Disney's Freaky Friday Cast

Jennie Miller (Director)
Arwen Burkey (Katherine)
Arwen Burkey plays the role of Katherine in this year’s production. She is a Junior who has been in 12 musicals and plays. Her favorite part of Freaky Friday is performing with the cast in the scene in which they sing “What You Got”. A fun fact about Arwen is that she has been such an influence on the entire cast that they all randomly sing The National Anthem now. Arwen would like to thank her parents for encouraging her to do what she loves, to the amazing cast and crew and to one of the most patient and understanding directors she knows, Ms. Jennie.
Natalie Moore (Ellie)
Natalie Moore, a sophomore this year, plays the role of Ellie. She has been in 7 different productions throughout her life. When asked what her favorite part of Freaky Friday was, she responded that it was the high energy “Go” performance. An interesting fact about Natalie is that she can play the piccolo. Natalie would like to thank Ms. Jennie, her parents and her brother Joshua for helping her go over her lines And Arwen for being patient with her.
Daniel Brennan (Fletcher)
Daniel Brennan is an 8th grader this year who plays the role of Fletcher. Daniel has had small lines in other productions, but this is his first full part. He loves participating in Freaky Friday because it allows him to meet new people and make new friends. Daniel’s interesting fact is that since age 5, he has been a Type One Diabetic. Daniel would like to thank all of his parents and family friends who have supported him on this endeavor, Mark who plays the Piano and Ms. Jennie for all that they have done.
Alexander Karabetsos (Mike)
Alexander Karabetsos, one of our Seniors this year, plays the role of Mike. Although Alex has always loved music, this is his first musical. When asked what his favorite part of Freaky Friday was, he said it has to be the songs because they are so catchy and great to sing along to. When Alex finishes high school, he plans on majoring in Aerospace Engineering and building rockets! If he could give one bit of advice to anyone who is thinking about joining musical theater, it would be “Just do it! You never know what you can do until you push yourself and see that you can be on the very front of the action while leaving everyone at the edges of their seats. Plus, it’s always fun so you’ll never leave having a bad time.” Alex would like to thank his mom Mary. She has worked day and night and has always told him that he could do whatever he set his mind on. “She did musicals all throughout her life and I’m glad I can give this experience back to her!”
Nick Karabetsos (Adam)
Freshman Nick Karabetsos has been cast in the role of Adam in this year’s production of Freaky Friday. Nick would like everyone to know that this is his first musical and he is having fun. His favorite part of Freaky Friday is anytime Adam is on stage. In his free time Nick likes to make his own music. Nick would like to thank his family and his friends for encouraging him to try out for the musical.
Alexis Holtz (Gretchen)
Alexis Holtz who plays Gretchen, is a junior this year and has been in 8 different plays and musicals. Alexis’ favorite part of Freaky Friday is the “Go” scene because it is so fun. A fun fact about Alexis is that she plays the trumpet. Alexis would like to thank her family.
Sarela Cruz (Hannah)
Junior Sarela Cruz plays Hannah this year. She is excited to participate in her 2nd musical. While she loves many parts of this musical, her favorite would be when Hannah, Gretchen and Ellie get to run around the stage and into the crowd. An interesting fact about Sarela is that when living in Mexico she kicked a rattlesnake once…and she won. She would like to thank her sister for always taking her and picking her up from rehearsal.
Alexandria Lewis (Torrey)
Alex Lewis is a sophomore this year who plays Torrey and a student. She has been a part of at least 5 different productions. When asked what her favorite part of Freaky Friday was, she said it was when she was fake fighting Cadence, because there’s nothing fake about it…just kidding…or maybe not. A fun fact about Alex is that her backpack is full of clip-on Ty Beanie Babies that she has been collecting since kindergarten. Alex would like to thank Ms. Jennie, her mom and dad, her choir teacher, her family and all those who’ve believed in her. Also, all of her friends that have stuck by her side this year despite all of the changes.
Sophia Prowett (Savannah)
Sophia Prowett is a Junior who plays Savannah. This is Sophia’s 8th play or musical. Her favorite part of Freaky Friday is the scene where Savannah and Ellie fight over the hourglass. Sophia’s fun fact is that she has a dog with 3 legs. Sophia would like to thank Ms. Jennie for putting together a great show this year and Mrs. Steph and Mrs. B for making sure everyone looks great on stage.
Cadence Hightree (Parker, Cater Staff)
Junior Cadence Hightree plays the role of Parker and is a member of the Cater Staff. She has been in 4 plays and musicals. When thinking about Freaky Friday, her favorite part is the “Oh Biology” scene, especially when she gets to make her frog dance. A fun fact about Cadence is that she owns over 300 books, and she just got her first job at a bookstore. Cadence would like to thank her mom and dad and all of her family and Mrs. B for always believing in her and showing her that she can do whatever she sets her mind to.
