior this year, and is ecstatic to be bringing Judas to life in Godspell! Owen would like to express his utmost gratitude to the directors, Megan Upton-Tyner and Amanda Jolly, for their great mentorship during his time with them. His 4 years with Hornet Theatre have been nothing short of transformative, and he can't wait to see where his life brings him to throughout his theatrical collegiate experience!
Neveah Castillo (Ensemble )
Veah is a Junior at Valley Center High School. She has been a member of Hornet Theatre and a member of Thespian Troupe 522 since her Freshman year. She is also currently on the Hornet Theatre leadership team. She is excited to add Godspell to her list of shows she has been a part of. Two of her most notable shows being CLUE (Spring 2022) and Leaving Iowa (Spring 2021). Aside from theatre, Veah is involved in the VCHS Art program and is a 2 year member of the VCHS Madrigals. She would like to give thanks to Mtut, her family, and all of the upperclassmen who have helped her grow and supported her through the years.
Zander Chenoweth  (Ensemble )
Gideon Griswold (Ensemble)
Payton Griswold (Ensemble)
Payton is an avid actor. She has always loved performing since she was young. Her favorite part about performing would be singing, as she's been in choir for 12 years. She hopes to continue performing and entertaining people in college.
Reagan Lopez (Ensemble)
Reagan has been involved in theatre for almost 2 years and loved every second of it. She loves doing tech for shows but acting is also pretty cool. She loves the cast and is so excited for everyone to perform!
Olivia Hill (Ensemble )
Brynn Walker (Ensemble)
Brynn is a senior and is ecstatic to be a part of such an amazing show. This is her second time preforming a musical along with Valley Center. She is usually behind the scenes backstage or in the costume closet. She will be continuing her theatre adventure at Allen Community College.
Shaylie White (Ensemble)
Shaylie is a senior and is thrilled to be apart of her final high school theatre performance. Her list of productions include One Acts 20', Trap!, Sketchbook, It's A Wonderful Life, Leaving Iowa, Working, Clue, and her directorial debute in One Acts 23'. Shaylie will be attending Kansas State University to study biology and one day hopes to become a physician.
Ava Wiechman (Ensemble)
Lily Wilson (Ensemble)
Aaliyah Williams (Ensemble)
Wyatt Wolf (Ensemble)
Wyatt is a Freshman and is excited for Godspell. His list of previous shows includes The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Hallmarks of Horror for the Senior Directed One Acts of the 2022-2023 school year. Apart from acting Wyatt also enjoys reading, science and theatre tech. He Would like to dedicate his performance to anyone who wants the show to be dedicated to them.
Benjamin Randolph (Ensemble)
Bennie Randolph is a sophomore and is electrified to be a part of his very first musical. He has been in 3 out of the 4 mainstage productions that Hornet theater has put on including Clue, The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, and Godspell. He was also in 3 different senior directed one acts including 30 Plays in 30 Minutes, Check Please, and The Hallmarks Of Horror. Bennie wants to spend more time working with theater and potentially pursue it as a career later in life.