About Harker Concert Series: Nancy Zhou

Violinist Nancy Zhou’s reputation for “virtuosity matched by tonal flexibility” (Broadway World) has been forged through collaborations with many of the world’s top orchestras, including the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic, Finnish Radio Symphony, Shanghai and China National Symphonies and many more. As a soloist, she has performed Zhao Jiping’s first violin concerto at New York’s Alice Tully Hall and premiered Unsuk Chin’s “Gran Cadenza” alongside violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter. Born in San Antonio, Zhou attended the New England Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Miriam Fried, and concurrently studied literature at Harvard University. Her many accomplishments include winning first prize at the Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition and Harbin-Schoenfeld International String Competition.

The Harker School

The Harker School is a non-profit, private K-12 school in Silicon Valley that has earned international recognition for its top academics, quality teachers and students' achievements. Founded in 1893, Harker is the largest independent school of its kind in California, with a dedicated campus for each of its divisions – elementary school, middle school and upper school – in San Jose, Calif.