Lilah Zabonick (Wells)
Lilah Zabonick is a freshman this year and plays the role of Wells. This is Lilah’s 6th musical that she has been involved in because she loves meeting new people. Her favorite part of Freaky Friday is singing and dancing in “Go”. When she is not performing, Lilah enjoys dancing, which she has done for 13 years. Lilah would like to thank her family.
Kira Jablonski (Laurel)
Kira Jablonski is a Senior this year and plays the role of Laurel. She has been in a lot of musical productions in her life. Her favorite part of Freaky Friday is the scene she is in with Ellie in school. An interesting fact about Kira is that she loves her character this year. If she could give any incoming student one piece of advice if they were thinking of joining musical theater, it would be to DO IT! Kira would like to thank everyone for being a good friend to her and being nice to her.
Helena Pradna (Grandma Helene)
Helena Pradna is a freshman this year who plays the role of Grandma Helene. This is her 5th play or musical that she has been a part of. When she is not busy playing the role of Grandma, she plays the piano, which she has played for 7 years. Helena’s favorite part of Freaky Friday is how nice the cast is. Helena would like to thank her mom.
Aaron Fletcher (Grandpa Gordon, Savannah's minion, Parker's Dad, Senor O'Brien)
Aaron Fletcher, a sophomore, plays Grandpa Gordon, Savannah’s minion, Parker’s dad and Senor O’Brien. This is Aaron’s 3rd production he has been a part of. His favorite part of Freaky Friday would be how he gets to explore many different characters with various personalities. An interesting fact about Aaron is that he can drive a manual car. Aaron would like to thank his parents and grandparents.
Lucy Olson (Danielle, Adam's Mom, Student, Mrs. Luckenbill)
Lucy Olson is one of our Seniors this year. She plays the role of Danielle, Adam’s Mom, a student and Mrs. Luckenbill. This is Lucy’s 2nd musical. Freaky Friday has a lot of fun parts to it, but Lucy’s favorite part is “What You Got”. One fun fact about her is that she doesn’t have a favorite class subject. When asked if she could give one piece of advice to an underclassman wanting to join theater it would be’ “Do it! It creates closer bonds and lets you perform on stage no matter your amount of talent”. Lucy would like to thank her parents for always supporting her.
Samantha Modaff (Dr. Ehrin, Student, Cater Staff)
Freshman Samantha Modaff is excited to be part of Freaky Friday this year as Dr. Ehrin, a member of the Cater staff and a student. She has been in 1 other musical prior to Freaky Friday. Sam’s favorite part of this production is all of the dancing that is involved. It’s only fitting that Sam has joined the cast this year as she says her fun fact is that she is a huge music nerd.
Maggie Gose (Ms. Meyers, Student, Hannah's Mom)
Maggie Gose, a junior, is playing Ms. Meyers, Hannah’s mom and a student. This is Maggie’s 3rd musical. Maggie enjoys being a part of this production and her favorite part of Freaky Friday is when Ms. Meyers gets to yell at Ellie in the middle of the song. Fun fact: Maggie loves penguins. Maggie would like to thank her family for “always pushing me to do great things and also to the cast for all of the best giggles. I love you all!”
Josiah Dear (Pastor Bruno, Security Officer, Savannah's Dad, Student)
Josiah Dear plays the role of Pastor Bruno, a security officer, a student and Savannah’s dad. He is a sophomore, and this is his first musical experience. His favorite part of Freaky Friday is the part in the song that they say “Where the Devil's Katherine?”. An interesting fact about Josiah is that he is involved in three different sports. Josiah would like to thank his mom for always pushing him and his sister Faith.
Cian Monroe (Louis, Wells' Dad, Officer Sitz, Student)
Junior Cian Monroe plays the roles of Louis, Wells’ Dad, a student and Officer Sitz. He has been involved in 5 productions and his favorite musical memory from Freaky Friday is performing in the “What You Got” scene. An interesting fact about Cian is that he has traveled to 25 out of the 50 states. Cian would like to thank himself and his parents because they are awesome.
Amine Khadraoui (Officer Kowalski, Cater Staff, Student)
Amine Khadhraoui is one of our Foreign Exchange Students from Tunisia. He plays the role of Officer Kowalski, a member of the Cater Staff and a student. Amine has been in some productions back home in Primary School, but this is his first in a while. His favorite part of Freaky Friday is how the generational gap between children and adults is expressed. An interesting fact about Amine is that he speaks 4 languages. When asked what kind of advice he would give to an incoming student who was thinking about joining theater he said, “Go for it! It's a nice experience.” Amine would like to thank his Host Parents for helping him have this school experience.
