String of Pearls Cast

Patricia Schemltz (Beth/Dora/Gloria)
Trish is an actor, director, makeup artist, and property mistress. She has been acting since a very early age. She has an AA in Theatre Arts, and a BS in Business with a minor in Religion and Philosophy. She has studied at San Francisco State University, American River College and Sierra College. After an adventure in the business world, Trish has returned to theatre with a passion. She has acted in shows at SFSU, ARC, Sierra College, Free Fall Stage, TAAC, Resurrection Theatre, Theatre One, and Chautauqua Playhouse where she was on the board for seven years. Most recently she did an original show playing various roles at Theatre One - “Green Room Confidential”, she played Amanda in Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie” at Chautauqua Playhouse. She has directed several children’s shows including “The Velveteen Rabbit”, “Santa’s Christmas Caper”, and “Secret Garden”. For their main stage she has directed “Sherlock Holmes and the Ladies in Distress”, “The Odd Couple” and “Perfect Murder” and most recently “Exit, Pursued by a Bear” which closed in February 2024. Trish’s passion for the “story” and how we connect to that as humans will always be something she wants to share with others. Trish thanks her husband for always supporting her dream of storytelling.
Heidi Schuyler (Amy/Linda/Victoria/Jitters)
Heidi Schuyler is honored to be a part of the Women’s Wit & Wisdom Theatre Festival celebrating Women’s History Month! This will be her 5th time performing on the Ooley Theatre stage with EMH productions in two years. She was last seen at the Ooley, originating the role of Young Doris in Angel County by Shane Robert. She has had a passion for acting starting at the age of 6 and has performed in many stage productions since then. After a 5-year break from acting in 2016-2021, she was grateful to have found a place to get back into performing, fanning the flames of her greatest passion, with EMH Productions and The Artist’s Collective.
Stacey Nason (Ela/Erica/Kyle)
Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to join us for Women's Wit & Wisdom!! Stacey has been performing in Sacramento and surrounding areas for several years. She is so pleased to be a part of this inspiring and moving festival that celebrates women; and hopes that you walk away feeling moved and inspired. Please sit back, relax, and make sure you have tissues as you laugh and cry through this exhilarating journey of women’s lives.
Denise Mayberry (Helen/Kyle's Mother/Jeweler)
Bethany Hidden (Stephanie/Denise/Roberta/Jeweler)
Bethany Hidden was last seen at EMH as Ellen in MAPLE & VINE. She was also Evalita in DADDY’S DYIN’ WHO’S GOT THE WILL and more recently as a Space Witch in MACBETH IN SPACE: THE MUSICAL with TFO Productions. Favorites: LIFE SUCKS (Pickles, BroadwayWorld Sacramento Award Nominee - Best Supporting Player) with Big Idea Theatre; THE OUTSIDER (Louise), LEADING LADIES (Meg, Elly Award Nominee - Leading Female in a Comedy), DOUBLEWIDE, TEXAS (Starla), and THE LAST LIFEBOAT (Florence) with Main Street Theatre Works; FUDDY MEERS (Claire) and ACCESSORIES (Teacher/First Lady) with Errant Phoenix Productions: TOYER (Maude) with EMH Productions; SISTER CITIES (Dallas) with Resurrection Theatre; INSTANT ONE-ACT FESTIVAL (Various) and A MIDSUMMERS NIGHT’S DREAM (Titania/Hippolyta) with Imprinity Theatre; CARHOPS IN BONDAGE (Wanda) and SORDID LIVES (Bitsy) with The Lambda Players.
Dani Walsh (Abby/Hallie/Wanda/French Saleswoman)
Dani Walsh is an accomplished local actress, stage manager, and small business owner of Of Land And Sea Co. She has stage managed multiple productions in Sacramento and has acted in several short films in the area including “Becoming Zombie” – premiering this year at A Place Called Sacramento film festival. When she’s not acting or stage managing you can find her at her store in Oak Park. She is excited to be a part of this production of Lungs! Socials: @dani_walsh @of_land_and_sea_co
Erin Dimond (Beverly/Josianne/Cheryl/Cindy)
Erin is so excited to be returning to the stage and getting to revive an absolute favorite role in Beverly the overly experienced house wife and contribute a few new characters to the string of pearls cast! When not encouraging delightful acts of debauchery Erin can be found teaching yoga and movement classes, seeing clients in her esthetics studio, or off adventuring with her partner and his puppy! Many Thank yous to her family and friends for always encouraging and supporting her and to YOU for seeing the show and sending others!!