Tobias Turkey Cast

Bevin Bell-Hall (Tobias)
Bevin Bell-Hall (she/her) joined The Shadow Box Theatre in the Fall of 2015. A professional actress, theatre maker, arts educator, puppeteer, award-winning social justice documentary filmmaker (The WAMM Movie, Tales From the Long Memory) and choreographer, Bevin holds a BA in Film and Digital Media and Theatre Arts from UC Santa Cruz, an MFA in Acting from Wayne State University/The Hilberry Theatre in Detroit, is a certified teacher of the Michael Chekhov Technique, and certified actor in the Stanislavsky System. Her first role at Shadow Box was as Spinny in Little is Big, directed by Sandra Robbins. Bevin was then asked to become a company member, and soon was appointed Puppet Master. Past musical theatre roles include Gingy/Sugarplum in Shrek at Oklahoma Shakespearean Festival, Eva in Evita in Sacramento, CA, Roberta White in Speakeasy at Theatre for the New City, and Marian Ames Understudy in Swingtime Canteen at The Cherry Lane Studio, she also sang on the original cast recording of The Princess and the Pea for Santa Cruz Shakespeare. Bevin was the director and puppet master for the San Francisco based web series Through the Golden Gates, she has acted as Managing Director of Santa Cruz Parks and Recs Children’s Theatre, and Center Stage Children’s Musical Theatre, and has produced plays in CA, OH, Detroit, Ontario and NYC.
Tommy Montgomery (Farmer Joe/Musician)
Tommy Montgomery (he/him) is an NYC-based actor, singer, comedian, and musician. Tommy plays guitar for Shadow Box storytellings (Lumpy Bumpy Pumpkin, Tobias Turkey, Little is Big, Big Annie). Select acting credits: Jim/Andy in The Office! A Musical Parody (Off-Broadway), Danny, King of the Basement; Miss Electricity (Syracuse Stage Children’s Tour). Outside his creative endeavors, he is a certified kayaking instructor and leads paddling tours on the Hudson River with Manhattan Kayak Company. BFA: Syracuse University. @tommy_montgo
Sophie Larin (Bluebird/Rabbit/Horse)
Sophie Larin (she/her) is a performer and crafter with a passion for children’s theatre. She has toured in musicals for young audiences everywhere from Dallas to Hartford to Seoul. Her best original roles have been for Blue Gate Musicals in Indiana Amish Country and at The Signature Theatre in Manhattan. In between building puppets for Shadow Box, she works as an educational actor at the School of Visual Arts and freelances as a coordinator on catalog and e-commerce shoots. In her free time, Sophie co-writes, directs and performs in her sketch comedy series- Switch Seats With Me. The show centers inclusion, experiments with genre and recently won Best Web Series at Lavender Film Festival 2023.