Alicia Evans (Mrs. Time, Cater Staff)
Alicia Evans is a Junior this year and plays Mrs. Time and a member of the Cater Staff. This is Alicia’s 4th production that she has been a part of. Alicia’s favorite part of Freaky Friday is the scenes where she is Mrs. Time. She says a fun fact about her is that she loves acting. Alicia would like to thank everyone who made this musical possible especially Ms. Jennie, Mrs. Steph and Mrs. B.
Salome Tromont (Mrs. Blumen, Gretchen's Mom, Cater Staff, Student)
Salome Tromont is one of our Foreign Exchange students from France. She plays the roles of Mrs. Blumen, Gretchen’s mom, a member of the Cater staff and a student. She has been involved in 5 musical productions. Her favorite part of the musical is when they rehearse with costumes and get to perform the dances. A fun fact about Salome is that she is French. Salome would like to give some advice to any incoming students who want to try theater, “Do it because it can help you become more confident about yourself and being able to talk and stand in front of an audience so it will be good for your future. But especially do it because you can make friends and meet new people." Salome would like to thank Ms. Jennie for putting this show together, also the people that take care of the costumes, lights and backstage. She would like to thank the cast for having a great time on stage too.
Cheryl Thomas (Pit Orchestra Director)
Our Pit Orchestra Director this year is Cheryl Thomas. Mrs. Thomas says that she has performed in many musicals, too many to count to be exact. Her favorite part about Freaky Friday is the adventure of putting it all together. An interesting fact about Mrs. Thomas is her favorite musical is Phantom of the Opera. She was able to see it in Toronto at Pantages Theatre while on a high school band trip.
Bridget Talbot (Pit Orchestra)
Bridget Talbot is a Junior who plays the flute in this year’s Pit Orchestra. Bridget has been involved in 5 plays or musicals. Her favorite part of Freaky Friday is the costumes and the music. An interesting fact about Bridget is that she’s been playing the flute for 6 years now.
Logann Chrisman (Pit Orchestra)
Logann Chrisman is a Freshman at Western Michigan University and is part of our Pit Orchestra. Logann plays the Alto Saxophone. This is Logann’s 7th play or musical that they have been a part of. What Logann loves about Freaky Friday is listening to how the music and the vocals come together at the performance. An interesting fact is that Logann has 5 tattoos.
Ian Criswell (Pit Orchestra)
Ian Criswell is a member of our Pit Orchestra this year playing both the French Horn and Drums set. Ian is a Senior who is months away from graduating who has participated in 4 musicals in the past with the latest ones being last year’s Annie and Three Rivers Community Players Be More Chill. Ian is really excited to play in Freaky Friday and play in one last show before he graduates. A fun fact about Ian is that after graduation he leaves for Europe in the Michigan Musicians Abroad program to play music in a multitude of different countries.
Claire Acheson (Pit Orchestra)
Claire Acheson is a member of our Pit Orchestra in this year’s production playing the Violin. Claire is a sophomore at Western Michigan University. This is Claire’s first musical playing in the pit orchestra, but she has acted in many plays in the past. Claire’s favorite part of Freaky Friday is the fact that a mom and daughter switch places and not just two people of the same age. An interesting fact about Claire is that she is originally from Minnesota, but she used to live in Michigan when she was young.
Sophia Hussey (Pit Orchestra)
Sophia Hussey plays the Clarinet and is a member of this year’s Pit Orchestra. Sophia is a freshman this year and has been involved in 2 other plays before this one. Sophia’s favorite part of Freaky Friday is performing the song “After All of This and Everything”. A fun fact about her is that she plays 6 instruments.
Al Higendorf (Pit Orchestra)
Al Higendorf is the guitar player in this year’s Pit Orchestra. He was involved in a previous year’s production of Mamma Mia, but it was canceled in 2020 due to Covid. Al would like to share that he has a music degree from Olivet Nazarene University and is currently the leader of the music team at Destiny Church in Three Rivers.
Dani Edwards (Pit Orchestra)
Freshman Dani Edwards plays the Tenor Saxophone and is in this year's Pit Orchestra. This is Dani's 2nd musical that she has been a part of. Dani says that her favorite part of Freaky Friday is when the cast yells "ADAM" whenever Adam walks on stage. Her fun fact is that she has never watched Freaky Friday before, but listened to the music before she knew it would be chosen as this year's musical.
Lia Smallcombe (Pit Orchestra)
Senior Lia Smallcombe plays aux. percussion in this year's Pit Orchestra. This is Lia's 2nd musical that she has played in the pit orchestra. Interestingly, Lia has missed most of the rehearsal's this season due to being ill. But don't worry, Lia is ready to help put on a great show!
Chad VanderMei (Pit Orchestra)
Chad VanderMei is a TRHS Alumni, Class of 2011. Chad plays bass guitar in this year's Pit Orchestra. When Chad is not rehearsing with the band, he is busy as a Senior Business Account Executive with Comcast Business. This will be Chad's 17th production that he has been involved in throughout his life. Chad's favorite part of Freaky Friday is the huge powerful opening number. He says that the vocals and arrangement are so much fun to play. A fun fact about him is that he has a woodworking shop in his garage, and he plays over 10 instruments.
Emily Lough (Backstage Manager)
Emily Lough, a TRHS Alumni, is this year’s Backstage Manager and one of the choreographers. Emily has been involved in over 15 plays and musicals. Her favorite part of Freaky Friday is definitely the GO dance scene. She says because of its high energy and fun choreography it was a lot of fun to work with the kids to make the scene come to life! One interesting fact about Emily is that she is a full-time college student in Ohio. She would like to thank her mom, Ms. Jennie, and the cast and crew for without them she wouldn’t be able to do what she loves.
Emily Wright (Backstage)
Emily Wright is helping backstage in this year's production of Freaky Friday. Emily has been a part of Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast Jr., Little Shop of Horrors and The Secret Garden. When asked what Emily’s favorite part of Freaky Friday was, she said it was the “What You Got” dance and song. Emily would like to share that her fun fact is that she is good at calligraphy. She would like to thank her parents for allowing her to continue something that she loves.
Kelli Bonnema (Costumes)
Kelli Bonnema has been the Costumes Manager for 5 years. Her children are TRHS graduates. Her favorite part of the shows is when the chaos calms down and everything comes together all at once. Kelli loves musical theater because she likes working closely with Ms. Jennie and Mrs. Steph and she loves to see how the arts bring joy to the cast and crew. An interesting fact is that she loves Formula One Racing. Kelli would like to thank Ms. Jennie and Mrs. Steph because she is very grateful for the both of them and appreciates all of the love and patience they have given to her.
Steph Hightree (Costumes)
Steph Hightree, Mom to Cadence and Nathan and TRHS Class of 2002 Alumni, has been assisting in the Costume Department for 3 years now. Her favorite memory of Freaky Friday is seeing all of the beginning ideas and concepts come to life in a very short time to become the show that it is today. She enjoys working with the cast and crew and watching them grow in their craft. A fun fact about Steph is that her gnome collection that she mentioned last year has grown to almost 400 now. Steph would like to thank Ms. Jennie and Mrs. B for allowing her to join them in this crazy adventure and to the amazing cast and crew for putting in the work it takes to make a successful show!
Ar Imeri (Lights)
Ar is one of our Foreign Exchange Students this year from North Macedonia who is assisting with the lights. He says his favorite part of Freaky Friday is the songs. An interesting fact about Ar is that he is double jointed. Ar was asked if he could give one piece of advice to an incoming student who might be interested in joining the next musical it would be "Do It!" Ar would like to thank his family and Host family for always supporting him in his endeavors.
Kennedy Ross (Spotlight)
Freshman Kennedy Ross is assisting with the Spotlight this year. This is her 2nd production that she has been a part of. A fun fact about Kennedy is that she loves snakes and knows a lot about them. Kennedy would like to thank her Grandma.
Mark Montcalm (Pit Orchestra)
Mark Montcalm is a TRHS Alumni, Class of 1996. Mark's first theater gig was sitting on a stool playing tambourine in a TRHS musical! Fun Fact about Mark, he owns over 140 board games. mark would like to thank his lovely wife Delta and his beautiful children Miles and Maddy for their support.
Zack Miller (Sound and Light Designer)
Zack is a TRHS Alumni, Class of 1994. Zack enjoys running lights and sounds for our productions. Zack would like to thank his mom and son, Ben for their amazing support.
Tim Tole (Set Designer)
Time Tole is our Set Designer. Tim has been involved in 12 shows over the course of 16 years at TRHS. He loves musical theater because his daughters got him started and the rest is history. A fond memory of a show Tim has is making the witches chair for Wizz.
Makenna Carpenter (Backstage Manager)
Makenna Carpenter, a TRHS Alumni, Class of 2019 is one of this years Backstage Managers. When asked what her favorite part of Freaky Friday is she says she loves how relatable it is to real life. A fun fact about Makenna is that she is now teaching in the school she graduated from and performed in 3 shows here. When asked if she could give a piece of advice to anyone who was thinking about doing theater it would be, Have fun with it! Makenna is excited to join the show this year.
Bev Gahan (Set Construction)
Bev Gahan is involved in the backstage aspects of the show doing set construction. Bev says she loved musical theater because it is very up-lifting and cathartic. A fond memory Bev has was creating a walk thru forest drop for Sherk at Centerstage. Bev has worked alongside Tim Tole for the last 15 years making sets for both TRHS and Three Rivers Community Players.
Ben Miller (Backstage Crew)
Drew Lough (Set Constructions)